Reputation: 177
I have following @Query, that is perfectly working fine. But now I have a scenario where there screen needs a filter, that will add some where clauses to the query.
ef, ed, ea
FROM EntityA ea
JOIN EntityB eb
JOIN EntityC ec
JOIN EntityD ed
JOIN EntityE ee
JOIN EntityF ef
TRUNC( = TRUNC(:date)
-- conditions based on screen filter parameters
AND ef.amount = :amount
AND LOWER( LIKE LOWER('%' || :name || '%')
AND ec.projectId = :projectId
AND ed.divisionId = :divisionId
Found that there is a good Specifications support to dynamically create the queries as per requirement.
But not sure how do I select multiple objects ef, ed & ea in one go using Specifications, otherwise I have to write 4 more queries to return result based on filter criteria.
N.B. Not using eager loading for performance reasons as entities are used by multiple services.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 6383
Reputation: 177
I was able to achieve this by implementing Custom Repositories, auto-wiring the EntityManager in that implementation class and then building the final JPQL based on parameters passed. A good example is in Eugen's blog.
Previously I had following structure
public interface EntityARepository extends JpaRepository<EntityA, Long> {
List<EntityA> findAllBy(Date filterDate, Long amount, String name, Long projectId, Long divisionId);
public interface EntityAService {
List<Object[]> findAllBy(Date filterDate, Long amount, String name, Long projectId, Long divisionId);
public class EntityAServiceImpl implements EntityAService {
EntityARepository entityARepository;
public List<Object[]> findAllBy(Date filterDate, Long amount, String name, Long projectId, Long divisionId) {
And by using Custom Repositories all becomes like
public interface EntityACustomRepository {
List<Object[]> findAllBy(Date filterDate, Long amount, String name, Long projectId, Long divisionId);
public interface EntityARepository extends JpaRepository<EntityA, Long> {
//List<EntityA> findAllBy(Date filterDate, Long amount, String name, Long projectId, Long divisionId);
public class EntityACustomRepositoryImpl implements EntityACustomRepository {
// autowiring entityManager helped to create and execute dynamic jpql
EntityManager entityManager;
public List<Object[]> findAllBy(Date filterDate, Long amount, String name, Long projectId, Long divisionId) {
String jpql = "SELECT " +
" ef, ed, ea " +
" FROM EntityA ea " +
" JOIN EntityB eb " +
" JOIN EntityC ec " +
" JOIN EntityD ed " +
" JOIN EntityE ee " +
" JOIN EntityF ef " +
" WHERE " +
" TRUNC( = TRUNC(:date) "
//conditions based on screen filter parameters
if(amount!=null && amount>0L) {
jpql += " AND ef.amount = :amount ";
if(name!=null && name.trim().length()>0) {
jpql += " AND LOWER( LIKE LOWER('%' || :name || '%') ";
if(projectId!=null && projectId>0L) {
jpql += " AND ec.projectId = :projectId ";
if(divisionId!=null && divisionId>0L) {
jpql += " AND ed.divisionId = :divisionId ";
Query query = entityManager.createQuery(jpql);
query.setParameter("date", filterDate);
if(amount!=null && amount>0L) {
query.setParameter("amount", amount);
if(name!=null && name.trim().length()>0) {
query.setParameter("name", name);
if(projectId!=null && projectId>0L) {
query.setParameter("projectId", projectId);
if(divisionId!=null && divisionId>0L) {
query.setParameter("divisionId", divisionId);
return query.getResultList();
public interface EntityAService {
List<Object[]> findAllBy(Date filterDate, Long amount, String name, Long projectId, Long divisionId);
public class EntityAServiceImpl implements EntityAService {
EntityARepository entityARepository;
public List<Object[]> findAllBy(Date filterDate, Long amount, String name, Long projectId, Long divisionId) {
return entityARepository.findAllBy(filterDate, amount, name, projectId, divisionId);
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 71
It is possible to query on child entities using the Specification API if you map them with JPA, e.g. with @OneToMany.
public class EntityA {
// Omitting fields
private List<EntityB> bList = new ArrayList<>();
public class EntityASpecification implements Specification<EntityA> {
private SearchCriteriaValueClass criteria;
public EntityASpecification(SearchCriteriaValueClass criteria) {
this.criteria = criteria;
public Predicate toPredicate(Root<EntityA> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder builder) {
ListJoin<EntityA, EntityB> pathToEntityB = root.join(EntityA_.bList, JoinType.INNER);
Predicate amountInBIsEqual = builder.equal(pathToEntityB.get(EntityB_.amount), criteria.getAmount);
Path<SomeEntityAField> pathToAField = root.get(EntityA_.someAField);
Predicate someValueInA =;
return builder.and(amountInBIsEqual, someValueInA);
Obviously a Specification is defined for one Entity and can only return instances of that. I don't see any (safe and effective) way of returning instances of F, D and A in one method call other than them being connected in a has-a relationship.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 81988
Specifications are only used for dynamically creating a where clause.
If you also need to control the select clause I recommend using the JPA Criteria API inside a custom method of your repository.
Upvotes: 1