Reputation: 277
I'm currently trying to map all the zip codes in North Carolina onto a leaflet map. Ultimately, I'd like to color-code these with values from another data-set.
While I've managed to put markers onto the map with these values, doing so in a colorized fashion with zip-codes would really add value to my project.
I downloaded the USAboundaries library in R, and so I think I have enough data to create the polygons in leaflet, but the data is not in the SpatialPointsDataFrame format.
The sample output from the USAboundaries dataset looks like this:
Simple feature collection with 33144 features and 6 fields
geometry type: POINT
dimension: XY
xmin: -176.6316
ymin: -14.22075
xmax: 145.7536
ymax: 71.2738
epsg (SRID): 4326
proj4string: +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs
First 10 features:
zipcode zcta5ce10 affgeoid10 geoid10 aland10 awater10 geometry
21914 21914 8600000US21914 21914 1924479 477175 POINT (-75.98187 39.57303)
01001 01001 8600000US01001 01001 29731610 2118827 POINT (-72.62585 42.06258)
34736 34736 8600000US34736 34736 322808220 78588518 POINT (-81.89624 28.55458)
46151 46151 8600000US46151 46151 530632048 9804480 POINT (-86.4305 39.44806)
48039 48039 8600000US48039 48039 59592687 4845242 POINT (-82.55054 42.69666)
In my mind, this should be enough to transform into a SpatialPointsDataFrame, but I don't know how to do it in R! Any tips would be greatly appreciated!
Upvotes: 7
Views: 6876
Reputation: 1630
Leaflet supports sf objects, therefore you should not experiment any problem.
Nevertheless, you can transform a sf object to a sp (such as Spatial Points Data Frame) with as(YourObject, "Spatial")
. For change from sp to sf you use as_as_sf
coordinates(meuse) = ~x+y
m.sf = st_as_sf(meuse)
x = st_sfc(st_point(c(5,5)), st_point(c(6,9)), crs = 4326)
as(x, "Spatial")
See this
Upvotes: 7