mecha kucha
mecha kucha

Reputation: 131

How can I redirect a URL for post request using AWS lambda?

These results are for GET and POST requests response through API gateway and lambda. used same lambda function, but when i used post method of API gateway, response just shows me JSON. what should i have to do?

when i used post req

when i used get req it's my lambda function

exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
   const response = {
    statusCode: 301,
    headers: {
      Location: '',

  return callback(null, response);

thank you.

Upvotes: 1

Views: 11032

Answers (2)


Reputation: 790

I usually use the new async/await pattern when defining my aws lambdas :

exports.handler = async (event) => {
 // do stuff...

you usually don't need the context, unless you want to use some aws-related info regarding your lambda. I have a helper function that is re-used a lot inside the code base

function proxyResponse(inBody, inStatusCode = null, headers = {}, event = null) {
  if (!isApiGateway(event)) {
    if (inBody instanceof Error) {
      throw inBody;
    return inBody;
  let statusCode = inStatusCode;

  let body;
  if (inBody instanceof Error) {
    statusCode = statusCode || INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
    body = JSON.stringify({
      message: inBody.message,
      code: statusCode,
  } else if (inBody instanceof Object) {
    body = JSON.stringify(inBody);
  } else {
    body = inBody;

  const [origin] = event ? caseHandler(event.headers, 'origin') : [];

  return {
    statusCode: statusCode || 200,
    headers: Object.assign({
      'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'Content-Type,Authorization,X-Amz-Date,X-Api-Key,X-Amz-Security-Token,x-api-key,Authorization',
      'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': origin,
      'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials': true,
      'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': 'DELETE,GET,HEAD,OPTIONS,PATCH,POST,PUT',
    }, headers),

and another one :

function caseHandler(mixedCaseObject, inputKey) {
  if (!mixedCaseObject || !inputKey) {
    return [];
  return Object.keys(mixedCaseObject)
    .filter((key => key.toLowerCase() === inputKey.toLowerCase()))
    .map(key => mixedCaseObject[key]);

and this one :

function isApiGateway(event) {
  return (!!event.httpMethod && !!event.headers && !!event.requestContext);

so inside the lambda whenever I want to return something I use this helper functions :

module.exports.handler = async (event) => {
 // do stuff...
 return proxyResponse(YOUR_CUSTOM_BODY_OBJECT, Api.HTTP.OK, {}, event);
 } catch(error) {
 return proxyResponse(error, Api.HTTP.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, {}, event);

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 330

The GET request will return any content provided in the response. In this case, it is the JSON object response. For POST requests the same response object is being returned back to the API Gateway which is then returning it back as-is to the client.

Perhaps the documentation here could be of help

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