Reputation: 172
I have two CSV files. First file may content different number of lines. Every line have ID. In this case - place_id
I want add column in this file from second.
"100073243";"way";"108738557";"19";"56.1330951,56.1377776,35.7857419,35.7966764";"56.1354281";"35.7903646";"Bolshoe Syrkovo, Volokolamskij gorodskoj okrug, Moskovskaya oblast, CFO, RF";"place";"hamlet";"0.45401456808503";"";"";"";"";"";"Bolshoe Syrkovo";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"Volokolamskij gorodskoj okrug";"Moskovskaya oblast";"RF";"ru";"hamlet";"19";"Q4092451";"ru:Bolshoe Syrkovo";"Bolshoe Syrkovo";""
"100073263";"way";"108729132";"19";"56.1542386,56.156816,36.3303962,36.3383278";"56.15552975";"36.3343542260811";"Kondratovo, Volokolamskij gorodskoj okrug, Moskovskaya oblast, CFO, RF";"place";"hamlet";"0.385";"";"";"";"";"";"Kondratovo";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"Volokolamskij gorodskoj okrug";"Moskovskaya oblast";"RF";"ru";"";"";"";"";"Kondratovo";""
"100073265";"way";"108738571";"19";"56.009293,56.0205996,36.2239313,36.2390323";"56.015194";"36.2290485";"Gryady, Volokolamskij gorodskoj okrug, Moskovskaya oblast, CFO, Rossiya";"place";"village";"0.36089190172262";"";"";"";"";"Gryady";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"Volokolamskij gorodskoj okrug";"Moskovskaya oblast";"Rossiya";"ru";"village";"841";"Q4151063";"ru:Gryady (Moskovskaya oblast)";"Gryady";""
And second file. This file content full base of geo coordinates. Every line have place_id
column which matches with place_id
line in first file.
Second file - i want copy strings from geojson
column and add to first file by place_id
This file is match bigger than first. (First about 5 Mb, Second about 50 Mb.)
I guess this is not difficult for a knowledgeable programmer. I'm not like that)
I tried many codes. But not one did not work for me. Below I will list the codes that I have tried. I am not good at programming. And maybe I don’t understand the meaning of some codes.
Please help with my case.
Get-ChildItem -Filter .\comb\*.csv | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName | Import-Csv | Export-Csv .\combinedcsvs.csv -NoTypeInformation -Append
$DevData = (Import-Csv ".\pars_full_4_without_geo.csv" -Delimiter ";" -Encoding:UTF8)[1..10]
$ProdData = (Import-Csv ".\pars_full_4_only_geo.csv" -Delimiter ";" -Encoding:UTF8)[1..10]
# throw one set into a hashtable
# we can use this as a lookup table for the other set
$ProdTable = @{}
foreach($line in $ProdData){
$ProdTable[$line.place_id] = $line.ID
# Output the DevData with the appropriate ProdData value
$DevData | Select-Object @{Label='DevID';Expression={$_.ID}},@{Label='ProdID';Expression={$ProdTable[$_.place_id]}},place_id | Export-Csv .\new2.csv -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ";" -Encoding:UTF8
$f1=(Import-Csv ".\pars_full_4_without_geo.csv" -Delimiter ";" -Encoding:UTF8 -header "place_id","osm_type","osm_id","place_rank","boundingbox","lat","lon","display_name","class","type","importance","icon","postcode","city","town","village","hamlet","allotments","neighbourhood","suburb","city_district","state_district","building","address100","address26","address27","address29","county","state","country","country_code","place","population","wikidata","wikipedia","name","official_name")[1..1]
$f2=(Import-Csv ".\pars_full_4_only_geo.csv" -Delimiter ";" -Encoding:UTF8 -header samname,"place_id","osm_id","geojson")[1..1]
$m=$f2|?{$_.geojson -eq $geojson}
#Make an empty hash table for the first file
$File1Values = @{}
#Import the first file and save the rows in the hash table indexed on "place_id"
Import-Csv ".\pars_full_4_only_geo.csv" -Delimiter ";" -Encoding:UTF8 | ForEach-Object {
$File1Values.Add($_.place_id, $_)
#Import the second file and make a custom object with properties from both files
Import-Csv ".\pars_full_4_without_geo.csv" -Delimiter ";" -Encoding:UTF8 | ForEach-Object {
ABC = $File1Values[$_.KeyColumn].ABC;
DEF = $File1Values[$_.KeyColumn].DEF;
UVW = $_.UVW;
XYZ = $_.XYZ;
} | Export-Csv -Path c:\OutFile.csv
$Poproperties = @(
Import-Csv -Path C:\S_FilePath | Select-Object -Property $Poproperties
$Lookup_Hash = Import-Csv ".\pars_full_4_only_geo.csv" -Delimiter ";" -Encoding:UTF8 | ForEach-Object -Process { $_.place_id = $ }
$S_File = Import-Csv ".\pars_full_4_without_geo.csv" -Delimiter ";" -Encoding:UTF8 | Select-Object -Property *,@{E={$Lookup_Hash.($_.place_id)};L='place_id'} | Export-Csv ".\pars_full_5_combine_geo.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ";" -Encoding:UTF8
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1689
Reputation: 172
add a code that suits for my tasks. I split scheme on 3 steps.
$FileWithOutGeom = Import-Csv ".\FileWithOutGeom.csv" -Delimiter ';' -Encoding UTF8
# step 1. getting all IDs from file without coordinates - sort by ID and select place_id column values. I use join with delimiter '|' to bring data in a suitable format for next step. (for where-obgect -match)
$ID = [string]::Join("|",( $FileWithOutGeom | sort place_id | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'place_id'))
# step 2. take second file with all coordinates and select from them only those rows which ID have in first file and sort by ID too
$FileWithAllGeom = Import-Csv ".\FileWithAllGeom.csv" -Delimiter ';' -Encoding UTF8 | Where-Object -property place_id -Match $ID | sort place_id
# step 3. take first file without geom and add-member - new column name (geojson) and values for this column from step 2 with add increment for each-object
$FileWithOutGeom | ForEach-Object -Begin {$i = 0} {$_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'geojson' -Value ($FileWithAllGeom)[$i++].geojson -PassThru
} | Export-Csv ".\CombinedFile.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ";" -Encoding:UTF8
At the exit i have file with 'geojson' column at the end of first file. Sorry for maybe terrible code. I was combined this code from pieces found in net. This scheme work pretty fast for my tasks. Files about 50 mb and another 20 mb - processed in less than a 10 sec.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 3624
This is a working example I created that shows one way in which this can be done
I created two csv files
Then my powershell script, test.ps1
$csv1=(import-csv file1.csv -Delimiter ";")
$csv2=(import-csv file2.csv -Delimiter ";")
$csv1 |
$row = $_
if($mtch = $csv2|?{$ -eq $}){
$out = [pscustomobject]@{ id = $; firstname = $mtch.firstname; lastname = $mtch.lastname; score = $row.score }
} | Export-Csv csv3.csv -NoTypeInformation
This is how I run my script (in the same directory as the csv files
powershell -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned .\test.ps1
And this is the results, csv3.csv
Upvotes: 1