Rejzozroutko Tezbir
Rejzozroutko Tezbir

Reputation: 49

How to fix split property, to give not undefined

I need to have the right function to test, which is giving me string from a fullName and which I have to split and using for loop change the letters to a char "*". I want to keep the first upperCase visible: here is my code:

var fullName = "Jozko Baci";
function testSamoUloha(fullName) {
    var splitString=fullName.split("");
    for (var i=1;i<splitString[1].length;i++) {
    var anonymName =splitString[0]+" "+splitString[1];

I'm really new to it, this problem took me two hours to have at least some solution.

I expect that from the string above will become string saved in variable anonymName as "Jozko B***";

Upvotes: 4

Views: 144

Answers (4)


Reputation: 5353

You can use the following regex if you'd like to make your code shorter:


it will match any letter \w that is preceded (?<= by start of string ^, any number of chars .+, a whitespace \s and one or more non-whitespace characters \S+

const fullName = "Jozko Baci";

const censored = fullName.replace(/(?<=^.+\s\S+)\w/g, '*');

Upvotes: 1

Miroslav Glamuzina
Miroslav Glamuzina

Reputation: 4587

Could do it with something like this;

const fullName = "Jozko Baci";

// Break name into words (firstName, lastName)
let res = fullName.split(' ').map((word, wordIndex) =>
    // If after firstName
    wordIndex > 0
        // Hide all but first character in word
        ? word.split('').map((char, charIndex) => (charIndex > 0 ? '*' : char)).join('')
        // Else, show entire word
        : word
).join(' '); // Join words back together (firstName, lastName)

Hope this helps,

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 5260

The above code looks fine, just added a fix in this line


Also added fix to var splitString=fullName.split(" "); replaced

fullName.split("");  // ['J', 'o', 'z', 'k', 'o',  ' ', 'B', 'a', 'c', 'i']


fullName.split(" "); // ['Jozko', 'Baci']

if you use replace on a string it returns the new string after replace , its is not rewriting the existing string

for eg:

var a = "hello";
a.replace('o', '*') // returns hell*
a // has hello

but if you do

a = a.replace('o', '*') // returns hell* and rewrites a
a // hell*

similarly after adding this fix the existing code works fine

 var fullName = "Jozko Baci";
    function testSamoUloha(fullName) {
        var splitString=fullName.split(" ");
        for (var i=1;i<splitString[1].length;i++) {
            splitString[1] = splitString[1].replace(splitString[1][i],"*");
        var anonymName =splitString[0]+" "+splitString[1];

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 63587

Strings are immutable (you can't change them) so this code:


won't work in any situation.

What I suggest is you create a temporary string, then loop over the whole of your second word. If the index of the loop is 0 add the letter to the temporary string, otherwise add a *:

var fullName = "Jozko Baci";

function testSamoUloha(fullName) {
  var splitString = fullName.split(' ');

  // Create a temporary string
  var tempString = '';

  // Loop over the whole second word
  for (var i = 0; i < splitString[1].length; i++) {

    // If the index is greater than zero (not the first letter)
    // add a * to the temporary string
    if (i > 0) {
      tempString += '*';

    // otherwise, if the index is 0, add the letter
    // to the temporary string instead
    } else {
      tempString += splitString[1][i];

  // Return your string from your function
  return splitString[0] + ' ' + tempString;

// Make sure you pass in the fullName as an argument

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