Reputation: 469
There is a datafarame with 2 columns (db and tb): db stands for database and tb stands for tableName of that database.
| database| tableName|
|aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...| tttttttttttttttt|
|bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb...| rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr|
|aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...| ssssssssssssssssss|
I have the following method in python:
def _get_tb_db(db, tb):
df = spark.sql("select * from {}.{}".format(db, tb))
return df.dtypes
and this udf:
test = udf(lambda db, tb: _get_tb_db(db, tb), StringType())
while running this:
df = df.withColumn("dtype", test(col("db"), col("tb")))
there is following error:
pickle.PicklingError: Could not serialize object: Py4JError: An
error occurred while calling o58.__getnewargs__. Trace:
py4j.Py4JException: Method __getnewargs__([]) does not exist
I found some discussion on stackoverflow: Spark __getnewargs__ error but yet I am not sure how to resolve this issue? Is the error because I am creating another dataframe inside the UDF?
Similar to the solution in the link i tried this:
cols = copy.deepcopy(df.columns)
df = df.withColumn("dtype", scanning(cols[0], cols[1]))
but still get error
Any solution?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 270
Reputation: 13998
The error means that you can not use Spark dataframe in the UDF. But since your dataframe containing names of databases and tables is most likely small, it's enough to just take a Python for
loop, below are some methods which might help get your data:
from pyspark.sql import Row
# assume dfs is the df containing database names and table names
|-- database: string (nullable = true)
|-- tableName: string (nullable = true)
Run the sql select * from database.tableName limit 1
to generate df and return its dtypes, convert it into StringType().
data = []
DRow = Row('database', 'tableName', 'dtypes')
for row in dfs.collect():
dtypes = spark.sql('select * from `{}`.`{}` limit 1'.format(row.database, row.tableName)).dtypes
data.append(DRow(row.database, row.tableName, str(dtypes)))
except Exception, e:
print("ERROR from {}.{}: [{}]".format(row.database, row.tableName, e))
df_dtypes = spark.createDataFrame(data)
# DataFrame[database: string, tableName: string, dtypes: string]
using dtypes
instead of str(dtypes)
will get the following schema where _1
, and _2
are col_name
and col_dtype
|-- database: string (nullable = true)
|-- tableName: string (nullable = true)
|-- dtypes: array (nullable = true)
| |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)
| | |-- _1: string (nullable = true)
| | |-- _2: string (nullable = true)
using this method, each table will have only one row. for the next two methods, each col_type of a table will have its own row.
you can also retrieve this information from running spark.sql("describe tableName")
by which you get dataframe directly, then use a reduce function to union the results from all tables.
from functools import reduce
def get_df_dtypes(db, tb):
return spark.sql('desc `{}`.`{}`'.format(db, tb)) \
'"{}" as `database`'.format(db)
, '"{}" as `tableName`'.format(tb)
, 'col_name'
, 'data_type')
except Exception, e:
print("ERROR from {}.{}: [{}]".format(db, tb, e))
# an example table:
get_df_dtypes('default', 'tbl_df1').show()
|database|tableName|col_name| data_type|
| default| tbl_df1| array_b|array<struct<a:st...|
| default| tbl_df1| array_d| array<string>|
| default| tbl_df1|struct_c|struct<a:double,b...|
# use reduce function to union all tables into one df
df_dtypes = reduce(lambda d1, d2: d1.union(d2), [ get_df_dtypes(row.database, row.tableName) for row in dfs.collect() ])
Use spark.catalog.listColumns() which creates a list of collections.Column
objects, retrieve name
and dataType
and merge the data. the resulting dataframe is normalized with col_name and col_dtype on their own columns (same as using Method-2).
data = []
DRow = Row('database', 'tableName', 'col_name', 'col_dtype')
for row in'database', 'tableName').collect():
for col in spark.catalog.listColumns(row.tableName, row.database):
data.append(DRow(row.database, row.tableName,, col.dataType))
except Exception, e:
print("ERROR from {}.{}: [{}]".format(row.database, row.tableName, e))
df_dtypes = spark.createDataFrame(data)
# DataFrame[database: string, tableName: string, col_name: string, col_dtype: string]
A Note: different Spark distributions/versions might have different result from describe tbl_name
and other commands when retrieving metadata, make sure the correct column names are used in the queries.
Upvotes: 1