Reputation: 25
I'm working on a website for my friend's gaming clan. I'm trying to have a php code that takes the player's coordinates, loops over some known locations and print the name of the closest location.
I can't get it to work however. It always seems to want to print "Balota" which is index 1 in the array. I also noticed that the cosine function can't be working as all values are above 1.0.
But I'm completely stuck now. I think I've been beating my head over it for too long and its something right in front of me but I can't see it.
function DotProd($loc1,$loc2){
return array_sum(array_map(create_function('$a, $b', 'return $a * $b;'), $loc1, $loc2));
function CosineSim($loc1,$loc2){
return DotProd($loc2,$loc2)/sqrt(DotProd($loc1,$loc2)*DotProd($loc1,$loc2));
function Closest($loc){
$novo = array(11300,14300);
$balota = array(4500,2500);
$zelen = array(2500,5200);
$sever = array(7900,12600);
$vybor = array(4500,8200);
$nwaf = array(4500,10200);
$neaf = array(12100,12500);
$kamensk = array(7870,14600);
$bere = array(12900,10000);
$gorka = array(9600,8900);
$elektro = array(10100,2000);
$cherno = array(6600,2600);
$stary = array(6100,7700);
$novy = array(7000,7700);
$mysk = array(1100,7200);
$locations = array($novo,$balota,$zelen,$sever,$vybor,$nwaf,$neaf,
$sim = 99999999999;
$locat = 0;
for($i = 14; $i >= 0; $i--){
$s = CosineSim($loc,$locations[$i]);
echo "<br>" . $i . " " . CosineSim($loc,$locations[$i]);
if($s < $sim){
$sim = $s;
$locat = $i;
$items = array("Novo","Balota","Zelenogorsk","Severograd","Vybor","NWAF","NEAF","Kamensk Military","Berezino",
"Gorka","Elektro","Cherno","Stary Sobor","Novy Sobor","Myshkino");
return $items[$locat];
$x = $_GET["xpos"];
$y = $_GET["ypos"];
$location = array($x,$y);
echo "<b>You are at " . $x . ":" . $y;
$index = Closest($location);
echo "<br>You're pretty close to ". $index . "<br>";
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Views: 345
Reputation: 361
I am using a distance calculation formula based on the link:
I only changed CosineSim
. The rest of the code remains the same. And you don't actually need DotProd
. It's not elegant but it works for me.
function CosineSim($loc1,$loc2){
// sum of x coordinates
$x1 = ($loc1[0]-$loc2[0])*($loc1[0]-$loc2[0]);
// sum of y coordinates
$y2 = ($loc1[1]-$loc2[1])*($loc1[1]-$loc2[1]);
$summ = $x1 + $y2;
$sqrt_res = sqrt($summ);
return $sqrt_res;
If I enter something like:
You are at 4640:7205
You're pretty close to Vybor
Hope this helps!
Upvotes: 1