Reputation: 1
Below is the method I'm using to place an order after three minutes if it doesn't go through. I've converted the larger part of it from mql4 to mql5. It's just the commented part that I'm not sure how I'll change to mql5 since in mql5 send orders return bool's and not int's. I would be glad if I could get help with fixing this remaining part.
void MakeOrders()
static datetime lastTime = 0;
datetime currTime = iTime(Symbol(),PERIOD_M3,0);
if (currTime>lastTime)
for (int i=ObjectsTotal(0, 0, -1)-1; i>=0; i--)
string name = ObjectName(0, i, 0, -1);
if (ObjectGetString(0, name, OBJPROP_NAME, 0)==OBJ_RECTANGLE && ObjectGetString(0,name,OBJPROP_TEXT)=="")
double entryPrice=ObjectGetDouble(0,name,OBJPROP_PRICE,1)-3*_Point;
double stopLoss=ObjectGetDouble(0,name,OBJPROP_PRICE,2);
double slDist=fabs(entryPrice-stopLoss);
double dTakeProfit=entryPrice-2*slDist;
MqlTradeRequest request={0};
MqlTradeResult result={0};
//--- parameters of request
request.action =TRADE_ACTION_DEAL; // type of trade operation
request.symbol =Symbol(); // symbol
request.volume =lotSize; // volume of 0.1 lot
request.type =ORDER_TYPE_BUY_LIMIT; // order type
request.price = entryPrice; // price for opening
//request.deviation=5; // allowed deviation from the price
request.magic =magicnumber; // MagicNumber of the order = dTakeProfit; = stopLoss;
//--- send the request
PrintFormat("OrderSend error %d",GetLastError());
int ticketSell = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELLLIMIT,lotSize, entryPrice,0,stopLoss,dTakeProfit,"SellOrder",magicnumber,0,Red);
if (ticketSell>0)
i = ObjectsTotal()-1; // rather than continuing the 'for' loop, we must restart because arrows (ie new objects) were created.
lastTime = currTime;
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Views: 764
Reputation: 1
if(result.retcode==10009 || result.order>0)
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