
Reputation: 1

How can I download CHIRPS precipitation data in .gz format?

I'm trying to download CHIRPS data from The heavyRain package is outdated and the earthEngineGrabR package (to pull data from Google's Earth Engine, seems to have some bugs. Here are a few of my attempts.

lst.files <- list(
url2 = " -2.0/africa_daily/tifs/p25/2010/chirps-v2.0.2010.01.01.tif.gz"
, target = "chirps-v2.0.2010.01.01.tif.gz"))

#download gzipped files (only if file does not exist)
lapply(lst.files, function(x)
 if(!file.exists(x$target)) download.file(x$url2, x$target))

#open files
lst <- lapply(lst.files, function(x) {
  df <- readr::read_table2(x$target)

Here's the error message: Error in guess_header_(datasource, tokenizer, locale) : embedded nul in string: 'II*'

And here's another attempt:


setwd <- "C://Desktop"
url <- ""
years = c("2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019")

lapply(years, function (x){
  url <- paste(url, "/pub/org/chg/products/CHIRPS-2.0/africa_daily/tifs/p25/", x, ".gz", sep = "")
  filename <- paste("CHIRPS", x, ".gz", sep = "")
  foldername <- paste("CHIRPS", x, sep = "")

  if (file.exists(filename)==FALSE){
    download.file(url, filename)

  if (file.exists(foldername)==FALSE){

  if(length(list.files(path = foldername, pattern="*.gz")) == 0){

  for (fl in (list.files(pattern=".gz"))){
      file.copy(fl, foldername)


Here's the error message: trying URL '' Error in download.file(url, filename) : cannot open URL '' In addition: Warning message: In download.file(url, filename) : Error in download.file(url, filename) : cannot open URL ''

And here's what happens using the example provided on the github readme file for earthEngineGrabR,

> library(earthEngineGrabR)
> library(tidyverse)
> library(sf)
> Chirps_data <- ee_grab(data = ee_data_collection(datasetID = 'UCSB-CHG/CHIRPS/DAILY'
+                                          , spatialReducer = 'mean'
+                                          , temporalReducer = 'sum'
+                                          , timeStart = "2016-01-01"
+                                          , timeEnd = "2016-12-31"
+                                          , resolution = 200)
+                        , targetArea = system.file('data/territories.shp', package = 'earthEngineGrabR'))

Here's the output of the code where it starts, but then gets stuck:

Auto-refreshing stale OAuth token.

upload: territories is already uploaded Should the file be deleted and uploaded again? [Y/N]: Y Files deleted: * territories: 1AOc2yzIV1DGDgfUULNA6Co1M37xcWTFLRbdKOegs Creating Fusion Table: territories

Error: With the given product argument no valid data could be requested. In addition: Warning messages: 1: In (function (text) : printing of extremely long output is truncated 2: Error on Earth Engine servers for data product: UCSB-CHG-CHIRPS-DAILY_s-mean_t-sum_2016-01-01to2016-12-31 Error in py_call_impl(callable, dots$args, dots$keywords): EEException: Unexpected HTTP error: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:727)

Can anyone help me access either of these datasources?

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Views: 1203

Answers (1)


Reputation: 1

I found a way to do this by adapting the code from this video, Using the code below, I can download all the files for a given year, and then I just repeat the code for the next year manually by adapting the url. It's not an elegant solution, but it works.

setwd("working directory file name")
url <- "" 
filenames <- getURL(url, ftp.use.epsv = FALSE, dirlistonly = TRUE)
filenames <- strsplit(filenames, "\r\n")
filenames = unlist(filenames)

for (filename in filenames) {
  download.file(paste(url, filename, sep = ""), paste(getwd(), "/", filename, sep = ""))

This downloads all the .gz files to my working directory. Faster solutions are welcome, but this does work.

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