Reputation: 427
I have a dependency to a private Bitbucket repo in my package.json
"my-dependency": "git+ssh://[email protected]/something/my-dependency.git"
I followed the instructions given in [1] and [2] and created an SSH key that I encrypted with kms.
I've created a custom cloudbuild.yaml
as follows:
# Decrypt the file containing the key
- name: ''
- kms
- decrypt
- --ciphertext-file=bitbucket_rsa.enc
- --plaintext-file=/root/.ssh/id_rsa
- --location=global
- --keyring=default
- --key=bitbucket-key
- name: 'ssh'
path: /root/.ssh
# Set up git with key and domain
- name: ''
entrypoint: 'bash'
- '-c'
- |
chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa
cat <<EOF >/root/.ssh/config
IdentityFile /root/.ssh/id_rsa
mv known_hosts /root/.ssh/known_hosts
- name: 'ssh'
path: /root/.ssh
# Install
- name: ''
args: ['install']
- name: 'ssh'
path: /root/.ssh
# Build
- name: ""
args: ["build"]
- name: 'ssh'
path: /root/.ssh
# Deploy
- name: ""
args: ["app", "deploy", "my-service.yaml"]
- name: 'ssh'
path: /root/.ssh
When I run it via gcloud builds submit --config=cloudbuild.yaml
steps #0 to #3 run through fine, but step #4 fails because app deploy
triggers another yarn install
which does not have access to the SSH key defined in steps #0 and #1:
Step #4: INFO rm_node_modules took 0 seconds
Step #4: INFO starting: yarn_install
Step #4: INFO yarn_install yarn install
Step #4: INFO `yarn_install` stdout:
Step #4: yarn install v1.9.4
Step #4: [1/5] Validating package.json...
Step #4: [2/5] Resolving packages...
Step #4: [3/5] Fetching packages...
Step #4: info Visit for documentation about this command.
Step #4:
Step #4: INFO `yarn_install` had stderr output:
Step #4: error Command failed.
Step #4: Exit code: 128
Step #4: Command: git
Step #4: Arguments: ls-remote --tags --heads ssh://[email protected]/something/my-dependency.git
Step #4: Directory: /workspace
Step #4: Output:
Step #4: Host key verification failed.
Step #4: fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Step #4:
Step #4: Please make sure you have the correct access rights
Step #4: and the repository exists.
Step #4:
Step #4: ERROR error: `yarn_install` returned code: 1
Step #4: INFO yarn_install took 11 seconds
Step #4: INFO build process for FTL image took 11 seconds
Step #4: INFO full build took 11 seconds
Step #4: ERROR `yarn_install` had stderr output:
Step #4: error Command failed.
Thank you for your help!
[2] Link private repository in packages.json in app deployed to gcloud
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1734
Reputation: 427
So apparently it is not possible to provide an SSH key for the gcloud app deploy
step. Thus using
"my-dependency": "git+ssh://[email protected]/something/my-dependency.git"
will not work!
The workaround (as mentioned by @JKleinne in the linked thread) is to clone the repo and install it from a local folder:
"my-dependency": "lib/my-dependency"
I wrote a small bash script that checks if the repo can be accessed and clones/pulls if it can:
REMOTE="[email protected]:${GIT_PROJECT}/${GIT_REPO}.git"
if [[ ! -d ./lib ]]
mkdir -p ./lib
## Test if git repo is accessible
if ! git ls-remote --exit-code -h ${REMOTE}; then
echo "Unable to access git repo, skipping"
exit 0
## Clone or pull
if [[ ! -d ./lib/${NAME} ]]
git clone ${REMOTE} ./lib/${NAME}
git -C ./lib/${NAME} pull
I then use it in the preinstall script:
"preinstall": "./ something my-dependency",
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1310
Whenever there's a Host Key verification failed
error, it is most likely related to your known_hosts
file, it means that the host key of
is not in your known_hosts file and so the client does not have a way to verify it. Try running ssh-keyscan -t rsa > known_hosts
and then cat known_hosts
and see if the host key is present.
If the answer is no and the output is empty, it could be a network problem interfering with the process. Follow the accepted answer in this thread to troubleshoot it.
If the answer is yes, perfect there is only one step missing and that is to configure your SSH key into Bitbucket. Go into under "Bitbucket Settings" and then click "SSH Keys" in one of the options. Add a key (label it whichever name you decide) and paste the output you get from running cat ~/.ssh/ into the key section.
Essentially, in one of the threads you linked I'm cloning the private repository in the same folder as the root of my application. That way, in the package.json I can simply add this line dependencies: {“circular-structure-stringify”: “./circular-structure-stringify”}
which will allow me to require()
it like any npm package.
I realize I should've kept the Github link open but nevertheless, I am working on another example which I will be posting in the comments section soon. Meanwhile, let me know on the outcome.
Upvotes: 1