Reputation: 2878
I'm using iText to parse html to pdf with both english and chinese characters. I'm using
// for pdf rendering
compile group: 'com.itextpdf', name: 'itextpdf', version: ''
// for pdf rendering
compile group: 'com.itextpdf.tool', name: 'xmlworker', version: ''
I've already make it possible to get chinese characters parsing not a problem with dependency
// for chinese font in pdf rendering
compile group: 'com.itextpdf', name: 'itext-asian', version: '5.2.0'
and customized font provider
public class StSongProvider extends XMLWorkerFontProvider {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StSongProvider.class);
public StSongProvider() {
super(null, null);
public Font getFont(final String fontName, String encoding, float size, final int style) {
BaseFont bfChinese = null;
try {
bfChinese = BaseFont.createFont("STSong-Light", "UniGB-UCS2-H", BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Not found STSong-Light,maybe com.itextpdf.itext-asian dependency problem");
return new Font(bfChinese, size, style);
and pdf rendring code
public static File html2Pdf(String html, String fileName) {
try {
String path = buildPath(fileName);
// step 1
Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4);
document.setMargins(20, 20, 0, 0);
// step 2
PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(path));
// step 3;
// step 4
InputStream cssInput = null;
XMLWorkerHelper.getInstance().parseXHtml(writer, document, new ByteArrayInputStream(html.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)), cssInput, new StSongProvider());
// step 5
document.close();"PDF file: {} rendering successfully", path);
return new File(path);
} catch (IOException ex) {
// do something
} catch (DocumentException ex) {
// do something
But the english characters in the result pdf is not that beautiful without a proper font (all characters are using STSong-Light
font). I want to get pdf rendered with chinese characters using STSong-Light
and english characters using some fonts that iText supported originally such as Times-Roman
I found this SO thread makes building a document possible with multiple fonts using FontSelector. But how to make it compatible with pdf creation process? The XMLWorkerHelper.getInstance().parseXHtml
api only accept a FontProvider
as parameter. Any ideas about this?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1628
Reputation: 2878
The solution is do something on the customized font provider, make it not return only one font, but return font depends on the html cell font-family
public class StSongProvider extends XMLWorkerFontProvider {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StSongProvider.class);
public StSongProvider() {
super(null, null);
public Font getFont(final String fontName, String encoding, float size, final int style) {
BaseFont font = null;
try {
if (StringUtils.equals(fontName, "STSong-Light")) {
font = BaseFont.createFont("STSong-Light", "UniGB-UCS2-H", BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED);
} else {
font = BaseFont.createFont(FontFactory.TIMES_ROMAN, FontFactory.defaultEncoding, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
// do something
return new Font(font, size, style);
With above font provider, and set the style="font-family:STSong-Light
attribute of a html cell contains chinese characters to format them, and other english characters will be well formatted with TIMES_ROMAN
Upvotes: 1