Reputation: 45
I want to insert and update one table from another using the on conflict do update-feature.
I have tried to execute the function and none of them work.
create or replace FUNCTION ecisdrdm.pr_mig_stg_application_cdim (v_Ret OUT bigint ) as $$ declare v_ErrorCode bigint; v_ErrorMsg varchar(512); v_Module varchar(32) = 'pr_mig_stg_application_cdim';
INSERT INTO application_cdim AS prod (prod.application_id, prod.receipt_number,prod.init_frm_id, prod.frm_typ_id,
prod.sbmtd_dt_id, prod.crtd_user_id, prod.init_src_sys_id, prod.init_svc_ctr_id, prod.mig_filename) SELECT stg.application_id, stg.receipt_number, stg.init_frm_id, stg.frm_typ_id, stg.sbmtd_dt_id, stg.crtd_user_id, stg.init_src_sys_id, stg.init_svc_ctr_id, stg.mig_filename FROM ecisdrdm.stg_application stg ON CONFLICT (application_id) DO UPDATE SET ( prod.init_frm_id, prod.frm_typ_id,prod. sbmtd_dt_id, prod.crtd_user_id, prod.init_src_sys_id, prod.init_svc_ctr_id, prod.mig_filename, prod.mig_modified_dt ) = (SELECT stg.init_frm_id, stg.frm_typ_id, stg.sbmtd_dt_id, stg.crtd_user_id, stg.init_src_sys_id, stg.init_svc_ctr_id, stg.mig_filename, current_timestamp FROM ecisdrdm.stg_application_cdim stg WHERE prod.receipt_number = stg.receipt_number );
RETURN;---- -- Set the return code to 0 ----
v_Ret := SQLCODE;
-- Exception error handler ---- exception when others then v_ErrorCode := SQLCODE; v_ErrorMsg := SQLERRM; v_Ret := v_ErrorCode;
---- -- Commit the record into the ErrorLog ---- PERFORM pr_write_error_log( CURRENT_USER, inet_server_addr(), v_Module, v_ErrorCode, v_ErrorMsg );
---- -- Intentionally leaving the "commit" to application ---- end; $$ language plpgsql;
ERROR: function result type must be specified SQL state: 42P13 SELECT ecisdrdm.pr_mig_stg_application_cdim(2000); ERROR: function ecisdrdm.pr_mig_stg_application_cdim(integer) does not exist LINE 1: SELECT ecisdrdm.pr_mig_stg_application_cdim(2000); ^
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts. SQL state: 42883 Character: 8
ERROR: function pr_mig_stg_application_cdim() does not exist LINE 1: SELECT pr_mig_stg_application_cdim (); ^
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts. SQL state: 42883 Character: 8
Any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong? and how to I run the function as same as Oracle? DB version 11.1 runs in AWS with pgAdmin v.4.4
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Views: 185
Reputation: 45
working script
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cidrstaging.pr_mig_stg_application_cdim(
OUT v_ret text)
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
COST 100
v_module text = 'pr_mig_stg_application_cdim';
host text = inet_server_addr();
errorcode text;
errormsg text;
errormsg_detail text;
errormsg_hint text;
-- Simply delete the data from production table
DELETE FROM cidrdata.ref_application_cdim WHERE 1=1;
-- refresh ref_action_code from stg_ref_action_code
INSERT INTO cidrdata.ref_application_cdim
SELECT stg.code, stg.action, stg.mig_filename
FROM cidrstaging.stg_ref_application_cdim stg;
-- Set return to "Success" for pr_mig_stg_application_cdim function
v_ret := 'Success';
errormsg = MESSAGE_TEXT,
errormsg_detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL,
errormsg_hint = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT;
errorcode := SQLSTATE;
v_ret := concat('ERROR - FUNC: ' || v_module || ' ERRORCODE: ', errorcode, ' MSG: ' || errormsg || ' ', errormsg_detail || ' ', errormsg_hint);
-- NOTE: Only writes to errorlog table if function is called directly
-- If called through the pr_mig_stg_application_cdim function the exception is raised and caught there instead
PERFORM cidrstaging.pr_write_error_log( CURRENT_USER, host, v_module, errorcode, v_ret );
Upvotes: 0