Reputation: 180
I'm trying to get a benchmark from cython vs pure python with bubble sort algorithm, and this is my result, that shows me pure python is faster than cython is my result correct or something is wrong with my code?
The script tries to create a random list and then try to sort it with bubble sort algorithm in cython and pure python.
import cybubble
import pybubble
from timeit import default_timer as timer
from decimal import *
import random
getcontext().prec = 8
if __name__ == '__main__':
random_list = [random.randrange(0,10) for i in range(9999)] #generate a random list
cy_start = timer() #start timer
cybubble.bubble_sort(random_list) #execute cython bubble sort
cy_end = timer() #stop timer
py_start = timer() #start timer
pybubble.bubble_sort(random_list) #execute pure python bubble sort
py_end = timer() #stop time
print "Python execution time:"
python = (Decimal(py_end) - Decimal(py_start))
print (python)
print "Cython execution time:"
cython = (Decimal(cy_end) - Decimal(cy_start))
print (cython)
cpdef bubble_sort(collection):
cdef int length
cdef int i
cdef int j
length = len(collection)
for i in range(length-1):
swapped = False
for j in range(length-1-i):
if collection[j] > collection[j+1]:
swapped = True
collection[j], collection[j+1] = collection[j+1], collection[j]
if not swapped:
break # Stop iteration if the collection is sorted.
return collection
def bubble_sort(collection):
length = len(collection)
for i in range(length-1):
swapped = False
for j in range(length-1-i):
if collection[j] > collection[j+1]:
swapped = True
collection[j], collection[j+1] = collection[j+1], collection[j]
if not swapped:
break # Stop iteration if the collection is sorted.
return collection
# several files with ext .pyx, that i will call by their name
from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
from Cython.Distutils import build_ext
Extension("cybubble", ["cybubble.pyx"]),
name = 'MyProject',
cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_ext},
ext_modules = ext_modules,
command to compile the cython module:
python build_ext --inplace
Python execution time:
Cython execution time:
The result shows me that the pure python is faster than cython in this example and cython is not always faster than pure python.
I expect better performance for cython than pure python in this script.
This is how i SOLVED my problem in
import cybubble
import pybubble
from timeit import default_timer as timer
from decimal import *
import random
import copy
getcontext().prec = 8
if __name__ == '__main__':
random_list = [random.randrange(0,10) for i in range(9999)]
random_list2 = copy.copy(random_list)
random_list3 = copy.copy(random_list)
cy_start = timer()
cy_end = timer()
py_start = timer()
py_end = timer()
print "Python execution time:"
python = (Decimal(py_end) - Decimal(py_start))
print (python)
print "Cython execution time:"
cython = (Decimal(cy_end) - Decimal(cy_start))
print (cython)
Python execution time:
Cython execution time:
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1518
Reputation: 107005
This is because you sort the list in-place--you sort the list with Cython first, when the list is randomized, and then sort the list with Python, when the list is already sorted. Since bubble sort has a best-case time complexity of O(n) when the list is already sorted, the call to the Python's version, when the list is already sorted, is magnitudes faster than the call to the Cython's version, when the list is randomized, which takes an average time complexity of O(n ^ 2).
You should sort copies of the list if you would like to benchmark the two implementations properly.
Upvotes: 3