Reputation: 4162
I want to create a machine learning model for audio files. I converted the audio files into a (spectrogram) tensor. My feature tensor (the audio files) has the following shape [119, 241, 125]
(119 files, 241 samples/file, 125 frequencies/sample). By sample, I define the samples I took in a timespan e.g. 16ms. My output shape will be [119, numOptions]
I followed this tutorial from Tensorflow.js on audio recognition. They build this model:
I reshape my features tensor to be 4D:
this.features = this.features.reshape([this.features.shape[0],this.features.shape[1],this.features.shape[2],1])
for the 2Dconv.
buildModel() {
const inputShape1 = [this.features.shape[1], this.features.shape[2],this.features.shape[3]];
this.model = tfNode.sequential();
// filter to the image => feature extractor, edge detector, sharpener (depends on the models understanding)
{filters: 8, kernelSize: [4, 2], activation: 'relu', inputShape: inputShape1}
// see the image at a higher level, generalize it more, prevent overfit
{poolSize: [2, 2], strides: [2, 2]}
// filter to the image => feature extractor, edge detector, sharpener (depends on the models understanding)
const inputShape2 = [119,62,8];
{filters: 32, kernelSize: [4, 2], activation: 'relu', inputShape: inputShape2}
// see the image at a higher level, generalize it more, prevent overfit
{poolSize: [2, 2], strides: [2, 2]}
// filter to the image => feature extractor, edge detector, sharpener (depends on the models understanding)
const inputShape3 = [58,30,32];
{filters: 32, kernelSize: [4, 2], activation: 'relu', inputShape: inputShape3}
// see the image at a higher level, generalize it more, prevent overfit
{poolSize: [2, 2], strides: [2, 2]}
// 1D output, => final output score of labels
// prevents overfitting, randomly set 0
this.model.add(tfNode.layers.dropout({rate: 0.25}));
// learn anything linear, non linear comb. from conv. and soft pool
this.model.add(tfNode.layers.dense({units: 2000, activation: 'relu'}));
this.model.add(tfNode.layers.dropout({rate: 0.25}));
// give probability for each label
this.model.add(tfNode.layers.dense({units: this.labels.shape[1], activation: 'softmax'}));
// compile the model
this.model.compile({loss: 'meanSquaredError', optimizer: 'adam'});
Layer (type) Output shape Param #
conv2d_Conv2D1 (Conv2D) [null,238,124,8] 72
max_pooling2d_MaxPooling2D1 [null,119,62,8] 0
conv2d_Conv2D2 (Conv2D) [null,116,61,32] 2080
max_pooling2d_MaxPooling2D2 [null,58,30,32] 0
conv2d_Conv2D3 (Conv2D) [null,55,29,32] 8224
max_pooling2d_MaxPooling2D3 [null,27,14,32] 0
flatten_Flatten1 (Flatten) [null,12096] 0
dropout_Dropout1 (Dropout) [null,12096] 0
dense_Dense1 (Dense) [null,2000] 24194000
dropout_Dropout2 (Dropout) [null,2000] 0
dense_Dense2 (Dense) [null,2] 4002
Total params: 24208378
Trainable params: 24208378
Non-trainable params: 0
Epoch 1 / 10
eta=0.0 ======================================>----------------------------------------------------------------------------- loss=0.515 0.51476
eta=0.8 ============================================================================>--------------------------------------- loss=0.442 0.44186
eta=0.0 ===================================================================================================================>
3449ms 32236us/step - loss=0.485 val_loss=0.958
Epoch 2 / 10
eta=0.0 ======================================>----------------------------------------------------------------------------- loss=0.422 0.42188
eta=0.9 ============================================================================>--------------------------------------- loss=0.395 0.39535
eta=0.0 ===================================================================================================================>
3643ms 34043us/step - loss=0.411 val_loss=0.958
Epoch 3 / 10
1) The first input size is my features tensor shape. The other two inputShapes (inputShape2, inputShape3)
where defined by the error message I got. How to determine the following two input sizes in advance?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 563
Reputation: 18381
How the inputShape is calculated ?
It is not the inputShape that is calculated. It is the dataset that is passed to the model that has to match the inputShape
. While defining the model, the inputShape is of 3D. But looking at the model summary, there is a fourth dimension with value null
that is the batchshape. As a result, the training data should be of 4D. The first dimension or batchshape can be whatever - what matters is for the features and the labels to have the same batchshape. There is a more detailed answer here
How the layers shape is calculated ?
It depends of the layers used. Layers such as dropout
, activation
don't change the input shape.
Depending on the stride kernel, the convolution layer will change the input shape. This answer details how it is calculated.
A flatten layer will simply reshape the inputShape to be of one dimension. In the model summary, there is the input shape [null,27,14,32]
and the flatten layer has the shape [null, 12096] (12096 = 27 * 14 *32)
The dense layer will also change the input shape. The shape of the dense layer depends of the number of units of that layer.
Upvotes: 1