Reputation: 1383
Is there a way where I can use one single form using reactive forms and make it for use in all my other components?
I am making a basic CRUD app and it works fine. The problem is that each component has it's own template but I want to use the same form to create customer info, update the customer info using the same form that shows in the bootstrap modal.
I'm new and I can't wrap around the problem.
I have created a reactive-forms-component component that has the html for the reactive forms. But I don't know how to reuse them in each component.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 3336
Reputation: 423
Yes, you can add to [formGroup]="form"
any element and it will be a part of that form. It works for subgroups too. You should input @Input() form: FormGroup
Any parent HTML element in the same component as your input field can have formGroup
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 4623
Example CRUD with sorting list: Git of whole application:
It is simple application and NGXS in it is an overkill but im learning to. it's data state management. It's beter known as Redux.
You can study it.
<div class="add-item-container">
<h2>Add Media</h2>
<input matInput placeholder="Enter title:" type="text" [formControl]='title' required>
<mat-error *ngIf="title.invalid && !''">{{getErrorTitle()}}</mat-error>
<mat-select matInput placeholder="Category:" [formControl]="category" required>
<ng-container *ngFor="let category of categories">
<mat-option *ngIf="category != 'All'" [value]="category">{{category}}</mat-option>
<mat-error *ngIf="category.invalid && !''">{{getErrorCategory()}}</mat-error>
<input matInput [matDatepicker]="picker1" placeholder="Upload Date:" [formControl]="uploaded">
<mat-datepicker-toggle matSuffix [for]="picker1"></mat-datepicker-toggle>
<mat-datepicker #picker1></mat-datepicker>
<div class="buttons">
<ng-container *ngIf="data; then update; else add"></ng-container>
<ng-template #add>
<button mat-raised-button color="primary" (click)="onAdd()" [disabled]="title.invalid || category.invalid">Add
<ng-template #update>
<button mat-raised-button color="primary" (click)="onUpdate()"
[disabled]="title.invalid || category.invalid">Update
<button mat-raised-button color="primary" (click)="onCancel()">Cancel</button>
Most important in template are buttons so You display button Update when there is input data from parent component or add when there are no any data:
<ng-container *ngIf="data; then update; else add"></ng-container>
<ng-template #add>
<button mat-raised-button color="primary" (click)="onAdd()" [disabled]="title.invalid || category.invalid">Add
<ng-template #update>
<button mat-raised-button color="primary" (click)="onUpdate()"
[disabled]="title.invalid || category.invalid">Update
form.component.ts im using @angular/material library just in case to pop a dialog:
categories = MediaOptions.CATEGORIES
uploaded = new FormControl(new Date(), [Validators.required])
title = new FormControl('', [Validators.minLength(5), Validators.required])
category = new FormControl('', [Validators.required])
constructor(private store: Store,
private snackBar: SnackService,
public dialogRef: MatDialogRef<AddItemComponent>,
@Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data?: any) {}
ngOnInit(): void {
if( {
} else {
this.uploaded.setValue(new Date())
Parent components with functions opening dialog:
constructor(private store: Store, private snackBar: SnackService, private dialog: MatDialog) { }
async ngOnInit() { GetMedia())
editItem(payload: any) {,
{ width: '500px', data: payload });
addItem() {,
{ width: '500px' });
Upvotes: 2