Reputation: 105
I want to create a view like the above has a search bar with corner radius.but when i am trying to create, i am unable to make the search bar with corner radius.also i am unable to make the text field of the search bar with corner radius. i have writtenall my code in viewDidAppear method. It is ok or i have to write it in viewWillLayourSubview. so that i will be able to make the exact same search bar like this image. also i want the seach icon to be placed slightly right.
My code is:
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
for subView in searchBar.subviews {
for subsubView in subView.subviews {
if let textField = subsubView as? UITextField {
var bounds: CGRect
var placeHolder = NSMutableAttributedString()
let Name = "Search"
placeHolder = NSMutableAttributedString(string:Name, attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key.font:UIFont(name: "Helvetica", size: 15.0)!])
placeHolder.addAttribute(NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor, value: UIColor.gray, range:NSRange(location:0,length:Name.count))
textField.attributedPlaceholder = placeHolder
if let leftView = textField.leftView as? UIImageView {
leftView.image = leftView.image?.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate)
leftView.frame.size.width = 15.0
leftView.frame.size.height = 15.0
leftView.tintColor = UIColor.gray
textField.layer.cornerRadius = 50.0
bounds = textField.frame
bounds.size.width = searchBar.frame.width
bounds.size.height = searchBar.frame.height
textField.bounds = bounds
textField.borderStyle = UITextField.BorderStyle.roundedRect
searchBar.backgroundImage = UIImage()
textField.backgroundColor = UIColor.lightGray.withAlphaComponent(0.2)
searchBar.searchTextPositionAdjustment = UIOffset(horizontal: 5, vertical: 0)
Upvotes: 3
Views: 2910
Reputation: 1048
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
for subView in searchBar.subviews {
if !subView.subviews.contains(where: { $0 as? UITextField != nil }) { continue }
guard let textField = subView.subviews.first(where: { $0 as? UITextField != nil }) as? UITextField else { return }
let placeholder = NSMutableAttributedString(
string: "Search",
attributes: [.font: UIFont(name: "Helvetica", size: 15.0)!,
.foregroundColor: UIColor.gray
textField.attributedPlaceholder = placeholder
textField.borderStyle = UITextField.BorderStyle.roundedRect
textField.layer.cornerRadius = textField.frame.size.height / 2
textField.layer.masksToBounds = true
textField.textColor = .white
textField.backgroundColor = .lightGray
searchBar.barTintColor = .white
searchBar.backgroundColor = .white
searchBar.searchTextPositionAdjustment = UIOffset(horizontal: 5, vertical: 0)
Doesn't look exactly like in the image that you linked, but actually fits better into the Apple design and works better than the code that you wrote.
For anything more sophisticated, I would advise to create a custom UISearchBar subclass.
Be aware of Apple's Human Interface Guidelines, so anything too crazy / different from default might not be accepted in the AppStore.
Upvotes: 2