Reputation: 805
I'm doing an insert:
QSqlQuery myQuery(db);
myQuery.prepare("INSERT INTO mytable VALUES (:val1, :val2)");
myQuery.bindValue(":val1", 1);
myQuery.bindValue(":val2", 2);
Then I need to get the executed SQL query for logging purposes.
returns "INSERT INTO mytable VALUES (?, ?)"
How do I to get executed query with the actual binded values that were used?
Upvotes: 22
Views: 20527
Reputation: 139
Ideal solution would be patching Qt (since 2011 it's not changed in Qt 5 nor Qt 6):
The method:
QString QSqlQuery::executedQuery() const
should call (in implementation for SQLite) function:
char *sqlite3_expanded_sql(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt);
We can choose named or positioned variant based on value of
QSqlResult::BindingSyntax QSqlResult::bindingSyntax() const
but it's [protected] - available only for DB backend creators.
Internally, in QSqlResult binding syntax changed to 'positioned' in case of calling one of two methods:
void addBindValue(const QVariant &val, QSql::ParamType paramType = QSql::In)
void bindValue(int pos, const QVariant &val, QSql::ParamType paramType = QSql::In)
So we can create a subclass of QSqlQuery, override those methods and keep track of bind syntax. Also can override executedQuery() to choose appropriate formatting function.
With current QT, we can manually call one of two functions, because we know which type of binding we used in our code:
QString formatNamedSqlQuery(const QSqlQuery *query)
QString qstr = query->executedQuery();
QMap<QString, QVariant> vals = query->boundValues();
QMap<QString, QVariant>::const_iterator i;
for(i = vals.constBegin() ; i != vals.constEnd() ; ++i) {
const QVariant &var = i.value();
QSqlField field(QLatin1String(""), var.type());
if (var.isNull()) {
} else {
QString formatV = query->driver()->formatValue(field);
if (formatV.size() > 100)
formatV = formatV.left(100);
qstr.replace(i.key(), formatV);
return qstr;
QString formatPositionedSqlQuery(const QSqlQuery *query)
QString qstr = query->lastQuery();
QList<QVariant> list = query->boundValues().values();
QString val;
int i = 0;
int idx = 0;
for (idx = 0; idx < list.count(); ++idx) {
i = qstr.indexOf(QLatin1Char('?'), i);
if (i == -1)
QVariant var = list.value(idx);
QSqlField f(QLatin1String(""), QVariant::Type(var.userType()));
if (var.isNull())
val = query->driver()->formatValue(f);
qstr = qstr.replace(i, 1, val);
i += val.length();
return qstr;
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 373
If the database user has "SUPER" rights, the logging can be set during runtime. I found some inspiration for this answer in this post: How to show the last queries executed on MySQL?
Add the following code in front of the prepare statement:
QSqlQuery query("SET GLOBAL log_output = 'TABLE'");
query.exec("SET GLOBAL general_log = 'ON'");
Add the following code after the prepare, bindValue and exec statements:
query.exec("SET GLOBAL general_log = 0");
The executed queries are stored in the table "general_log" of the database "mysql". The "general_log" table will show the prepared without variables as well as the queries with the filled in variables. I didn't try it out, but it might be possible to set the MySQL session variable "sql_log_off" and than the user don't need "SUPER" rights. See MySQL documentation.
It only works with MySQL >= 5.1.12.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 51
You have to iterate over the elements in reverse order to get the right result.
Query: " :a :aa "
getLastExecutedQuery will return: "1 1a"
Fixed solution #1 (lightstep)
QString getLastExecutedQuery(const QSqlQuery& query)
QString str = query.lastQuery();
QMapIterator<QString, QVariant> it(query.boundValues());
while (it.hasPrevious())
return str;
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 4488
A better function (inspired by the Qt source code :
This function should handle almost all cases : This code does not work with Oracle DB when using Name Binding (This is the only DB that natively support Name Binding => executedQuery() do not return the query with '?' but the original query...)
To be able to support native support Name Binding of DB, the keys of bound values must be sorted by length, then loop over the sorted map...
QString getLastExecutedQuery(const QSqlQuery& query)
QString sql = query.executedQuery();
const int nbBindValues = query.boundValues().size();
for(int i = 0, j = 0; j < nbBindValues; ++j)
i = sql.indexOf(QLatin1Char('?'), i);
if (i <= 0)
const QVariant &var = query.boundValue(j);
QSqlField field(QLatin1String(""), var.type());
if (var.isNull())
QString formatV = query.driver()->formatValue(field);
sql.replace(i, 1, formatV);
i += formatV.length();
return sql;
Edit: I found a bug in the previous function, if a '?' exists inside a quoted string, the '?' is replaced by the next available value. The bug already exists in Qt source code. This function should fix this problem (Could be improved a lot, but the idea is there)
QString getLastExecutedQuery(const QSqlQuery& query)
QString sql = query.executedQuery();
int nbBindValues = query.boundValues().size();
for(int i = 0, j = 0; j < nbBindValues;)
int s = sql.indexOf(QLatin1Char('\''), i);
i = sql.indexOf(QLatin1Char('?'), i);
if (i < 1)
if(s < i && s > 0)
i = sql.indexOf(QLatin1Char('\''), s + 1) + 1;
if(i < 2)
const QVariant &var = query.boundValue(j);
QSqlField field(QLatin1String(""), var.type());
if (var.isNull())
QString formatV = query.driver()->formatValue(field);
sql.replace(i, 1, formatV);
i += formatV.length();
return sql;
Upvotes: 11
Reputation: 155
An alternative to what lightstep suggested, is to prepare query strings and then call a function that first writes the query to the log and only then calls real execute(). I personally use QString::arg() and "%number" for arguments to make a query string instead of bindValue().
Let's sum things up:
Solution #1 (lightstep)
I came up with this workaround:
QString getLastExecutedQuery(const QSqlQuery& query) { QString str = query.lastQuery(); QMapIterator<QString, QVariant> it(query.boundValues()); while (it.hasNext()) {; str.replace(it.key(),it.value().toString()); } return str; }
Solution #2 (me):
// my helper function
#define SQLDB_LOG_FILENAME "sqlite.db.log"
bool executeQuery(QSqlQuery& queryObject, const QString& query)
bool result = true;;
std::fstream fs_log;,std::ios::out|std::ios::app);
if (fs_log.is_open())
result &= queryObject.exec(query);
if (!result) std::cout<<queryObject.lastError().text().toStdString()<<std::endl;
if (fs_log.is_open())
if (!result) fs_log<<queryObject.lastError().text().toUtf8().data()<<std::endl;
return result;
// your sample code
QSqlQuery myQuery(db);
QString query = QString("INSERT INTO mytable VALUES (%1,%2)")
Upvotes: 4