
Reputation: 1989

Ng serve throwing @angular/core/core has no exported member 'eeFactoryDef'

Im getting like 50 errors that all say that angular/core/core has no exported member 'eeFactoryDef'.

They come from different node_modules, for example angular/cdk, ng-bootstrap, ngx-pipes, ng2-dragula and some more. I didn't find anything from google either.

../node_modules/@angular/cdk/drag-drop/typings/directives/drag-handle.d.ts:23:33 - error TS2694: Namespace '"/Users/heikopiirme/Documents/realNewClient/client/node_modules/@angular/core/core"' has no exported member 'ɵɵFactoryDef'.

23     static ngFactoryDef: ɵngcc0.ɵɵFactoryDef<CdkDragHandle>;

This is my package.json file:

Here are my depencencies:

    "@angular-skyhook/core": "^1.1.1",
    "@angular-skyhook/multi-backend": "^1.1.1",
    "@angular/animations": "^8.2.6",
    "@angular/cdk": "^8.2.0",
    "@angular/common": "^8.2.6",
    "@angular/compiler": "^8.2.6",
    "@angular/core": "^8.2.6",
    "@angular/forms": "^8.2.6",
    "@angular/http": "^7.1.4",
    "@angular/material": "^8.2.0",
    "@angular/platform-browser": "^8.2.6",
    "@angular/platform-browser-dynamic": "^8.2.6",
    "@angular/router": "^8.2.6",
    "@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap": "^5.1.1",
    "@ng-select/ng-select": "^3.0.7",
    "@swimlane/ngx-datatable": "^13.1.0",
    "@types/googlemaps": "^3.36.5",
    "angular2-draggable": "^2.3.1",
    "bootstrap": "^4.2.1",
    "core-js": "^2.6.1",
    "drag-drop-webkit-mobile": "^1.4.1",
    "exif-js": "^2.3.0",
    "hammerjs": "^2.0.8",
    "mobile-drag-drop": "^2.3.0-rc.2",
    "moment": "^2.24.0",
    "moment-range": "^4.0.2",
    "net": "^1.0.2",
    "ng2-dnd": "^5.0.2",
    "ng2-dragula": "^2.1.1",
    "ng2-file-upload": "^1.3.0",
    "ng2-img-max": "^2.1.18",
    "ngx-bar-rating": "^1.1.0",
    "ngx-bootstrap": "^4.3.0",
    "ngx-material-timepicker": "^5.1.0",
    "ngx-permissions": "^5.0.0",
    "ngx-pipes": "2.5.6",
    "ngx-toastr": "^10.0.4",
    "react-dnd-html5-backend": "^7.6.0",
    "rxjs": "^6.5.3",
    "sockjs-client": "^1.3.0",
    "stompjs": "^2.3.3",
    "touchscreen-dnd-shim": "^1.2.2",
    "underscore": "^1.9.1",
    "zone.js": "~0.9.1"

And here are my dev dependencies:

"@angular-devkit/build-angular": "^0.803.4",
    "@angular/cli": "~8.3.4",
    "@angular/compiler-cli": "^8.2.6",
    "@angular/language-service": "^8.2.6",
    "@types/jasmine": "~2.8.8",
    "@types/jasminewd2": "~2.0.3",
    "@types/node": "^8.9.5",
    "codelyzer": "~5.0.1",
    "jasmine-core": "~2.99.1",
    "jasmine-spec-reporter": "~4.2.1",
    "karma": "~3.1.1",
    "karma-chrome-launcher": "~2.2.0",
    "karma-coverage-istanbul-reporter": "~2.0.1",
    "karma-jasmine": "~1.1.2",
    "karma-jasmine-html-reporter": "^0.2.2",
    "node-sass": "^4.12.0",
    "protractor": "~5.4.0",
    "ts-node": "~7.0.0",
    "tslint": "~5.11.0",
    "typescript": "~3.5.3"

Couldn't find any information on google for some reason.

Upvotes: 113

Views: 191667

Answers (20)

z atef
z atef

Reputation: 7679

what worked is removing the carrot sign ^ from the version in package.json and then a fresh install of node_modules.. npm i

So, Instead of:

 "drag-drop-webkit-mobile": "^1.4.1",


 "drag-drop-webkit-mobile": "1.4.1",

This will ensure the exact version is installed, and not a new one..

Upvotes: 0

Alok Swain
Alok Swain

Reputation: 6519

Faced the same problem when downgrading a angular version on openshift. The source image used in the build step (nodeshift/centos7-s2i-web-app) kept throwing the error on building even after a npm install. As we could not find a way to delete the node_modules I had to delete the base imagestream and re-create it.

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 2533

Quick solution - check the Angular version in your package.json, then make sure that the Angular CLI matching version is installed globally to NPM.

E.g. if you have Angular 10.2.4 installed in your project, make sure to also add that specific Angular CLI globally by doing:

npm install -g @angular/[email protected]

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 29694

A lot of people saying the solution here is to simply "delete your node_modules". This may or may not work.

To understand why that is the case, you need to understand why you're getting this error. This is caused by a breaking change in Angular where code generated using angular version x is not compatible with angular version y (happens in multiple versions, I'm currently getting it between 10 and 13). The eeFactoryDef is a method generated by Angular when your source is compiled. The name of this method has changed over the years. So the delete node_modules works because it's assuming that you've just upgraded angular and you have an old version still hanging about.

This also explains why there are so many different answers to this question. The angular incompatibility could be in your code or one of its dependancies. All the people saying "I get this in x library" are basically because of this underlying problem.

But, you can also get this issue if you have a dependency issue. The easiest way to diagnose this problem is to run npm ls @angular/core. This will list all the library dependencies that link to this lib, for example I get:

`-- UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY @angular/[email protected]

npm ERR! peer dep missing: @angular/core@~11.2.13, required by [email protected]
npm ERR! peer dep missing: @angular/[email protected], required by [email protected]
npm ERR! peer dep missing: @angular/core@^11.0.5, required by [email protected]
npm ERR! peer dep missing: @angular/core@^6.0.0 || ^7.0.0 || ^8.0.0, required by [email protected]

In this scenario you need to upgrade the conflicting libraries so that they all use the same (or a compatible) version of angular (and no amount of deleting and re-adding of node_modules will make any difference).

Another problem that has this as a symptom is the Ivy compiler. Again, this can produce an incompatible build between libraries and applications. The solution here depends on where the incompatibility lies. If you lib is not Ivy but your application is, then you can either opt out of Ivy (note this is now disabled in Angular 12)


  "extends": "./tsconfig.json",
  "compilerOptions": {
    "outDir": "./out-tsc/app",
    "types": []
  "files": [
  "include": [
  "angularCompilerOptions": {
    "enableIvy": false

Or run ngcc in a postinstall event:


   "scripts": {
       "postinstall": "ngcc"

Upvotes: 39


Reputation: 640

I was recently having similar issue with ng-lazyload-image plugin.

We were using Angular 9 and in our package.json we were calling "ng-lazyload-image": "^9.1.0"

I changed it to "ng-lazyload-image": "9.1.0" and the build started to work in Jenkins.

Posting it here to help someone, facing the same issue with this plugin.

Upvotes: 3


Reputation: 149

I installed ngx-indexed-db and I was having this error Ng serve throwing @angular/core/core has no exported member for me it was purely a version based error I solved it by downgrading the library using this command

npm i [email protected]

Upvotes: 0

Prasad Shetty
Prasad Shetty

Reputation: 121

I faced the same problem when I was trying to integrate ngx-mask package.

Reason For Issue : angular version was 9.0.1 and ngx-mask version was higher

Solution : I downgraded the ngx-mask version to 9.0.1 which was compatible with my angular version

Upvotes: 2

Niranjan Kumar
Niranjan Kumar

Reputation: 95

In my case, it was being caused by ngx-toastr. After much of hit and trial, solved using below approach:

  1. First checked the version of angular using command ng version.
  2. Visited https://www.npmjs.com/package/ngx-toastr and check the toastr version suitable for my angular version.
  3. Installed the suitable version of toastr.

Upvotes: 3

trishal walia
trishal walia

Reputation: 11

This issue also comes up when we install a libraray to our project and the fix for it is, must check the version compatibility of the library with the angular version you have.

Upvotes: 0

David Douglas
David Douglas

Reputation: 10503

I hit this issue today after updating project to Angular 12 on feature branch then switching branch back to main which was still Angular 10. In addition I noticed the error Another process, with id 95467, is currently running ngcc. which proceeded the x was not found in @angular/core errors. But I didn't have any other install / build / serve tasks running.

After running the following commands this issue was fixed:

npm ci
ng update

Suggestion was to update @angular/core and @angular/cli from 12.2.9 -> 12.2.10 so I ran:

ng update @angular/core @angular/cli

Then was able to run npm start to run Angular 12 app ok

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 29

ng update @angular/cli @angular/core --allow-dirty

it works for me.

Upvotes: -1

Eric E AT MT
Eric E AT MT

Reputation: 387

This error can happen if you have a project using Angular 12, that depends on a library built prior to Angular 12.

You will have to have the library catch up to Angular 12 to resolve the issue.

Upvotes: 1

Allan Juan
Allan Juan

Reputation: 2554

Note that this might be a compatibility issue with one of your libraries. E.g: the library expects you to have Angular 12, but your project runs Angular 11 instead. Take a look at the library's package.json history and check if it is using a greater Angular version indeed. If it is, then you'll have two options:

  1. Upgrade your Angular version to be the same as the library's
  2. Downgrade the library version back to when it used the same Angular version as yours (might not be possible if the library never used that Angular version)

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 737

In addition to the reasons/solutions previously shared, another reason this could happen is if npm packages are incompatible with your current Angular version.

For example, I got these after running npm i primeng. NPM installed the most recent version (v12), but I was only running ng11.

In my case, the solution was to upgrade Angular, but another solution would be to downgrade the npm package.

Upvotes: 18

Matjaz Hirsman
Matjaz Hirsman

Reputation: 344

Main project had Angular 8 and I got this issue when some packages with Angular 9 were installed. Use this for upgrade steps: https://update.angular.io - specifically upgrade to latest version of 8 ng update @angular/core@8 @angular/cli@8 then to 9 ng update @angular/core@9 @angular/cli@9.

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 335

I run ino the same issue when trying to upgrade to Angular 10 in another feature branch.

it messed up 'node_modules' folder.


run npm ci.

Upvotes: 4

Mojtaba Nava
Mojtaba Nava

Reputation: 878

Delete folder node_modules then run the npm i command

Upvotes: -4

Saad Khan
Saad Khan

Reputation: 119

I got the issue when switching between Angular 8 and 9 multiple times as mentioned by peregrination.

Solution for me was not to delete "node_module" and run "npm install" again, but to remove and re-install npm packages to angular 8 compatible version which were mentioned in the error.

ERROR in node_modules/ngx-infinite-scroll/src/modules/infinite-scroll.directive.d.ts:27:25 - error TS2694: Namespace '"/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/node_modules/@angular/core/core"' has no exported member 'ɵɵFactoryDef'.
27     static ɵfac: ɵngcc0.ɵɵFactoryDef<InfiniteScrollDirective, never>;
node_modules/ng-click-outside/lib_commonjs/click-outside.directive.d.ts:34:25 - error TS2694: Namespace '"/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/node_modules/@angular/core/core"' has no exported member 'ɵɵFactoryDef'.
34     static ɵfac: ɵngcc0.ɵɵFactoryDef<ClickOutsideDirective, never>;

Upvotes: 2

Alvaro Estrada
Alvaro Estrada

Reputation: 283

I'm getting the same error. I'm using Angular 9.7.1, I first tried to delete the node_modules and npm install but it didn't work so I finally fixed it adding this to the tsconfig.json:

 "paths": {
      "@angular/*": ["./node_modules/@angular/*"]

Upvotes: 25


Reputation: 2638

I ran into this after updating some packages (including Angular from 8 to 9), then downgrading again.

The solution was to nuke the node_modules folder and then do a fresh npm install.

Upvotes: 132

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