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I'm trying to read contents from an input file, copy only certain lines of code from the file and print in an output file.
Certain lines of code is determined by:
Input file:
/ip1name/ip1dir/ //CLIENT_NAME/ip1name/ip1dir
/ip1testname/ip1testdir/ //CLIENT_NAME/ip1testname/ip1testdir
/ip2name/ip2dir/ //CLIENT_NAME/ip2name/ip2dir
/ip2testname/ip2testdir/ //CLIENT_NAME/ip2testname/ip2testdir
Output file:
(If IP1_NAME is chosen and the CLIENT_NAME should be replaced by tester_ip)
/ip1name/ip1dir/ //tester_ip/ip1name/ip1dir
/ip1testname/ip1testdir/ //tester_ip/ip1testname/ip1testdir
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Views: 68
Reputation: 5082
I am assuming there is additional stuff in your input file, otherwise we would not have to jump through the hoops with these start and end markers as and we could just say
perl -ne "print if /^ /"
and that would be silly, right ;-)
So, the flipflop has potential problems as I stated in my comment. And while clever, it does not buy you that much in terms of readability or verbosement (verbocity?), since you have to test again anyway in order to not process the marker lines.
As long as there is no exclusive flip flop operator, I would go for a more robust solution.
my $in;
while (<DATA>) {
$in = 1, next if /^IP\d_NAME/;
$in = 0 if /^END_OF_LIST/;
if ( $in )
/ip1name/ip1dir/ //CLIENT_NAME/ip1name/ip1dir
/ip1testname/ip1testdir/ //CLIENT_NAME/ip1testname/ip1testdir
/ip2name/ip2dir/ //CLIENT_NAME/ip2name/ip2dir
/ip2testname/ip2testdir/ //CLIENT_NAME/ip2testname/ip2testdir
Lore Ipsargh!
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 52579
As a script instead of a one-liner, using the scalar range operator:
#/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use autodie;
use feature qw/say/;
process('input.txt', qr/^IP1_NAME$/, qr/^END_OF_LIST$/, 'tester_ip');
sub process {
my ($filename, $startpat, $endpat, $newip) = @_;
open my $file, '<', $filename;
while (my $line = <$file>) {
chomp $line;
if ($line =~ /$startpat/ .. $line =~ /$endpat/) {
next unless $line =~ /^\s/; # Skip the start and lines.
$line =~ s/^\s+//; # Remove indentation
$line =~ s/CLIENT_NAME/$newip/g; # Replace with desired value
say $line;
Running this on your sample input file produces:
/ip1name/ip1dir/ //tester_ip/ip1name/ip1dir
/ip1testname/ip1testdir/ //tester_ip/ip1testname/ip1testdir
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 222652
You could use the following one-liner to pull out the lines between the two patterns:
perl -0777 -ne 'print "$1\n" while /IP1_NAME(.*?)END_OF_LIST/gs' in.txt > out.txt
Where in.txt
is your input file and out.txt
is the output file.
This use case is actually described in perlfaq6: Regular Expressions.
You can then modify the output file to replace CLIENT_NAME
with tester_ip
perl -pi -e 's/CLIENT_NAME/tester_ip/' y.txt
Upvotes: 1