Reputation: 149
I have to set up a keyvault using secp256k1 algorithm as a Google Cloud Platform service and don't know where to start.
I checked available options and found only Elliptic Curve P-256 - SHA256 digest support. Is this the same as secp256k1?
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Views: 1095
Reputation: 721
If what you mean by your first sentence is having the analogous (at least partially) service of Key Vault with Google Cloud Platform (with this being Cloud Key Management Service aka KMS) then the answer is no.
While for Azure's Key Vault the elliptic curve SECP256K1
is available, at the moment for Cloud KMS the only elliptic curves available are P-256 and P-384.
The P-256
and SECP256K1
curves are not the same and, as of now, P-256
is defined in FIPS-186-4 and SECP256K1
in Standards for Efficient Cryptography Version 2.
Anyways, to back all of this, you can run the following experiment.
purpose key with Cloud SDK (see how-to):
gcloud kms keyrings create $keyring --location=$location
gcloud kms keys create $key --location $location --keyring $keyring --purpose asymmetric-signing --default-algorithm ec-sign-p256-sha256 --protection-level software
Sign a message and import the public key of the previously generated (KMS-generated that is) key pair.
echo $(date):$(uname -a) > $message
gcloud kms asymmetric-sign --keyring=$keyring --key=$key --location=$location --input-file=$message --signature-file=$signature --digest-algorithm=sha256 --version=1
gcloud kms keys versions get-public-key 1 --location=$location --keyring=$keyring --key=$key --output-file=./$keyring-$
Now you could verify the signature it with openssl dgst -verify $keyring-$ -signature $signature $message
but you won't get information about the elliptic curve used to generate the key pair of which the secret key was used to do the signing.
To get that information, we could install a Python third-party library:
virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3 ecdsa
cd ecdsa
source bin/activate
pip install ecdsa
And run the following command to verify the signature and see the curve used by KMS when the signing algorithm ec-sign-p256-sha256
was chosen:
python3 -c """
from pathlib import Path
import hashlib
from ecdsa import VerifyingKey, BadSignatureError
publickey = Path('$keyring-$')
signature = Path('$signature')
message = Path('$message')
def read_signature(signature):
workaround for
more background on why's that in
LEN = 64
with'rb') as fp:
sig =
offset = 4 if sig[4] else 5
slice_s, slice_r = slice(offset, offset + LENHALF), slice(-LENHALF, len(sig))
s,r = sig[slice_s], sig[slice_r]
return s + r
def verify(publickey, signature, message):
with as pkfp,'br') as messagefp:
vk = VerifyingKey.from_pem(
print('Verifying with public key associated with curve', repr(
vk.verify(read_signature(signature),, hashfunc=hashlib.sha256)
print('Verify Success')
except BadSignatureError:
print('Verify Failure')
verify(publickey, signature, message)
To hammer the point home of the elliptic curve used in KMS in this example being NIST's P-256
and its parameter differences with SECP256K1
, check out the following snippet:
python3 -c """
from collections import namedtuple
from operator import attrgetter
from ecdsa import NIST256p, SECP256k1
sextuple = namedtuple('T', 'p, a, b, G, n, h')
ag_curve = attrgetter(*('curve._CurveFp__'+c for c in 'abp'))
ag_generator = attrgetter(*('generator._Point__'+c for c in 'x y order'.split()))
def make_sextuple(curve, h=1):
n, G_x, G_y = ag_generator(curve)
return sextuple(*ag_curve(curve), n=n, G=(G_x, G_y), h=h)
T_NIST256p = make_sextuple(NIST256p)
T_SECP256k1 = make_sextuple(SECP256k1)
if T_NIST256p != T_SECP256k1:
for k in sextuple._fields:
ag_k = attrgetter(k)
v0, v1 = ag_k(T_NIST256p), ag_k(T_SECP256k1)
if v0 != v1:
print('Different values for parameter ', k,)
Upvotes: 2