PSQLException and lock issue when trigger added on table

UPDATE: I eliminated Hibernate from the problem. I completely reworked description of problem to simplify it as much as possible.

I have master table with noop trigger and detail table with two relations between master and detail table:

create table detail (
  id bigint not null,
  code varchar(255) not null,
  primary key (id)

create table master (
  id bigint not null,
  name varchar(255),
  detail_id bigint, -- "preferred" detail is one-to-one relation
  primary key (id),
  unique (detail_id),
  foreign key (detail_id) references detail(id)

create table detail_candidate ( -- "candidate" details = many-to-many relation modeled as join table
  master_id bigint not null,
  detail_id bigint not null,
  primary key (master_id, detail_id),
  foreign key (detail_id) references detail(id),
  foreign key (master_id) references master(id)

create or replace function trgf() returns trigger as $$
  return NEW;
$$ language 'plpgsql';

create trigger trg
  before insert or update
  on master
  for each row execute procedure trgf();

insert into master (id, name) values (1000, 'x'); -- this is part of database setup
insert into detail (code, id) values ('a', 1);    -- this is part of database setup

In such setup, I open two terminal windows with psql and perform following steps:

  1. in first terminal, change master (leave transaction open)
update master set detail_id=null, name='y' where id=1000;
  1. in second terminal, add detail candidate to master in own transaction
set statement_timeout = 4000;
insert into detail_candidate (master_id, detail_id) values (1000, 1);

Last command in second terminal timeouts with message

ERROR:  canceling statement due to statement timeout
CONTEXT:  while locking tuple (0,1) in relation "master"
SQL statement "SELECT 1 FROM ONLY "public"."master" x WHERE "id" OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) $1 FOR KEY SHARE OF x"

My observation and questions (changes are independent):

Tried on Postgres 9.6.12 (embedded), 9.6.15 (in Docker), 11.5 (in Docker).

Problem is reproducible in Docker image tomaszalusky/trig-example which is available on DockerHub or can be built from this Dockerfile (instructions inside).

UPDATE 2: I found common behaviour of three observation above. I spawned the query select * from pgrowlocks('master') from pgrowlocks extension in second transaction. The row-level lock of updated row in master is FOR UPDATE in failing case but FOR NO KEY UPDATE in all three working cases. This is in perfect compliance with mode match table in documentation since FOR UPDATE mode is the stronger one and mode requested by insert statement is FOR KEY SHARE (which is apparent from error message, also invoking the select ... for key share command has same effect as insert command).

The documentation on FOR UPDATE mode says:

The FOR UPDATE lock mode is also acquired by (...) an UPDATE that modifies the values on certain columns. Currently, the set of columns considered for the UPDATE case are those that have a unique index on them that can be used in a foreign key (...)

It is true for master.detail_id column. However, still it's not clear why FOR UPDATE mode isn't chosen independently on trigger presence and why trigger presence caused it.

Upvotes: 12

Views: 4051

Answers (1)


Reputation: 874

Interesting problem. This is my best guess. I have tested none of it.

Generally speaking, postgres's educated guessing of what effect statements will have on data does not extend into trigger logic. When executing the second statement, postgres sees the foreign key constraint, and knows it has to check if the value being assigned (inserted) is valid, that is, if it represents a valid key in the foreign table. It is possible, however bad practice, that the trigger may have an effect on the validity of the foreign key being proposed (e.g. if the trigger deletes records).

(case 1) If there is no trigger, then it can look at the data (both pre-commit and staged for commit) and decide if the proposed value is gauranteed valid. (case 2) If there is no FK constraint, then the trigger cannot impact the validity of the insertion, so it is allowed. (case 3) If you omit the detail_id=null, there is no change in the update so the trigger won't fire, so its presence is irrelevant.

I try to avoid both FK constraints and triggers whenever possible. It's better, in my opinion, to let the database accidentally contain partially incorrect data then to have it hang completely, like you're seeing here. I would drop all FK constraints and triggers, and force all update and insert operations to operate via stored functions, which perform validation inside a begin/commit lock, and handle incorrect/invalid insert/update attempts appropriately and immediately, rather than forcing postgres to wait for command 1 to commit before deciding if command 2 is allowed.

Edit: see this question

Edit 2: The closest thing that I can find to official documentation around the timing of triggers relative to the checking of constraints is this from the triggers docs

The trigger can be specified to fire before the operation is attempted on a row (before constraints are checked and the INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE is attempted); or after the operation has completed (after constraints are checked and the INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE has completed); or instead of the operation (in the case of inserts, updates or deletes on a view). If the trigger fires before or instead of the event, the trigger can skip the operation for the current row, or change the row being inserted (for INSERT and UPDATE operations only).

This is a bit unclear, if the trigger happening before the constraint check applies to constraint check of other transactions. Whatever the case, this issue is either a bug or poorly documented.

Upvotes: 5

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