Sreeram TP
Sreeram TP

Reputation: 11927

Find min and max range with a combination of column values in PySpark

I have a pyspark dataframe like this,

|id_       | p      |d1        |  d2      |
|  1       | A      |2018-09-26|2018-10-26|
|  2       | B      |2018-06-21|2018-07-19|
|  2       | C      |2018-07-13|2018-10-07|
|  2       | B      |2018-12-31|2019-02-27|
|  2       | A      |2019-01-28|2019-06-25|

From this dataframe I have to make a dataframe like this,

|id_       | q      |d1        |  d2      |
|  1       | A      |2018-09-26|2018-10-26|
|  2       | B      |2018-06-21|2018-07-12|
|  2       | B C    |2018-07-13|2018-07-19|
|  2       | C      |2018-07-20|2019-10-07|
|  2       | B      |2018-12-31|2019-01-27|
|  2       | B A    |2019-01-28|2019-02-27|
|  2       | A      |2019-02-28|2019-06-25|

It is something like, finding which values of p are present in the data for a particular id_ from when to when. If there are multiple p in a same day then both should be present in the data, seperated by a space.

I tried to do this is by creating each and every dates in the range min(d1) and max(d2) and filling them accordingly. From that dataframe, after some melting and grouping I can get the desired result.

But the process takes very long time and is very inefficient.

I am looking for an efficient method for performing this task.

I can also have more complex cases of overlap, ie overlap among more than two p-values.

See a sample data below,

|id_       | p      |d1        |  d2      |
|  1       | A      |2018-09-26|2018-10-26|
|  2       | B      |2018-06-21|2018-07-19|
|  2       | C      |2018-06-27|2018-07-07|
|  2       | A      |2018-07-02|2019-02-27|
|  2       | A      |2019-03-28|2019-06-25|

This must be converted to,

|id_       | q      |d1        |  d2      |
|  1       | A      |2018-09-26|2018-10-26|
|  2       | B      |2018-06-21|2018-06-26|
|  2       | B C    |2018-06-27|2018-07-01|
|  2       | B C A  |2018-07-02|2018-07-07|
|  2       | A B    |2018-07-08|2018-07-19|
|  2       | A      |2018-07-20|2019-02-27|
|  2       | A      |2019-03-28|2019-06-25|

Order of individual items in the q doesn't matter. ie either if A, B and C are in overlap. It can either be shown as A B C, or B C A or A C B so on.

I am also adding an edge case that is hard to comeby, that is d2 == lead(d1).over(window). In this case it can be safely assumed, the p values are different. ie p != lead(p).over(window).

|id_| p |    d1    | d2       |
|100| 12|2013-10-16|2014-01-17|
|100| 12|2014-01-20|2014-04-15|
|100| 12|2014-04-22|2014-05-19|
|100| 12|2014-05-22|2014-06-19|
|100| 12|2014-07-23|2014-09-18|
|100| 12|2014-09-23|2014-12-18|
|100| 12|2014-12-20|2015-01-16|
|100| 12|2015-01-23|2015-02-19|
|100| 12|2015-02-21|2015-04-20|
|100| 7 |2015-04-20|2015-05-17|
|100| 7 |2015-05-19|2015-06-15|
|100| 7 |2015-06-18|2015-09-01|
|100| 7 |2015-09-09|2015-11-26|

In the above data, 4th and 5th row from the bottom shows the case. In this case the expected result is,

|id_| p   | d1       | d2       |
|100| 12  |2013-10-16|2014-01-17|
|100| 12  |2014-01-20|2014-04-15|
|100| 12  |2014-04-22|2014-05-19|
|100| 12  |2014-05-22|2014-06-19|
|100| 12  |2014-07-23|2014-09-18|
|100| 12  |2014-09-23|2014-12-18|
|100| 12  |2014-12-20|2015-01-16|
|100| 12  |2015-01-23|2015-02-19|
|100| 12  |2015-02-21|2015-04-19|
|100| 12 7|2015-04-20|2015-04-20|
|100| 7   |2015-04-21|2015-05-17|
|100| 7   |2015-05-19|2015-06-15|
|100| 7   |2015-06-18|2015-09-01|
|100| 7   |2015-09-09|2015-11-26|

Another example for the same case is given below,

|id_| p | d1       | d2       |
|101| 12|2015-02-24|2015-03-23|
|101| 12|2015-04-01|2015-05-19|
|101| 12|2015-05-29|2015-06-25|
|101| 12|2015-07-03|2015-07-30|
|101| 12|2015-09-02|2015-09-29|
|101| 12|2015-10-02|2015-10-29|
|101| 9 |2015-10-29|2015-11-11|
|101| 9 |2015-11-25|2015-12-22|

And the expected result for the same is,

|id_| q   | d1       | d2       |
|101| 12  |2015-02-24|2015-03-23|
|101| 12  |2015-04-01|2015-05-19|
|101| 12  |2015-05-29|2015-06-25|
|101| 12  |2015-07-03|2015-07-30|
|101| 12  |2015-09-02|2015-09-29|
|101| 12  |2015-10-02|2015-10-28|
|101| 12 9|2015-10-29|2015-10-29|
|101| 9   |2015-10-30|2015-11-11|
|101| 9   |2015-11-25|2015-12-22|

Upvotes: 2

Views: 1580

Answers (1)


Reputation: 13998

Update: Based on OP's comments and update, since any number of overlapping might happen, I think a dataframe-JOIN is probably the most straightforward way. Below is a completely new solution I tested on Spark 2.4.0 (array_join, transform, sequence etc. require Spark 2.4+):

Update-2: Per discussion in the comments/chat, I've added the code-logic to set up the boundaries for each drange(d1, d2) on how/when to adjust d1/d2, a new flag field is required in df_drange to complete this logic. details see below Set up boundaries section

Update-3: adjusted code to handle when (d1 == d2) in df_drange. originally removed such cases.

Setup the data:

Note: I added df2 with d1 and d2 converted to DateType(), while the original df keeps two fields as StringType() since we need some concatenation operations.

from pyspark.sql import Window
from pyspark.sql.functions import lead, expr, to_date, collect_set, array_sort, array_join, broadcast

df = spark.createDataFrame([
      (1, 'A', '2018-09-26', '2018-10-26')
    , (2, 'B', '2018-06-21', '2018-07-19')
    , (2, 'C', '2018-06-27', '2018-07-07')
    , (2, 'A', '2018-07-02', '2019-02-27')
    , (2, 'A', '2019-03-28', '2019-06-25')
  ], ['id_', 'p', 'd1', 'd2'])

# convert d1, d2 to DateType() if they are StringType()
df2 = df.withColumn('d1', to_date('d1')).withColumn('d2', to_date('d2'))

 |-- id_: long (nullable = true)
 |-- p: string (nullable = true)
 |-- d1: date (nullable = true)
 |-- d2: date (nullable = true)

Create a referencing dataframe: df_drange

df_drange contains all distinct dates from d1 and d2, plus a flag which is set to 1 when df_drange.d1 is from df.d2 (in the original df) and 0 otherwise. sort the dates and segement them into interval date ranges. retrieve the fields d1, d2, flag(d1 only) and convert them into proper DataType()

df_drange ='id_', 'd1', lit(0).alias('flag')).union('id_', 'd2', lit(1))) \
    .groupby('id_') \
    .agg(array_sort(collect_set(concat('d1', lit('-'), 'flag'))).alias('dates')) \
    .withColumn('dates', expr("""
         explode(transform(sequence(0, size(dates)-2), i -> named_struct('d1', dates[i], 'd2', dates[i+1])))
       """)) \
       , "to_date(substring_index(dates.d1, '-', 3)) as d1"
       , "to_date(substring_index(dates.d2, '-', 3)) as d2"
       , "boolean(substring_index(dates.d1, '-', -1)) as flag"

|id_|        d1|        d2| flag|
|  1|2018-09-26|2018-10-26|false|
|  2|2018-06-21|2018-06-27|false|
|  2|2018-06-27|2018-07-02|false|
|  2|2018-07-02|2018-07-07|false|
|  2|2018-07-07|2018-07-19| true|
|  2|2018-07-19|2019-02-27| true|
|  2|2019-02-27|2019-03-28| true|
|  2|2019-03-28|2019-06-25|false|

 |-- id_: long (nullable = true)
 |-- d1: date (nullable = true)
 |-- d2: date (nullable = true)
 |-- flag: boolean (nullable = true)

Set up df1 with Join

Left join with the original df and for each id_ with any overlapping between (d1, d2) of df_dranges and (d1, d2) of the original df. after groupby(id_, d1, d2, flag) from df_drange, get the array_join(collect_set(p), ' '):

df1 = broadcast(df_drange).join(
    , (df2.id_ == df_drange.id_) & (
            ((df2.d1 < df_drange.d2) & (df2.d2 > df_drange.d1)) 
          | ((df_drange.d1 == df_drange.d2) & df_drange.d1.between(df2.d1, df2.d2)) 
    , how = 'left'
).groupby(df_drange.id_, df_drange.d1, df_drange.d2, df_drange.flag) \
 .agg(array_join(collect_set('p'), ' ').alias('q'))
|id_|        d1|        d2| flag|    q|
|  1|2018-09-26|2018-10-26|false|    A|
|  2|2018-06-21|2018-06-27|false|    B|
|  2|2018-06-27|2018-07-02|false|  C B|
|  2|2018-07-02|2018-07-07|false|C B A|
|  2|2018-07-07|2018-07-19| true|  B A|
|  2|2018-07-19|2019-02-27| true|    A|
|  2|2019-02-27|2019-03-28| true|     |
|  2|2019-03-28|2019-06-25|false|    A|

Set up boundaries

For df1, if q == '', there is a gap, such rows should be removed. the boundaries of each drange is defined based on flag, next_flag, next_d1 as discussed in the comments/chat. below is the pesudo-code to show the current logic how/when to adjust d1/d2:

flag = (if d1 is from original_d2) ? true : false
both next_d1 and next_flag defined on WindowSpec-w1

# for df1.d1: if flag is true, add 1 day, otherwise keep as-is
d1 = IF(flag, date_add(d1,1), d1)

# for df1.d2: keep as-is when there is gap with the next row or 
# the next_flag is true, else minus 1 day
d2 = IF((next_d1 != d2) or next_flag, d2, date_sub(d2,1))

Actual code:

# WindowSpec to calculate next_d1
w1 = Window.partitionBy('id_').orderBy('d1')

# filter out gaps and calculate next_d1 and the adjusted d1 and d2
df_new = df1.where('q!= ""') \
            .withColumn('next_d1', lead('d1').over(w1)) \
            .withColumn('next_flag', coalesce(lead('flag').over(w1), lit(True))) \
                  , 'q'
                  , 'IF(flag, date_add(d1,1), d1) AS d1'
                  , 'IF((next_d1 != d2) or next_flag, d2, date_sub(d2,1)) AS d2'
|id_|    q|        d1|        d2|
|  1|    A|2018-09-26|2018-10-26|
|  2|    B|2018-06-21|2018-06-26|
|  2|  C B|2018-06-27|2018-07-01|
|  2|C B A|2018-07-02|2018-07-07|
|  2|  B A|2018-07-08|2018-07-19|
|  2|    A|2018-07-20|2019-02-27|
|  2|    A|2019-03-28|2019-06-25|

Upvotes: 2

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