Reputation: 177
I'm looking for the go equivalent of:
kubectl get some-custom-resource-kind some-custom-resource -o yaml > file.yaml
Modify the yaml file...
kubectl apply -f file.yaml
Kubernetes has a client go library for standard resource kinds.
And various vendors have client go libraries for their custom resources.
But I need to get/update a resource kind that doesn't have a publicly available client go library. The logic is implemented in bash script today and I'm trying to move that function to a go controller.
Seems like it there should be a straightforward way in go to do the equivalent of kubectl.
Thanks, Paul
Upvotes: 4
Views: 15728
Reputation: 1253
I am creating a CRD (securitycontextconstraint) as follows:
v1 ""
corev1 ""
metav1 ""
func (c *ClusterClient) CreateSCC() {
name := "ssc-test"
scc := v1.SecurityContextConstraints{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
Kind: "SecurityContextConstraints",
APIVersion: "",
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: name,
RequiredDropCapabilities: []corev1.Capability{"KILL", "MKNOD", "SETUID", "SETGID"},
AllowHostPorts: false,
AllowPrivilegedContainer: false,
AllowHostDirVolumePlugin: false,
AllowHostIPC: false,
ReadOnlyRootFilesystem: false,
DefaultAddCapabilities: nil,
AllowHostPID: false,
AllowHostNetwork: false,
AllowedCapabilities: nil,
Volumes: []v1.FSType{v1.FSTypeConfigMap, v1.FSTypeDownwardAPI, v1.FSTypeEmptyDir, v1.FSTypePersistentVolumeClaim, v1.FSProjected, v1.FSTypeSecret},
SELinuxContext: v1.SELinuxContextStrategyOptions{
Type: v1.SELinuxStrategyMustRunAs,
RunAsUser: v1.RunAsUserStrategyOptions{
Type: v1.RunAsUserStrategyMustRunAsRange,
SupplementalGroups: v1.SupplementalGroupsStrategyOptions{
Type: v1.SupplementalGroupsStrategyRunAsAny,
Users: []string{},
Groups: []string{"system:authenticated"},
// To check if scc is already created or not
_, err := c.kubeClient.CoreV1().RESTClient().
// scc is not present in cluster
if err != nil {
//Creating SCC
_, err = c.kubeClient.CoreV1().RESTClient().
// VersionedParams(&metav1.CreateOptions{}, scheme.ParameterCodec).
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failed to create SecurityContextConstraints: %v\n", err)
// return Failure, err
fmt.Printf("Successfully created SecurityContextConstraints %s\n", name)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 2076
For any type, including your CRDs, use client.Client
From the documentation:
// Using a typed object.
pod := &corev1.Pod{}
// c is a created client.
_ = c.Get(context.Background(), client.ObjectKey{
Namespace: "namespace",
Name: "name",
}, pod)
pod.SetFinalizers(append(pod.GetFinalizers(), "new-finalizer"))
_ = c.Update(context.Background(), pod)
// Using a unstructured object.
u := &unstructured.Unstructured{}
Group: "apps",
Kind: "Deployment",
Version: "v1",
_ = c.Get(context.Background(), client.ObjectKey{
Namespace: "namespace",
Name: "name",
}, u)
u.SetFinalizers(append(u.GetFinalizers(), "new-finalizer"))
_ = c.Update(context.Background(), u)
You could just as easily swap in SomeCustomResourceKind
myCR := &v1alpha1.SomeCustomResourceKind{}
// c is a created client.Client
_ = c.Get(context.TODO(), client.ObjectKey{
Namespace: "namespace",
Name: "some-custom-resource", }, myCR)
myCR.MyProperty = "NewValue"
_ = c.Update(context.TODO(), myCR)
You mentioned you're trying to move this functionality from a bash script to a Go controller, so it would be worth checking out the Kubebuilder project, which can scaffold out a controller for you (and any additional APIs you might need). It creates fully functional controllers with the controller-runtime Client and wires up all the reconciliation logic to manage your CRDs.
Upvotes: 9