Reputation: 11
Due to an updated library I have to migrate a large c++ program from VS2010 to VS2015. In VS2010 all compiled OK. The compiler of VS2015 now shows an error in Microsofts own atlcom.h
I have no chance to abandon the ATL stuff as my DLL is an extension to a major progam which relies on ATL (and is compiled in VS2015…).
This is the error message of cl 2015:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\atlmfc\include\atlcom.h(3448): error C2259: 'ATL::CComContainedObject<contained>': cannot instantiate abstract class
with[ T=CMyReferenceDat ]
...\atlcom.h(3448): note: due to following members:
...\atlcom.h(3448): note: 'HRESULT IZEDOInteractionCallback::OnPostUISizeboxEdit(IZElement *,VARIANT_BOOL *)': is abstract
...\icapiironcad.tlh(11979): note: see declaration of 'IZEDOInteractionCallback::OnPostUISizeboxEdit':
virtual HRESULT __stdcall OnPostUISizeboxEdit (
/*[in]*/ struct IZElement * piElement,
/*[in,out]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * pvbOverride ) = 0;
...\atlcom.h(2000): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'ATL::CComAggObject<T>' being compiled
with[ T=CMyReferenceDat ]
...\atlcom.h(1989): note: while compiling class template member function 'HRESULT ATL::CComCreator<ATL::CComAggObject<T>>::CreateInstance(void *,const IID &,LPVOID *)'
with[ T=CMyReferenceDat ]
...\atlcom.h(2094): note: see reference to function template instantiation 'HRESULT ATL::CComCreator<ATL::CComAggObject<T>>::CreateInstance(void *,const IID &,LPVOID *)' being compiled
with[ T=CMyReferenceDat ]
...\atlcom.h(2096): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'ATL::CComCreator<ATL::CComAggObject<T>>' being compiled
with[ T=CMyReferenceDat ]
...\atlcom.h(2091): note: while compiling class template member function 'HRESULT ATL::CComCreator2<ATL::CComCreator<ATL::CComObject<T>>,ATL::CComCreator<ATL::CComAggObject<T>>>::CreateInstance(void *,const IID &,LPVOID *)'
with[ T=CMyReferenceDat ]
...\QuickConnector.cpp(30): note: see reference to function template instantiation 'HRESULT ATL::CComCreator2<ATL::CComCreator<ATL::CComObject<T>>,ATL::CComCreator<ATL::CComAggObject<T>>>::CreateInstance(void *,const IID &,LPVOID *)' being compiled
with[ T=CMyReferenceDat ]
...\QuickConnector.cpp(29): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'ATL::CComCreator2<ATL::CComCreator<ATL::CComObject<T>>,ATL::CComCreator<ATL::CComAggObject<T>>>' being compiled
with[ T=CMyReferenceDat ]
jom: ...\QuickConnector\Makefile [QuickConnector.obj] Error 2
jom: ...\src_abgeruestet2\debug\Makefile [sub-QuickConnector-make_first] Error 2
16:25:39: Der Prozess "C:\Users\Andreas4\msvc_make.bat" wurde mit dem Rückgabewert 2 beendet.
Fehler beim Erstellen/Deployment des Projekts qc (Kit: Qt 5.6.3 64bit mit VS 2015)
The error points to line 3448 of atlcom.h (compiler of VS2015):
CComContainedObject<contained> m_contained;
The definition of CComContainedObject is Line 3277 of atlcom.h:
template <class Base> //Base must be derived from CComObjectRoot
class CComContainedObject : public Base
typedef Base _BaseClass;
CComContainedObject(_In_opt_ void* pv)
m_pOuterUnknown = (IUnknown*)pv;
// some additional members
My class is:
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CMyReferenceData :
public CQcEdoBase,
public IQcEdoReferenceData,
public IPersistStream,
public IZEDORenderCallback,
public IZEDOInteractionCallback,
public IZEDOSelectionCallback,
public CComCoClass<CMyReferenceData, &CLSID_CMyReferenceData>
UniqueIDType id;
QMutex PopupMenuMutex;
static bool DrawHUDElements;
static QHash<UniqueIDType, UniqueIDType> loadedElementIdDict;
// IEDOText
STDMETHOD(get_ID)(/*[out, retval]*/ unsigned long long *pVal);
STDMETHOD(put_ID)(/*[in]*/ unsigned long long newVal);
// IZEDOInteractionCallback
STDMETHOD(OnMenuCommand)(IZElement * piElement, long Id);
STDMETHOD(OnPopupMenu)(IZElement * piElement, LONG_PTR HWND, LONG clientX, LONG clientY, eZSubSelectionType SelectionType, IZMenu* piMenu, VARIANT_BOOL * bOverride);
// IPersistStream
STDMETHOD(IsDirty)( void);
STDMETHOD(Load)(IStream *pStm);
STDMETHOD(Save)(IStream *pStm, BOOL fClearDirty);
// IZEDORenderCallback
STDMETHOD(OnDraw)(IZElement * piElement, IZRender * piRender, VARIANT_BOOL * bOverride);
STDMETHOD(OnHotDraw)(IZElement * piElement, IZRender * piRender, VARIANT_BOOL * bOverride);
STDMETHOD(OnDrawAccessories)(IZElement * piElement, IZRender * piRender, VARIANT_BOOL * bOverride);
// IZEDOSelectionCallback
STDMETHOD(OnDeselect)(IZElement* piElement, VARIANT_BOOL* pOverride);
STDMETHOD(OnSelect)(IZElement* piElement, VARIANT_BOOL* pOverride);
// Standard c++
static bool DisplayHUD();
static bool ToggleDisplayHUD();
static void SetDisplayHUDEnabled(bool yes);
static void ClearElementIdDict();
Any ideas? You are really welcome.
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Views: 1331