I am trying to run the multiple transactions in firestore database in android. but they are not working all at one time. only transaction is working right now that is of DocumentReference PostRef.
please assist in running multiple transactions.
db.runTransaction(new Transaction.Function<Void>() {
public Void apply(Transaction transaction) throws FirebaseFirestoreException {
DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot1 = transaction.get(PostRef);
boolean l2 = documentSnapshot1.getBoolean("l2");
if(l2 == false) {
transaction.update(PostRef, "l2", true);
return null;
DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot2 = transaction.get(PostUserRef);
long l11 = documentSnapshot2.getLong("l1");
{ transaction.update(PostRef, "l1", l11+1);
DocumentSnapshot snapshot = transaction.get(likesRef);
boolean l1 = snapshot.getBoolean("l1");
if (l1 == false) {
transaction.update(likesRef, "l1", true);
//2 transactions to update userprofile
return null;
} else
throw new FirebaseFirestoreException("You already liked",
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Views: 292
What I did is I Setup the multiple transactions as a function and then called those functions in the onclick event and it performed the required functions
Upvotes: 2