Reputation: 1761
The following code throws an error for a missing MAPI property. Some emails have it because I am able to Debug.Print
but then one email triggers the error.
-2147221233 : The property "" is unknown or cannot be found.
What should I do to catch these errors and keep moving forward rather than going to my error handler?
My code does an advance search then loops through a table to print everything:
Public Sub SearchOutlook()
'Create Email
'Generate Outlook Email for L&E
Dim OutApp As Outlook.Application
Dim OutMail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim OutRecip As Outlook.Recipient
Dim QuitNewOutlook As Boolean
Dim Session As Outlook.Namespace
Dim ExchangeStatus As OlExchangeConnectionMode
Dim objExUser As Outlook.ExchangeUser
Dim objExDisUser As Outlook.ExchangeDistributionList
Dim Scope As String
Dim Filter As String
Dim MySearch As Outlook.Search
Dim MyTable As Outlook.Table
Dim nextRow As Outlook.row
m_SearchComplete = False
On Error Resume Next
Set OutApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
On Error GoTo OutlookErrors
If OutApp Is Nothing Then
Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
QuitNewOutlook = True
End If
Set Session = OutApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
'We need to ensure outlook is fully connected
ExchangeStatus = Session.ExchangeConnectionMode
If ExchangeStatus <> 700 Then GoTo OutlookErrors
Set OutlookEventClass.oOutlookApp = OutApp
'set scope
Scope = "'" & OutApp.Session.Folders("").FolderPath & "'"
'Establish filter - DASL schemas below:
'Message ID = <>
'Subject urn:schemas:httpmail:subject ci_phrasematch 'blah' - Our store uses instant search
'Body urn:schemas:httpmail:textdescription ci_phrasematch 'blah'
'From urn:schemas:httpmail:fromemail
'To urn:schemas:httpmail:to
'cc urn:schemas:httpmail:cc
Dim SubjectsAndBodyToSearch() As String
Dim IDsToNotSearch() As String
Dim IDString As String
'SubjectsAndBodyToSearch = ActiveRecordset.GetRows(ActiveRecordset.RecordCount, "field")
SubjectsAndBodyToSearch = Split("cat,dog", ",")
Filter = SubjectSearchSchema(SubjectsAndBodyToSearch, OutApp.Session.DefaultStore.IsInstantSearchEnabled) & " OR " & _
BodySearchSchema(SubjectsAndBodyToSearch, OutApp.Session.DefaultStore.IsInstantSearchEnabled)
If IDString <> "" Then
Filter = Filter & " OR " & _
" NOT ( " & MessageIDSearchSchema(IDsToNotSearch) & ")"
End If
Set MySearch = OutApp.AdvancedSearch(Scope, Filter, True, "MySearch")
'loop until event triggers that search is complete
While m_SearchComplete <> True
Set MyTable = MySearch.GetTable
MyTable.Columns.Add ("") 'messageID
MyTable.Columns.Add ("") 'conversationID
MyTable.Columns.Add ("urn:schemas:httpmail:textdescription") 'messagebody, outmail.Body
Dim SenderInfo As String
Dim RecipientsTo As String
Dim RecipientsCC As String
Dim RecipientsBCC As String
Dim MessageBody As String
Dim MessageID As String
Dim ConversationID As String
Do Until MyTable.EndOfTable
Set nextRow = MyTable.GetNextRow()
Set OutMail = Session.GetItemFromID(nextRow("EntryID"))
MessageID = nextRow("")
ConversationID = nextRow("") 'outmail.conversationID
MessageBody = nextRow("urn:schemas:httpmail:textdescription") 'outmail.Body
'Sender Info
If OutMail.SenderEmailType = "EX" Then
SenderInfo = OutMail.Sender.GetExchangeUser.PrimarySmtpAddress
SenderInfo = OutMail.SenderEmailAddress
End If
If SenderInfo <> "" Then
RecipientsTo = ""
RecipientsCC = ""
RecipientsBCC = ""
For Each OutRecip In Session.GetItemFromID(nextRow("EntryID")).Recipients
'Debug.Print OutRecip.PropertyAccessor.GetProperty("")
'Debug.Print OutRecip.Address & " Type=" & OutRecip.Type & " " & OutMail.PropertyAccessor.GetProperty("urn:schemas:httpmail:fromemail")
If OutRecip.Type = 1 Then
RecipientsTo = RecipientsTo & ";" & OutRecip.PropertyAccessor.GetProperty("")
ElseIf OutRecip.Type = 2 Then
RecipientsCC = RecipientsCC & ";" & OutRecip.PropertyAccessor.GetProperty("")
ElseIf OutRecip.Type = 3 Then
RecipientsBCC = RecipientsBCC & ";" & OutRecip.PropertyAccessor.GetProperty("")
End If
Debug.Print "Subject:" & nextRow("Subject") & " EntryID:" & nextRow("EntryID") & " From:" & SenderInfo & " To:" & RecipientsTo & " CC:" & RecipientsCC & " BCC:" & RecipientsBCC & " MessageID:" & MessageID & " ConversationID: " & ConversationID & "Body: " '& MessageBody
End If
If QuitNewOutlook Then
End If
Set OutMail = Nothing
Set OutApp = Nothing
'Set ExchangeStatus = Nothing Possible Memory Leak?
'QueryRunning = False
Exit Sub
Debug.Print Err.Number & " : " & Err.Description
Call ActivateUniversalSplashScreen("Outlook Error! Either restart or try again later.", MMCARMS.UploadBlurrImage, True, "Error")
If DatabaseMethods.SQLIsConnectionOpen Then
End If
Set OutMail = Nothing
'Set ExchangeStatus = Nothing Possible Memory Leak?
If Not OutApp Is Nothing And QuitNewOutlook Then
End If
Set OutApp = Nothing
End Sub
Upvotes: 0
Views: 923
Reputation: 66306
That exception is by design - you must handle it. It is no doubt easier in languages other than VBA that support structured exception handling.
In VBA the best you can do is call On Error Resume Next
/ Err.Clear
/ call code that raises an exception / check Err.Number
and Err.Description
See for more details.
Upvotes: 2