Reputation: 319
I'm trying to create a pipeline for a compute shader.
The program crashes at the "vkCreateComputePipelines" line without anything in the validation layers.
Here's the code :
/* Pipeline layout */
VkPipelineLayoutCreateInfo pipelineLayoutInfo = {};
pipelineLayoutInfo.setLayoutCount = 1;
pipelineLayoutInfo.pSetLayouts = descriptorSetLayout;
pipelineLayoutInfo.pushConstantRangeCount = 0;
if (vkCreatePipelineLayout(vk->getDevice(), &pipelineLayoutInfo, nullptr, &m_pipelineLayout) != VK_SUCCESS)
throw std::runtime_error("Error : pipeline layout creation");
/* Shader */
std::vector<char> computeShaderCode = readFile(computeShader);
VkShaderModule computeShaderModule = createShaderModule(computeShaderCode, vk->getDevice());
VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo compShaderStageInfo = {};
compShaderStageInfo.stage = VK_SHADER_STAGE_COMPUTE_BIT;
compShaderStageInfo.module = computeShaderModule;
compShaderStageInfo.pName = "main";
/* Pipeline */
VkComputePipelineCreateInfo pipelineInfo;
pipelineInfo.stage = compShaderStageInfo;
pipelineInfo.layout = m_pipelineLayout;
if (vkCreateComputePipelines(vk->getDevice(), VK_NULL_HANDLE, 1, &pipelineInfo, nullptr, &m_computePipeline) != VK_SUCCESS)
throw std::runtime_error("Error : compute pipeline creation");
The description set layout is created here :
VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding inputImageLayoutBinding = {};
inputImageLayoutBinding.binding = 0;
inputImageLayoutBinding.descriptorType = VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_IMAGE;
inputImageLayoutBinding.descriptorCount = 1;
inputImageLayoutBinding.stageFlags = VK_SHADER_STAGE_COMPUTE_BIT;
inputImageLayoutBinding.pImmutableSamplers = nullptr;
VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding outputImageLayoutBinding = {};
outputImageLayoutBinding.binding = 1;
outputImageLayoutBinding.descriptorType = VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_IMAGE;
outputImageLayoutBinding.descriptorCount = 1;
outputImageLayoutBinding.stageFlags = VK_SHADER_STAGE_COMPUTE_BIT;
outputImageLayoutBinding.pImmutableSamplers = nullptr;
std::vector<VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding> descriptorSetLayouts = { inputImageLayoutBinding, outputImageLayoutBinding };
VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo layoutInfo = {};
layoutInfo.bindingCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(descriptorSetLayouts.size());
layoutInfo.pBindings =;
VkDescriptorSetLayout descriptorSetLayout;
if (vkCreateDescriptorSetLayout(vk->getDevice(), &layoutInfo, nullptr, &descriptorSetLayout) != VK_SUCCESS)
throw std::runtime_error("Erreur : descriptor set layout");
The compute shader code :
#version 450
#extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : enable
layout (local_size_x = 16, local_size_y = 16) in;
layout (binding = 0, rgba8) uniform readonly image2D inputImage;
layout (binding = 1, rgba8) uniform image2D resultImage;
void main()
float blurImpact = 1.0;
ivec2 offsets[9] = ivec2[](
ivec2(-1, 1), // top-left
ivec2(0, 1), // top-center
ivec2(1, 1), // top-right
ivec2(-1, 0), // center-left
ivec2(0, 0), // center-center
ivec2(1, 0), // center-right
ivec2(-1, -1), // bottom-left
ivec2(0, -1), // bottom-center
ivec2(0, -1) // bottom-right
float kernel[9] = float[](
blurImpact, 2.0 * blurImpact, blurImpact,
2.0 * blurImpact, 4.0, 2.0 * blurImpact,
blurImpact, 2.0 * blurImpact, blurImpact
float sum = 12.0 * blurImpact + 4.0;
vec3 resultColor = vec3(0.0);
for(int i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
resultColor += imageLoad(inputImage, ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x + offsets[i].x, gl_GlobalInvocationID.y + offsets[i].y)).rgb * (kernel[i] / sum);
imageStore(resultImage, ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy), vec4(resultColor, 1.0));
I've tried to add a pipeline cache but that doesn't fix the problem. From the specification (, I think this parameter is optionnal.
Thanks !
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1111
Reputation: 13306
Your VkComputePipelineCreateInfo pipelineInfo;
is not zeroed. Therefore pNext
can be garbage. Therefore it may cause dereferencing of garbage pointer by the driver or layers.
Upvotes: 2