Reputation: 1
I am trying to use this sample ( but I am not able to read unread data only. One more thing I am getting two different error
1) connect ETIMEDOUT
2) lease lost while updating checkpoint
In the node js sample, I am not able to set checkpoints. I have tried Azure/azure-sdk-for-js as well. But it is showing the same error listed above.
When I have also run .netcore sample then they are working fine so I am not getting why node js sample is not working fine?
Can you please guide me on how can fix this issue to read-only unread and new data?
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Views: 688
Reputation: 30035
For node.js, please use the code below to set checkpoint, it works well at my side:
const { EventProcessorHost, delay } = require("@azure/event-processor-host");
//your eventhub name
const path = "myeventhub";
//your azure storage connection string
const storageCS = "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=xx;AccountKey=xx;";
//your eventhub namespace connectionstring
const ehCS = "Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=xxx"
//your blob storage container name
const storageContainerName = "test6";
async function main() {
// Create the Event Processo Host
const eph = EventProcessorHost.createFromConnectionString(
eventHubPath: path
let count = 0;
// Message event handler
const onMessage = async (context/*PartitionContext*/, data /*EventData*/) => {
console.log(">>>>> Rx message from '%s': '%s'", context.partitionId, data.body);
return await context.checkpoint();
// Error event handler
const onError = (error) => {
console.log(">>>>> Received Error: %O", error);
// start the EPH
await eph.start(onMessage, onError);
// After some time let' say 2 minutes
await delay(120000);
// This will stop the EPH.
await eph.stop();
main().catch((err) => {
And I can see the checkpoint is set correctly in blob container:
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