Reputation: 161
i'm currently working with sequelize v5 on a backend project, we're using postgresql as a database.
I know that sequelize can define hooks as a mean to implement triggers, however, I require the implementation (or definition) of database triggers directly on the database.
I defined hooks as it was detailed in the docs, but noticed that it failed to formally define a trigger on the database.
hooks: {
beforeUpdate: (instance, options) => {
actionType: 'UPDATE',
key: instance.dataValues.key,
newValue: instance.dataValues.value,
oldValue: instance._previousDataValues.value,
createdAt: instance.dataValues.createdAt,
createdBy: instance.dataValues.createdBy
The project manager insists on declaring triggers, so I did the following:
sequelize.query("" +
"CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION the_model_i_want_to_use_log_func() " +
"AS $$ " +
"BEGIN " +
" INSERT INTO a_schema.the_model_i_want_to_use(key, action_type, old_value, new_value, created_at, created_by) VALUES (NEW.key, TG_OP, OLD.value, NEW.value, NEW.created_at, NEW.created_by); " +
" END IF; " +
"" +
"END; " +
"$$ " +
" LANGUAGE plpgsql; " +
"DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS general_config_log ON a_schema.the_model_i_want_to_use; " +
"CREATE TRIGGER general_config_log " +
"AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON a_schema.the_model_i_want_to_use" +
"FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE the_model_i_want_to_use_log_func(); "
the problem (as you can tell) with the snippet above, is that it will rewrite the triggers and functions every time squelize is instanced.
I know this will break if we change database (to MySql for example), but that's not an issue i'm worried with at the moment.
Is there a different or correct aproach to declaring triggers with sequelize?
Upvotes: 4
Views: 4041
Reputation: 4736
The correct way to handle changes in the database by handling the history is by using sequence migrations.
This requires that sequelize-cli be installed and within the src / migrations directory (optional). See the documentation at.
create migration file in src / migration / create_table_person.js
module.exports = {
up: función (queryInterface, DataTypes) {
return queryInterface.createTable ('par_ec', {
id_par_ec: {
tipo: DataTypes.INTEGER,
primaryKey: verdadero,
allowNull: falso,
autoIncrement: verdadero
nombre: {
tipo: DataTypes.TEXT,
allowNull: falso
Connection setup to a src / config / data_base.json database
"username": "postgres",
"contraseña": "admin",
"base de datos": "ppte",
"host": "localhost",
"dialecto": "postgres",
"zona horaria": "América / La_Paz",
"MigrationStorage": "secuelizar",
"MigrationStorageTableName": "sequelize_migration",
"registro": falso,
"grupo": {
"max": 15,
"min": 0,
"inactivo": 10000,
"adquirir": 10000,
"desalojar": 10000,
"handleDisconnects": verdadero,
"autoreconnect": verdadero
Execute all pending migrations
sequelize db: migrate --migrations-path src / migrations --config src / config / data_base.json
Upvotes: 1