Reputation: 383
I've seen and other examples on how to send custom HTTP variables to the server. But I'm having trouble understanding how to send the object as an parameter. I want to be able to view all the parameters the DataTable sends to the server as an object rather than individual parameters.
My setup is as follows:
$(document).ready(function () {
processing: true,
serverSide: true,
ajax: {
"url": '/Browse/GetRecordsAsync',
"type": 'POST',
"datatype": "json",
"data": {
"sentData": $,
"search": "asd"
columns: [
{ "data": "name"},
{ "data": "occupation"},
{ "data": "salary"},
In my controller, the signature of my controller action is:
public async Task<ActionResult> GetRecordsAsync(object sentData, int draw, int start, int length, string search)
This was a simple experiment to see what data is being sent to the server. I am not sure how to get the returned object (documentation states option sends this info) and how to set up the method signature to properly access that object. Also, I am not sure how to setup the method parameters to access search[value] or order[i][column] from
I'm reading the documentation and I still don't understand how to access the returned object or the specific parameters like search[value] from my controller.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2987
Reputation: 971
I had the same question, and could only find this which says the object isn't public:
However, you can mimic the functionality, the below was written for DataTables 1.10.18:
//This function returns the ajax post object datatables generates automatically on refresh
function GetDataTablePost(dt) {
//Originally Sourced from:
//Modified heavily to make something postable.
var settings = $(dt).dataTable().fnSettings();
var obj = {
//default params
"draw": settings.iDraw,
"start": settings._iDisplayStart,
"length": settings._iDisplayLength
for (var index in settings.aoColumns) {
obj['columns[' + index + '][data]'] = settings.aoColumns[index].data;
//Strictly speaking, this should be settings.aoColumns[index].name, however, using the th value because it's more relevant on a server post.
obj['columns[' + index + '][name]'] = settings.aoColumns[index].sTitle.trim();
obj['columns[' + index + '][searchable]'] = settings.aoColumns[index].bSearchable;
obj['columns[' + index + '][orderable]'] = settings.aoColumns[index].bSortable;
obj['columns[' + index + '][search]'] = null; //TODO: Populate this correctly.
for (var index in settings.aLastSort) {
obj['order[' + index + '][column]'] = settings.aLastSort[index].col;
obj['order[' + index + '][dir]'] = settings.aLastSort[index].dir;
obj['search[value]'] = settings.oPreviousSearch[settings.oPreviousSearch._hungarianMap['search']];
obj['search[regex]'] = settings.oPreviousSearch[settings.oPreviousSearch._hungarianMap['regex']];;
//Not part of the normal object, add the ajax url for convenience.
obj['url'] = settings.ajax.url;
return obj;
//This function performs a post containing the parameters in obj.
function doPost(postUrl, obj) {
//Inspired by:
var submitMe = document.createElement("form");
submitMe.action = postUrl;
submitMe.method = "post";
submitMe.enctype = "multipart/form-data";
for (var index in obj) {
var submitMeInput = document.createElement('INPUT'); = index;
submitMeInput.setAttribute('value', obj[index]);
To use, my buttons action object is:
action: function (e, dt, node, config) {
var obj = GetDataTablePost(dt.context[0].oInstance);
obj.cmd = "Do more stuff!";
doPost(obj.url, obj);
On the server side, I retrieve the parameters with this:
public ActionResult _PopulateDataTable(string cmd, int draw, int start, int length, Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> columns, Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> order, Dictionary<string, string> search) {
int recordsTotal, recordsFiltered;
var data = applicationData.RunQuery(start, length, columns[order["0"]["column"]]["data"], order["0"]["dir"], search["value"], out recordsTotal, out recordsFiltered);
return Json(new { draw = draw, recordsFiltered = recordsFiltered, recordsTotal = recordsTotal, data = data });
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 16
When you set server-side option true, i recommend you add "contentType: 'application/json'" in ajax and the data option in ajax should be a function with a parameter data.
autoWidth: true,
processing: true,
serverSide: true,
ajax: {
url: "xxx",
type: "post",
contentType: "application/json",
data: function (d) {
// = $("#search").val();
console.log(d); // this a your need
return JSON.stringify(d);
the response object have four property as blow:
- draw: From
- data: The data that table need to display
- recordsFiltered: The number after the filter
- recordsTotal: The number before the filter
Upvotes: 0