Reputation: 61
I am trying to compile the code from here: (Chapter 6) and am having trouble. I don't understand how java.util.logging.Logger
and log4j work together, but that seems to be the issue. The errors I get are all on the log.error()
or log.warn()
method calls.
Here is the output from NetBeans:
init: deps-clean: Deleting directory C:\JB\NetBeansProjects\WRServer\build Deleting directory C:\JB\NetBeansProjects\WRServer\dist clean: init: deps-jar: Created dir: C:\JB\NetBeansProjects\WRServer\build\classes Compiling 23 source files to C:\JB\NetBeansProjects\WRServer\build\classes C:\JB\NetBeansProjects\WRServer\src\com\hypefiend\javagamebook\server\ cannot find symbol symbol : method error(java.lang.String,java.lang.Exception) location: class java.util.logging.Logger log.error("error initializing ServerSocket", e); ^ C:\JB\NetBeansProjects\WRServer\src\com\hypefiend\javagamebook\server\ cannot find symbol symbol : method warn(java.lang.String) location: class java.util.logging.Logger log.warn("error during serverSocket select(): " + ioe.getMessage()); ^ C:\JB\NetBeansProjects\WRServer\src\com\hypefiend\javagamebook\server\ cannot find symbol symbol : method error(java.lang.String,java.lang.Exception) location: class java.util.logging.Logger log.error("exception in run()", e); ^ C:\JB\NetBeansProjects\WRServer\src\com\hypefiend\javagamebook\server\ cannot find symbol symbol : method error(java.lang.String) location: class java.util.logging.Logger log.error("no gamecontroller for gameNameHash: " + gameNameHash); ^ C:\JB\NetBeansProjects\WRServer\src\com\hypefiend\javagamebook\server\ cannot find symbol symbol : method error(java.lang.String) location: class java.util.logging.Logger log.error("error getting GameController directory"); ^ C:\JB\NetBeansProjects\WRServer\src\com\hypefiend\javagamebook\server\ cannot find symbol symbol : method warn(java.lang.String) location: class java.util.logging.Logger log.warn("class file does not extend GameController: " + file); ^ C:\JB\NetBeansProjects\WRServer\src\com\hypefiend\javagamebook\server\ cannot find symbol symbol : method error(java.lang.String,java.lang.Exception) location: class java.util.logging.Logger log.error("Error instantiating GameController from file: " + file, e); ^ Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. 7 errors BUILD FAILED (total time: 0 seconds)
Here is the code straight from the book. I have not tried to edit it yet.
package com.hypefiend.javagamebook.server;
import com.hypefiend.javagamebook.common.*;
import com.hypefiend.javagamebook.server.controller.*;
import java.nio.channels.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.apache.log4j.*;
* The heart of the framework, GameServer accepts
* incoming client connections and hands them off to
* the SelectAndRead class.
* GameServer also keeps track of the connected players
* and the GameControllers.
* @author <a href="mailto:[email protected]">bret barker</a>
* @version 1.0
public class GameServer extends Thread {
/** log4j Logger */
private Logger log = Logger.getLogger("GameServer");
/** ServerSocketChannel for accepting client connections */
private ServerSocketChannel sSockChan;
/** selector for multiplexing ServerSocketChannels */
private Selector selector;
/** GameControllers keyed by GameName */
private Hashtable gameControllers;
/** classname prefix used for dynamically loading GameControllers */
private static final String CONTROLLER_CLASS_PREFIX =
/** players keyed by playerId */
private static Hashtable playersByPlayerId;
/** players keyed by sessionId */
private static Hashtable playersBySessionId;
private boolean running;
private SelectAndRead selectAndRead;
private EventWriter eventWriter;
private static long nextSessionId = 0;
* main.
* setup log4j and fireup the GameServer
public static void main(String args[]) {
GameServer gs = new GameServer();
* constructor, just initialize our hashtables
public GameServer() {
gameControllers = new Hashtable();
playersByPlayerId = new Hashtable();
playersBySessionId = new Hashtable();
* init the GameServer, startup our workers, etc.
public void init() {"GameServer initializing");
selectAndRead = new SelectAndRead(this);
eventWriter = new EventWriter(this, Globals.EVENT_WRITER_WORKERS);
* GameServer specific initialization, bind to the server port,
* setup the Selector, etc.
private void initServerSocket() {
try {
// open a non-blocking server socket channel
sSockChan =;
// bind to localhost on designated port
InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost();"binding to address: " + addr.getHostAddress());
sSockChan.socket().bind(new InetSocketAddress(addr, Globals.PORT));
// get a selector
selector =;
// register the channel with the selector to handle accepts
SelectionKey acceptKey = sSockChan.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT);
catch (Exception e) {
log.error("error initializing ServerSocket", e);
* Here's the meat, loop over the select() call to
* accept socket connections and hand them off to SelectAndRead
public void run() {
init();"******** GameServer running ********");
running = true;
int numReady = 0;
while (running) {
// note, since we only have one ServerSocket to listen to,
// we don't need a Selector here, but we set it up for
// later additions such as listening on another port
// for administrative uses.
try {
// blocking select, will return when we get a new connection;
// fetch the keys
Set readyKeys = selector.selectedKeys();
// run through the keys and process
Iterator i = readyKeys.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
SelectionKey key = (SelectionKey);
ServerSocketChannel ssChannel = (ServerSocketChannel);
SocketChannel clientChannel = ssChannel.accept();
// add to the list in SelectAndRead for processing
selectAndRead.addNewClient(clientChannel);"got connection from: " + clientChannel.socket().getInetAddress());
catch (IOException ioe) {
log.warn("error during serverSocket select(): " + ioe.getMessage());
catch (Exception e) {
log.error("exception in run()", e);
* shutdown the GameServer
public void shutdown() {
* Return the next available sessionId
public synchronized String nextSessionId() {
return "" + nextSessionId++;
* finds the GameController for a given GameName
public GameController getGameController(String gameName) {
return getGameControllerByHash(gameName.hashCode());
* finds the GameController for a given GameName hash code
public GameController getGameControllerByHash(int gameNameHash) {
GameController gc = (GameController) gameControllers.get("" + gameNameHash);
if (gc == null)
log.error("no gamecontroller for gameNameHash: " + gameNameHash);
return gc;
* Dynamically loads GameControllers
private void loadGameControllers() {"loading GameControllers");
// grab all class files in the same directory as GameController
String baseClass = "com/hypefiend/javagamebook/server/controller/GameController.class";
File f = new File( this.getClass( ).getClassLoader().getResource(baseClass).getPath());
File[] files = f.getParentFile().listFiles( );
if (files == null) {
log.error("error getting GameController directory");
for( int i = 0; ( i < files.length); i++) {
String file = files[i].getName( );
if (file.indexOf( ".class") == -1)
if (file.equals("GameController.class"))
try {
// grab the class
String controllerClassName = CONTROLLER_CLASS_PREFIX + file.substring(0, file.indexOf(".class"));"loading class: " + controllerClassName);
Class cl = Class.forName(controllerClassName);
// make sure it extends GameController
if (!GameController.class.isAssignableFrom(cl)) {
log.warn("class file does not extend GameController: " + file);
// get an instance and initialize
GameController gc = (GameController) cl.newInstance();
String gameName = gc.getGameName();
gc.init(this, getGameConfig(gameName));
// add to our controllers hash
gameControllers.put("" + gameName.hashCode(), gc);"loaded controller for gameName: " + gameName + ", hash: " + gameName.hashCode());
catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error instantiating GameController from file: " + file, e);
* pass the event on to the EventWriter
public void writeEvent(GameEvent e) {
* returns the GameConfig object for the given gameName
public GameConfig getGameConfig(String gameName) {
// todo: implement getGameConfig()
return null;
* fetches the Player for a given playerId
public static Player getPlayerById( String id) {
return (Player) playersByPlayerId.get(id);
* fetches the Player for a given sessionId
public static Player getPlayerBySessionId(String id) {
return (Player) playersBySessionId.get(id);
* add a player to our lists
public static void addPlayer(Player p) {
playersByPlayerId.put(p.getPlayerId(), p);
playersBySessionId.put(p.getSessionId(), p);
* remove a player from our lists
public static void removePlayer(Player p) {
}// GameServer
Upvotes: 3
Views: 34711
Reputation: 5291
The import of java.util.logging.Logger in your class seems to cause the problem (the compiler tries to compile against that one, altough it seems the intention was to use the log4j Logger class).
Try to remove the java.util.logging.Logger from the imports and recompile.
EDIT: Well, I just checked the original from the ZIP file linked in the page linked in the question. it does NOT contain any import of java.util.logging.Logger there. My guess is thus:
So, add log4j to the classpath first, then remove the java.util.logging.Logger from the imports.
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 18895
Could you please format your code ? Ti would be much more readable ...
You are trying to call the error(String, String) method on an instance of java.util.logger.Logger. There is no such method. You should use Logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "mesage") instead, or use an instance of a log4J Logger. Check the import section of your source file ...
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 140061
does not have a warn()
method (although it does have a warning()
However, org.apache.log4j.Logger
does indeed have a method named warn()
Are you sure you are importing the correct classes?
Upvotes: 5