
Reputation: 383

How to access the object for server-side processing (jquery DataTables)?

I've seen and other examples on how to send custom HTTP variables to the server. But I'm having trouble understanding how to send the object as an parameter. I want to be able to view all the parameters the DataTable sends to the server as an object rather than individual parameters.

My setup is as follows:

$(document).ready(function () {
    processing: true,
    serverSide: true,
    ajax: {
        "url": '/Browse/GetRecordsAsync',
        "type": 'POST',
        "datatype": "json",
        "data": {
            "sentData": $,
            "search": "asd"
    columns: [
        { "data": "name"},
        { "data": "occupation"},
        { "data": "salary"},

In my controller, the signature of my controller action is:

public async Task<ActionResult> GetRecordsAsync(object sentData, int draw, int start, int length, string search)

This was a simple experiment to see what data is being sent to the server. I am not sure how to get the returned object (documentation states option sends this info) and how to set up the method signature to properly access that object. Also, I am not sure how to setup the method parameters to access search[value] or order[i][column] from

I'm reading the documentation and I still don't understand how to access the returned object or the specific parameters like search[value] from my controller.

Upvotes: 1

Views: 2987

Answers (2)


Reputation: 971

I had the same question, and could only find this which says the object isn't public:

However, you can mimic the functionality, the below was written for DataTables 1.10.18:

//This function returns the ajax post object datatables generates automatically on refresh
function GetDataTablePost(dt) {
    //Originally Sourced from:
    //Modified heavily to make something postable.
    var settings = $(dt).dataTable().fnSettings();

    var obj = {
        //default params
        "draw": settings.iDraw,
        "start": settings._iDisplayStart,
        "length": settings._iDisplayLength
    for (var index in settings.aoColumns) {
        obj['columns[' + index + '][data]'] = settings.aoColumns[index].data;
        //Strictly speaking, this should be settings.aoColumns[index].name, however, using the th value because it's more relevant on a server post.
        obj['columns[' + index + '][name]'] = settings.aoColumns[index].sTitle.trim();
        obj['columns[' + index + '][searchable]'] = settings.aoColumns[index].bSearchable;
        obj['columns[' + index + '][orderable]'] = settings.aoColumns[index].bSortable;
        obj['columns[' + index + '][search]'] = null; //TODO: Populate this correctly.
    for (var index in settings.aLastSort) {
        obj['order[' + index + '][column]'] = settings.aLastSort[index].col;
        obj['order[' + index + '][dir]'] = settings.aLastSort[index].dir;
    obj['search[value]'] = settings.oPreviousSearch[settings.oPreviousSearch._hungarianMap['search']];
    obj['search[regex]'] = settings.oPreviousSearch[settings.oPreviousSearch._hungarianMap['regex']];;
    //Not part of the normal object, add the ajax url for convenience.
    obj['url'] = settings.ajax.url;
    return obj;

//This function performs a post containing the parameters in obj.
function doPost(postUrl, obj) {
    //Inspired by:
    var submitMe = document.createElement("form");
    submitMe.action = postUrl;
    submitMe.method = "post";
    submitMe.enctype = "multipart/form-data";
    for (var index in obj) {
        var submitMeInput = document.createElement('INPUT'); = index;
        submitMeInput.setAttribute('value', obj[index]);

To use, my buttons action object is:

action: function (e, dt, node, config) {
    var obj = GetDataTablePost(dt.context[0].oInstance);
    obj.cmd = "Do more stuff!";
    doPost(obj.url, obj);

On the server side, I retrieve the parameters with this:

public ActionResult _PopulateDataTable(string cmd, int draw, int start, int length, Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> columns, Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> order, Dictionary<string, string> search) {
  int recordsTotal, recordsFiltered;
  var data = applicationData.RunQuery(start, length, columns[order["0"]["column"]]["data"], order["0"]["dir"], search["value"], out recordsTotal, out recordsFiltered);
  return Json(new { draw = draw, recordsFiltered = recordsFiltered, recordsTotal = recordsTotal, data = data });

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 16

When you set server-side option true, i recommend you add "contentType: 'application/json'" in ajax and the data option in ajax should be a function with a parameter data.

        autoWidth: true,
        processing: true,
        serverSide: true,
        ajax: {
            url: "xxx",
            type: "post",
            contentType: "application/json",
            data: function (d) {
                // = $("#search").val();
                console.log(d);  // this a your need
                return JSON.stringify(d);

the response object have four property as blow:

- draw: From
- data: The data that table need to display
- recordsFiltered: The number after the filter
- recordsTotal: The number before the filter

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