Reputation: 13294
While I am developing the iOS app I need to test it in simulator with dark mode option so I can get more clarity about the app UI. But when I go to the Setting I am not getting option for dark mode as real device showing.
Upvotes: 409
Views: 145255
Reputation: 382
I know it's not exactly what the author asked, but if you're using SwiftUI you can check how a View looks in Light or Dark themes directly in the Preview canvas, as shown in the image:
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 53181
In Settings, scroll down to Developer and then Dark Appearance…
In addition to the above, there are now many other ways to enable dark appearance in the simulator, as shown in the many great answers below.
• Change Environment Overrides from Xcode (@AshCameron)
• Toggle Appearance ⇧⌘A from the Simulator menu (@Shredder2794)
• Update from the command line using xcrun simctl ui booted appearance …
(@blackjacx, @tadija)
• Programmatically using overrideUserInterfaceStyle = .dark
• Use SimGenie from Curtis Herbert…
Upvotes: 826
Reputation: 11
you can use keyboard shortcut shift + command + A to toggle appearance of simulator.
Upvotes: -4
Reputation: 2769
You can use the "Toggle Appearance" (ShiftCommandA) setting from the Simulator menu:
Simulator > Features > Toggle Appearance ⇧⌘A
Upvotes: 98
Reputation: 10510
Apple released a powerful Xcode update which contains some useful things for this topic. Appearance can now be selected directly in the simulator. Just select Features > Toggle Appearance
or ⇧+⌘+A. The automatic appearance switching could stil be important, e.g. for automated screenshot tests on the command line. The script becomes easy like this when using Xcode 11.4:
device_ids=("C741F3CD-FDAC-49EA-A4DB-7F797B97291E" "428183B6-3EB8-4D36-9938-9D07C141BF49")
# The value to use is now just 'dark' or 'light'
for device in "${device_ids[@]}"; do
xcrun simctl boot $device
xcrun simctl ui $device appearance $appearance
No more simulator killing or re-setting needed which is a huge performance win. Also no fiddling around with any plist tools anymore - ever. keep in mind that you have to use device ids that are available in the runtime you use. Find them out using xcrun simctl list
See also my complete script:
There is a way using the command line to switch a simulator between light and dark mode. If you have an array with your device IDs you can do the following:
device_ids=("C741F3CD-FDAC-49EA-A4DB-7F797B97291E" "428183B6-3EB8-4D36-9938-9D07C141BF49")
# Determine the plist value for the desired style: "dark" -> 2 / "light" -> 1
for device_id in "${device_ids[@]}"; do
printf '\n%s' "Set style $style for device $device_id ($plist_path)"
killall "Simulator"
xcrun simctl shutdown booted
xcrun simctl erase $device_id
# Crate the plist since it might not be available after erase
[[ ! -f "$plist_path" ]] && /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "save" $plist_path
# Set the style mode
plutil -replace UserInterfaceStyleMode -integer $style $plist_path
If you want to specify device names in your script - since device IDs are different on different machines - you can also easily find the id's of them using the following bash code:
device_names=("iPhone SE" "iPhone 8" "iPhone 11 Pro" "iPhone 11 Pro Max")
for name in "${device_names[@]}"; do
id=$(xcrun simctl list --json | jq ".devices | .[] | .[] | select(.name == \"$name\") | .udid" | cut -d\" -f2)
printf '%s\n' "${device_ids[@]}"
Upvotes: 18
Reputation: 3271
from terminal:
xcrun simctl ui booted appearance light
xcrun simctl ui booted appearance dark
Upvotes: 12
Reputation: 36447
There are two ways to enable dark mode in Simulator. Note: Make sure that you’re using iOS 13 simulator. X-D
Solution 1: Change build settings
Solution 2: Programmatically
Simply add this code block in your ViewController file.
override func viewDidLoad() {
// This changes appearance only for debug mode
overrideUserInterfaceStyle = .dark
Check this apple docs for more details.
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 1713
Alternatively, you can also switch the appearance programmatically (docs):
override func viewDidLoad() {
// change the appearance only while testing
overrideUserInterfaceStyle = .dark
Upvotes: 12
Reputation: 1958
You can toggle the interface mode (i.e. Light / Dark) as well as adjust dynamic type setting on the fly (when the simulator is running) like this:
Upvotes: 121