Reputation: 4830
I'm trying to do a http post request and I need to specify the body as form-data, because the server don't take the request as raw.
This is what I'm doing:
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
void main() => runApp(MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
_MyAppState createState() => _MyAppState();
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
postTest() async {
final uri = '';
var requestBody = {
'username':'[email protected]',
http.Response response = await
body: json.encode(requestBody),
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: Container(
child: Center(
child: RaisedButton(
child: Text('Press Here'),
onPressed: (){
This is the actual response:
"error": "unsupported_grant_type",
"error_description": "grant type not supported"
This is the expected response:
"access_token": "00D0b000000Bb08!AR8AQO.s8mAGXCbwV77FXNLQqc2vtl8g6_16miVbgWlQMsuNHsaf2IGLUwnMVXBOfAj19iznhqhwlPOi4tagvf7FFgiJJgoi",
"instance_url": "",
"id": "",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"issued_at": "1567993324968",
"signature": "1+Zd/dSh9i7Moh2U0nFJLdXkVHqPlPVU6emwdYzXDPk="
You can test this on postman switching the body between raw (you get the actual response) and form-data (you get the expected response)
PS: The headers are temporary headers created by the client tool.
Upvotes: 34
Views: 134403
Reputation: 1
The same error message shown to me. I just add Authorization into the header. Example:
Options header = Options(
headers: {
'Accept': '*/*',
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'
sendTimeout: const Duration(seconds: 120),
receiveTimeout: const Duration(seconds: 30),
Options header = Options(
headers: {
'Accept': '*/*',
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
enter code here
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data',
***'Authorization' : 'Bearer ${GetIt.I.get<LocalSharedPreferences>().getCurrentUserToken()}'***
sendTimeout: const Duration(seconds: 120),
receiveTimeout: const Duration(seconds: 30),
Then only the error 403 is gone. Then, I research a bit on it. The real problem is some API's not working without Authorization. In my case, I used laravel as my backend, for that I have used Laravel api. So, for laravel the authorization needed.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 2073
Use Map instead, because body in http package only has 3 types: String
, List<int>
or Map<String, String>
Try this:
final Uri uri = Uri.parse('');
final map = <String, dynamic>{};
map['grant_type'] = 'password';
map['client_id'] = '3MVG9dZJodJWITSviqdj3EnW.LrZ81MbuGBqgIxxxdD6u7Mru2NOEs8bHFoFyNw_nVKPhlF2EzDbNYI0rphQL';
map['client_secret'] = '42E131F37E4E05313646E1ED1D3788D76192EBECA7486D15BDDB8408B9726B42';
map['username'] = '[email protected]';
map['password'] = 'ABC1234563Af88jesKxPLVirJRW8wXvj3D';
http.Response response = await
body: map,
Upvotes: 38
Reputation: 11
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
// Function to make the POST request
Future<http.Response> post(String url, Map<String, String> body) async {
// Encode the body of the request as JSON
var encodedBody = json.encode(body);
// Make the POST request
var response = await,
headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, body: encodedBody);
// Return the response
return response;
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 662
This is my example with form data function
Future<ResponseModel> postWithFormData(String url, List<File> files,
{Map<String, String> body = const {}, bool throwAlert = false}) async {
var request = http.MultipartRequest("POST", Uri.parse(localApiHost + url));
.addAll({"Authorization": "Bearer ${Storage.getString(token)}"});
for (var file in files) {
request.files.add(await http.MultipartFile.fromPath("files", file.path));
var sendRequest = await request.send();
var response = await http.Response.fromStream(sendRequest);
final responseData = json.decode(response.body);
if (response.statusCode >= 400 && throwAlert) {
return ResponseModel(body: responseData, statusCode: response.statusCode);
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 59
You can also use MultiPartRequest, it will work for sure
var request = new
request.fields['id'] =;
request.fields['regionId'] = params.regionId.toString();
request.fields['districtId'] = params.districtId.toString();
http.Response response = await http.Response.fromStream(await
print('Uploaded! ${response.body} ++ ${response.statusCode}');
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 4408
This code snippets successfully executes a POST api call which expect an authorization token and form-data.
final headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer $authToken'};
var requestBody = {
'shopId': '5',
'fromDate': '01/01/2021',
'toDate': '01/10/2022',
final response = await
headers: headers,
body: requestBody,
print("RESPONSE ${response.body}");
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 53
So, you wanna send the body as form-data right? maybe you can try this? for me it's work
postTest() async {
final uri = '';
var requestBody = {
'username':'[email protected]',
http.Response response = await
body: requestBody,
postTest() async {
final uri = '';
http.Response response = await
uri, body: {
'username':'[email protected]',
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 1676
Use MultipartRequest class
A multipart/form-data request automatically sets the Content-Type header to multipart/form-data.
This value will override any value set by the user.
refer doc here
For example:
Map<String, String> requestBody = <String,String>{
Map<String, String> headers= <String,String>{
'Authorization':'Basic ${base64Encode(utf8.encode('user:password'))}'
var uri = Uri.parse('');
var request = http.MultipartRequest('POST', uri)
..headers.addAll(headers) //if u have headers, basic auth, token bearer... Else remove line
var response = await request.send();
final respStr = await;
return jsonDecode(respStr);
Hope this helps
Upvotes: 14
Reputation: 765
Using POSTMAN to test the query and get the format is quite useful. This is allow you to see if you really need to set Headers. See my example below. I hope it helps and it is not too much
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:http/http.dart';
class RegisterUser{
String fullname;
String phonenumber;
String emailaddress;
String password;
Map data;
RegisterUser({this.fullname, this.phonenumber, this.emailaddress, this.password});
Future<void> registeruseraction() async {
String url = '';
Response response = await post(url, body: {
'fullname' : fullname,
'phonenumber' : phonenumber,
'emailaddress' : emailaddress,
'password' : password
data = jsonDecode(response.body);
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 637
There is a dart package dio
it works like a charm, am using it as a standard to do http requests.
Please read the docs too on sending form data with dio package
import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
postData(Map<String, dynamic> body)async{
var dio = Dio();
try {
FormData formData = new FormData.fromMap(body);
var response = await, data: formData);
} catch (e) {
Upvotes: 12
Reputation: 116
Edit 1 (this worked for code login flow):
String url = "";, body: {
"grant_type": "authorization_code",
"client_id": "some_client_id",
"redirect_uri": "some_redirect_uri",
"code": "some_code_generated_by_salesforce_login",
"client_secret": "some_client_secret",
}).then((response) {
//--handle response
give 'FormData' a try from:
import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
FormData formData = new FormData.fromMap(dataMap);
retrofitClient.getToken(formData).then((response){//--handle respnse--});
'retrofitClient' is from package retrofit: ^1.0.1+1
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 825
Can you try this;
String url = '';
Map<String, String> headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
"Content-type": "application/json"};
String json = '{"grant_type":"password",
"username":"[email protected]",
// make POST request
Response response = await post(url, headers: headers, body: json);
// check the status code for the result
int statusCode = response.statusCode;
// this API passes back the id of the new item added to the body
String body = response.body;
Upvotes: 2