Reputation: 223
struct instruction {
int value;
int n; // Number of instructions
struct instruction **instructions; //Required to use ** and dynamic array
Say I want to store n number of instructions and store a value in each instructions. How would I do that with the **instructions?? So I want to be able to call a value from a specific instruction later.
Many Thanks
So far I tried these, a few scanfs and dynamic array creating. So it takes number of counters, then takes number of thread (pthreads), then takes number of instructions within each thread. I am trying to find a way to store the instructions in each thread. ** structure is given
main(void) {
scanf(" %d", &ncounters); //Ask for number of counters
int i;
if(counters = malloc(sizeof(struct counter)*ncounters)){
for( i=0; i < ncounters ;i++){
counters[i].counter = 0;
scanf(" %d", &nthreads); //Ask for number of threads
if(ninstructions = (int*) malloc(nthreads*sizeof(int))){
for( i=0; i < nthreads ;i++){
ninstructions[i] = 0;
for(i=0; i < nthreads ;i++){
scanf(" %d", &ninstructions[i]); //Ask for number of instructions within threads[i]
// Things got messy from here ...
instructions = malloc(sizeof(struct instruction*)*ninstructions[i]);
for(int j=0; j < ninstructions[j] ;j++){
instructions[j] = malloc(sizeof(struct instruction));
int x;
printf("Enter rep for thread %d inst %d.\n",i+1 ,j+1);
scanf(" %d", &x);
instructions[i][j].repetitions = x;
printf(" Instruction x: %d.\n", instructions[0][0].repetitions);
// Just testing with printf
printf("Number of counters: %d.\n", ncounters);
printf("Number of threads: %d.\n", nthreads);
for(i=0; i < nthreads; i++){
printf("Thread %d has %d instructions.\n", i+1, ninstructions[i]);
return 0;
I finally got some progress, but getting segmentation fault at the instruction storing part.
struct counter *counters;
struct instruction{
struct counter *counter;
int repetitions;
void (*work_fn)(long long*);
for(i=0; i < nthreads ;i++){
scanf(" %d", &ninstructions[i]); //Ask for number of instructions within threads[i]
instructions = malloc(nthreads*sizeof(struct instruction *));
instructions[i] = malloc(ninstructions[i]*sizeof(struct instruction));
for(int j=0;j < ninstructions[i] ;j++){
int Srepetition;
char Sfunction;
int Scounter;
scanf(" %d %c %d", &Scounter, &Sfunction, &Srepetition);
//Problem seems to be here "Segmentation fault" ..............
instructions[i][j].repetitions = Srepetition;
instructions[i][j].counter = (counters+Scounter);
if(Sfunction == 'I'){
}else if(Sfunction == 'D'){
}else if(Sfunction == '2'){
printf("Thread: %d Instruction: %d.\n", i+1, j+1);
Upvotes: 2
Views: 246
Reputation: 16525
With just one *
is enough to create a dynamic array, with **
you would be creating a matrix.
struct instruction *instructions = malloc(n * sizeof(struct instruction));
/* setting some random values */
for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
instructions[i]->value = i;
/* accessing values */
for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
printf("instruction %d value %d\n",i,instructions[i]->value);
/* don't forget to free */
Please look for references about dynamic arrays in C
to investigate more. For instance this one
... if you really need matrix this is the equivalent code:
int n,z; // for number cols and rows
struct instruction **instructions = malloc(n * sizeof(struct instruction *));
/* setting some random values */
for (int i=0;i<n;i++) {
instructions[i] = malloc(z * sizeof(struct instruction));
for (int j=0;j<z;j++)
instructions[i][j]->value = i * j;
/* accessing values */
for (int i=0;i<n;i++) {
for (int j=0;j<z;j++)
printf("instruction %d,%d value %d\n",i,j,instructions[i][j]->value);
/* don't forget to free */
for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
Upvotes: 2