Reputation: 87
I have a Binary Tree defined as the following:
data BSTree = Void | BSNode BSTree Integer BSTree
and would like to write a function
subTree:: Integer -> Integer -> BSTree -> BSTree
which returns all subset of trees with a <= key < b.
I tried the following
subTree:: Integer -> Integer -> BSTree -> BSTree
subTree a b Void = Void
subTree a b (BSNode leftTree key rightTree)
| key < a = BSNode Void key (subTree key b rightTree)
| b < key = BSNode (subTree a key leftTree) key Void
| a <= key && b > key = BSNode (subTree a key leftTree) key (subTree key b rightTree)
but do not get the correct output. Could someone point out the flaw in my logic?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 260
Reputation: 16224
I each step of the recursion, you should provide a
and b
data BSTree = Void | BSNode BSTree Integer BSTree deriving Show
subTree:: Integer -> Integer -> BSTree -> BSTree
subTree a b Void = Void
subTree a b (BSNode leftTree key rightTree)
| key < a = --your logic here
| b < key = -- your logic here
| a <= key && b > key = BSNode (subTree a b leftTree) key (subTree a b rightTree)
t1 = BSNode Void 5 Void
t2 = BSNode Void 6 Void
t3 = BSNode Void 7 Void
t4 = BSNode t1 8 (BSNode t1 7 t2)
With this example:
subTree 6 10 t4
=> BSNode Void 8 (BSNode Void 7 (BSNode Void 6 Void))
Upvotes: 2