Reputation: 123
I am a total Haskell noob and I was hoping someone could help me with this because I've been at this for hours and I just know that I'm doing something ridiculously stupid.
The program is supposed to scan a dictionary file to determine all valid word sequences for a collection of sentences with spaces removed.
Ex. "insidewaysoften" could be broken down to "in side ways often", "inside way soften", etc.
I wrote my prototype in python and it works just fine (as does my Java implementation), but the course requires a Haskell implementation and I cannot get it to work. Apologies in advance for the crimes I have committed against the language and GHC with the following code:
import System.Environment
main = do
[dictFilename,sentFilename] <- getArgs
dictFile <- readFile dictFilename
sentFile <- readFile sentFilename
mapM (\sentence -> solve "" "" sentence (words dictFile)) (words sentFile)
solve prefix header [] dict =
if (header `elem` dict)
then return prefix ++ header
else return ""
solve prefix header sent dict = do
let more = solve prefix (header ++ (take 1 sent)) (drop 1 sent) dict
if (header `elem` dict)
then return (solve (prefix ++ header ++ " ") "" sent dict) ++ more
else return more
Upvotes: 4
Views: 8703
Reputation: 13793
The first thing when investigating type errors is to write down the type signatures of functions you know.
Here, solve may have type
solve :: String -> String -> String -> [String] -> String
solve :: String -> String -> String -> [String] -> IO String
Depending on whether it should have any side-effects while computing the value. Seeing you using mapM
and return
all over the place, I guess the IO
version may have been intended.
Now, if you write down the signature, you start getting much more meaningful error messages. For example, instead of this:
Couldn't match expected type `Char' with actual type `[Char]'
Expected type: [Char]
Actual type: [[Char]]
In the return type of a call of `solve'
In the first argument of `return', namely
`(solve (prefix ++ header ++ " ") "" sent dict)'
, which does not make much sense, you get this:
Couldn't match expected type `IO String' with actual type `[a0]'
In the expression: return prefix ++ header
In the expression:
if (header `elem` dict) then return prefix ++ header else return ""
In an equation for `solve':
solve prefix header [] dict
= if (header `elem` dict) then
return prefix ++ header
return ""
,which shows exactly where the problem is. Function application has the highest priority in Haskell, so return prefix ++ header
is equivalent to (return prefix) ++ header
, which is definitely not what you meant.
By the way, if I remove IO
from the return type, remove all the return
s and change the invocation by adding putStrLn
, the code compiles and works! The only problem is that it concatenates all the possible sentences together into a single string without any delimiting.
Upvotes: 9