
Reputation: 1678

How to check when my widget screen comes to visibility in flutter like onResume in Android

In android if an activity is visible onResume is called. What is the equivalent method of onResume in Flutter?

I need the know when my widget screen is visible so I can auto-play a video based on that. I might go to another widget screen an when I come back it should auto-play.

My approach was to play the video in didUpdateWidget but didUpdateWidget is called every-time even the widget screen is not visible.

Note: I'm not asking about didChangeAppLifecycleState from WidgetsBindingObserver as it gives onResume etc callbacks for the app lifecycle not a particular widget screen.

Upvotes: 61

Views: 49938

Answers (5)

Kyle Venn
Kyle Venn

Reputation: 8038

None of these existing questions exactly answered the question for me, so I wrote up a more thorough answer here which talks about how to get all the same lifecycle methods as iOS and Android.

But the gist: I recommend using the FocusDetector package. It works exactly like onResume and onPause. It would be implemented as follows.

class PageState extends State<Page> {

  void onResume() {
    log("onResume / viewWillAppear / onFocusGained");

  void onPause() {
    log("onPause / viewWillDisappear / onFocusLost");

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return FocusDetector(
      onFocusGained: onResume,
      onFocusLost: onPause,
      child: Text('Rest of my widget'),

Upvotes: 10


Reputation: 2259

Because the animation of the background route will be disabled. So we can judge whether it is in the foreground in this way:

final isForeground = TickerMode.of(context);

Wrap it into a widget:

/// Created by ipcjs on 2021/3/23.
class ForegroundDetector extends StatefulWidget {
  const ForegroundDetector({
    Key? key,
    required this.child,
    required this.onForegroundChanged,
  }) : super(key: key);

  final ValueChanged<bool> onForegroundChanged;
  final Widget child;

  ForegroundDetectorState createState() => ForegroundDetectorState();

class ForegroundDetectorState extends State<ForegroundDetector> {
  bool get isForeground => _isForeground ?? false;
  bool? _isForeground;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final isForeground = TickerMode.of(context);
    if (_isForeground != isForeground) {
      _isForeground = isForeground;
    return widget.child;

Upvotes: 9


Reputation: 536

All of the problems are solved.

Put an observer on the navigator from the root of the widget tree (materialappwidget).

If you need more explanation please follow this link: https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/widgets/RouteObserver-class.html

I have implemented in my project and its working great @Sp4Rx

// Register the RouteObserver as a navigation observer.
final RouteObserver<PageRoute> routeObserver = RouteObserver<PageRoute>();

void main() {
    home: Container(),
    navigatorObservers: [routeObserver],

class RouteAwareWidget extends StatefulWidget {
  State<RouteAwareWidget> createState() => RouteAwareWidgetState();

// Implement RouteAware in a widget's state and subscribe it to
// the
// RouteObserver.
class RouteAwareWidgetState extends State<RouteAwareWidget> with RouteAware {
  void didChangeDependencies() {
    routeObserver.subscribe(this, ModalRoute.of(context));

  void dispose() {

  void didPush() {
    // Route was pushed onto navigator and is now topmost route.

  void didPopNext() {
    // Covering route was popped off the navigator.

  Widget build(BuildContext context) => Container();

Upvotes: 38


Reputation: 3652

I struggled to get a video to pause when not viewing the main screen of my app. I applied this VisibilityDetector and grabbed the visiblePercentage to force a pause or resume:

    key: Key('visible-video--key-${this.randomkeygenerator}-1'),
    onVisibilityChanged: (visibilityInfo) {
      var visiblePercentage = visibilityInfo.visibleFraction * 100;

      if (visiblePercentage < 1){ //the magic is done here
        if(_video_controller != null) {
          if(disposed_vid == false) {

        if(_video_controller != null) {
          if(disposed_vid == false) {
          'Widget ${visibilityInfo.key} is ${visiblePercentage}% visible');
    child: VideoPlayer(_video_controller)),

  void dispose() {
    // If the video is playing, pause it.
    _video_controller .pause();
    _video_controller .dispose();
    disposed_vid = true;

Upvotes: 9

Software Person
Software Person

Reputation: 2846

It's probably not the simplest and definitely not perfect, but a while back I implemented events like those with routes. Basically, EventRoute<T> is a drop-in replacement for MaterialPageRoute<T> that provides optional callbacks for when the Widget is created, pushed to the foreground, pushed to the background and when it gets popped off.


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

enum RouteState {

class EventRoute<T> extends MaterialPageRoute<T> {
  BuildContext _context;
  RouteState _state;
  Function(BuildContext) _onCreateCallback;
  Function(BuildContext) _onForegroundCallback;
  Function(BuildContext) _onBackgroundCallback;
  Function(BuildContext) _onDestroyCallback;

  EventRoute(BuildContext context, {
    RouteSettings settings,
    bool maintainState = true,
    bool fullscreenDialog = false,
    Function(BuildContext) onCreate,
    Function(BuildContext) onForeground,
    Function(BuildContext) onBackground,
    Function(BuildContext) onDestroy
        _context = context,
        _onCreateCallback = onCreate,
        _onForegroundCallback = onForeground,
        _onBackgroundCallback = onBackground,
        _onDestroyCallback = onDestroy,
        _state = RouteState.none,
        super(builder: builder, settings: settings, maintainState: maintainState, fullscreenDialog: fullscreenDialog);

  void get state => _state;

  void didChangeNext(Route nextRoute) {
    if (nextRoute == null) {
    } else {

  bool didPop(T result) {
    return super.didPop(result);

  void didPopNext(Route nextRoute) {

  TickerFuture didPush() {
    return super.didPush();

  void didReplace(Route oldRoute) {

  void _onCreate() {
    if (_state != RouteState.none || _onCreateCallback == null) {

  void _onForeground() {
    if (_state == RouteState.foreground) {
    _state = RouteState.foreground;
    if (_onForegroundCallback != null) {

  void _onBackground() {
    if (_state == RouteState.background) {
    _state = RouteState.background;
    if (_onBackgroundCallback != null) {

  void _onDestroy() {
    if (_state == RouteState.destroyed || _onDestroyCallback == null) {

And then to push your route you do:

Navigator.push(context, EventRoute(context, builder: (context) => YourWidget(context),
      onCreate: (context) => print('create'),
      onForeground: (context) => print('foreground'),
      onBackground: (context) => print('background'),
      onDestroy: (context) => print('destroy')

The context is a little icky though...

Upvotes: 2

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