Reputation: 6157
I'm using this package charts_flutter and I'm trying to give a coloured border to my Pie chart. I've seen that there is a stroke parameter (that should be what I'm looking for since the comment regarding this is: /// Stroke color of the border of the arcs.
, but it's in the "initializer list" and I can't find the way to access it:
this.stroke =,
Is there a way to access it, or some other way to give a border to my pie chart? This is my widget:
charts.Series<PieEntry, String>(
domainFn: (PieEntry entry, _) => entry.domain,
measureFn: (PieEntry entry, _) => entry.measure,
data: entries,
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1007
Reputation: 89
I created my own implementation of the Style object by mimicking the default MaterialStyle class. Then, I used the setter to set it globally.
Step 1: Add charts_common to your pubspec.yaml.
charts_common: ^0.9.0
This should technically already be in your dependencies beacuse charts_flutter uses it, but I included it just to be safe.
Step 2: Implement your own Style class
In this example, I changed the arcStrokeColor
to my own version of black to match the background. I used the ColorUtil.fromDartColor(Color color)
utility to pass in a flutter Color class.
// ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:charts_common/src/chart/cartesian/axis/spec/axis_spec.dart' show LineStyleSpec;
// ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:charts_common/src/common/color.dart' show Color;
// ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:charts_common/src/common/graphics_factory.dart' show GraphicsFactory;
// ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:charts_common/src/common/line_style.dart' show LineStyle;
// ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:charts_common/src/common/style/style.dart' show Style;
// ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:charts_common/src/common/material_palette.dart' show MaterialPalette;
// ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:charts_common/src/common/palette.dart' show Palette;
import 'package:charts_flutter/flutter.dart';
import 'package:stonks/consts.dart';
class CustomMaterialStyle implements Style {
const CustomMaterialStyle();
Color get black =>;
Color get transparent => MaterialPalette.transparent;
Color get white => MaterialPalette.white;
List<Palette> getOrderedPalettes(int count) =>
LineStyle createAxisLineStyle(
GraphicsFactory graphicsFactory, LineStyleSpec spec) {
return graphicsFactory.createLinePaint()
..color = spec?.color ?? MaterialPalette.gray.shadeDefault
..dashPattern = spec?.dashPattern
..strokeWidth = spec?.thickness ?? 1;
LineStyle createTickLineStyle(
GraphicsFactory graphicsFactory, LineStyleSpec spec) {
return graphicsFactory.createLinePaint()
..color = spec?.color ?? MaterialPalette.gray.shadeDefault
..dashPattern = spec?.dashPattern
..strokeWidth = spec?.thickness ?? 1;
int get tickLength => 3;
Color get tickColor => MaterialPalette.gray.shade800;
LineStyle createGridlineStyle(
GraphicsFactory graphicsFactory, LineStyleSpec spec) {
return graphicsFactory.createLinePaint()
..color = spec?.color ?? MaterialPalette.gray.shade300
..dashPattern = spec?.dashPattern
..strokeWidth = spec?.thickness ?? 1;
Color get arcLabelOutsideLeaderLine => MaterialPalette.gray.shade600;
Color get defaultSeriesColor => MaterialPalette.gray.shadeDefault;
Color get arcStrokeColor => ColorUtil.fromDartColor(BLACK);
Color get legendEntryTextColor => MaterialPalette.gray.shade800;
Color get legendTitleTextColor => MaterialPalette.gray.shade800;
Color get linePointHighlighterColor => MaterialPalette.gray.shade600;
Color get noDataColor => MaterialPalette.gray.shade200;
Color get rangeAnnotationColor => MaterialPalette.gray.shade100;
Color get sliderFillColor => MaterialPalette.white;
Color get sliderStrokeColor => MaterialPalette.gray.shade600;
Color get chartBackgroundColor => MaterialPalette.white;
double get rangeBandSize => 0.65;
Step 3: In your main function, call the setter function provided by StyleFactory
void main() { = CustomMaterialStyle();
Step 4: Hot Reload You should see the changes take effect immediately. It'd be nice if the library eventually gave us a proper way to access these members :)
Upvotes: 1