Reputation: 2058
The ion-back-button
does NOT show up to the right of the ion-menu-button
. Why is that?
the ion-menu-button
and the ion-title
show properly and aligned on the same horizantal position.
<ion-buttons slot="start">
<!-- navigation button-->
<!-- optional back button-->
{{ pageTitle | translate}}
In the DOM inspector the CSS display
attribute of the ion-back-button
is set to none
. Why would it set itself to none
I used
this.navCtrl.navigateForward('/term/' + term);
to navigate to this page, thus I expect the back button to pick this up. Why is navigateForward
not adding to the stack, which would make the ion-back-button
Upvotes: 22
Views: 34971
Reputation: 6827
TL;DR Replace <ion-router-outlet></ion-router-outlet>
with <ion-nav></ion-nav>
I had the same problem and helped myself by adding a default-href to each back-button, but in the end this turned out to be a bad workaround that didn't solve the underlying problem. The main reason I was unhappy with the solution was, that the back-button was not "smart". It always returned to the default-href and not to the previously active view.
I finally found out, that the reason for the problem was not the back-button itself, but that I had copied the wrong routing-setup from the official documentation:
<ion-route url="/" component="page-one"></ion-route>
<ion-route url="/page-two" component="page-two"></ion-route>
While there is nothing wrong with this setup per se, it fails if you want to use <ion-back-button>
. The reason for this is, that <ion-router-outlet>
does not provide a navigation stack, which is required for the back-button to work.
Fortunately <ion-nav>
provides a navigation stack and is compatible with <ion-router>
, so the setup can be changed easily:
<ion-route url="/" component="page-one"></ion-route>
<ion-route url="/page-two" component="page-two"></ion-route>
After this change my back-buttons were visible and worked as expected.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1071
I've figured out after spending far too much time on the issue that there is another scenario in which the ion-back-button
won't show even after trying every answer here.
OP mentions in a comment that their back button is in a custom component app-header
. If app-header
contains an ion-header
, the ion-back-button
never shows. ion-header
MUST be part of the html of the page itself, not a component within this page.
For instance:
<!-- tabs/tab1/ -->
<!-- header.component.html -->
<ion-buttons slot="start">
will not work and the back button won't show, however
<!-- tabs/tab1/ -->
<!-- header-toolbar.component.html -->
<ion-buttons slot="start">
will work as expected.
So the real culprit here is not really ion-back-button
but ion-header
, which does not work as expected when placed in a child component.
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 176
Make sure you arrived to that page via a router link that modifies the route history. Otherwise the backbutton wont show because there is no recorded history of a previous route.
My issue was, the link i clicked which takes me to a page forward, had routerDirection="none"
. So there was no previous route so my back button didn't show.
<IonRouterLink routerDirection="none" routerLink={`/item/${}`}>...</IonRouterLink>
<IonRouterLink routerDirection="forward" routerLink={`/item/${}`}>...
fixed my issue.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 3276
So Ionic developers make life complicated, now (Ionic5) the attribute is called default-href
and not defaultHref
But still when clicking not loading to the href.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 91
For anyone who has this trouble, and the ion-back-button
is still not appearing, check that you have the IonicModule
imported in your page's module. It happened to me that I created a component for the ion-header
and the ion-back-button
was not appearing. It was because my ComponentsModule
(the one that declares and exports all my components) had only the CommonsModule
imported and not the IonicModule
. So always check for the IonicModule
in your imports. Otherwise the back button will not appear
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 119
It will not visible if there will be no previous overlay/page to show
So you can set css
ion-back-button {
display: block;
Then add click
event on element
<ion-back-button (click)="close()">
<ion-icon name="close"></ion-icon>
Add on .ts
click() {
Upvotes: 11
Reputation: 11
Just need to add the color in scss file to show up.
--color: black;
And also don't forget to indicate the href, adding it html file
<ion-buttons slot="start">
<ion-back-button defaultHref="YourRouteHere"></ion-back-button>
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 2058
Workaround. I programmatically decide with the URI path. Drawback, if more detail pages are added to the app, they need to be added (e.g. in an array of back-button-qualifying paths).
<ion-button *ngIf="router.url.includes('/term/')"><ion-icon name="arrow-back"></ion-icon></ion-button>
Added the Router Object to the constructor of this component
constructor(public router: Router) { }
If someone still comes up with why the programmatic navigation does NOT add to the navigation stack - so that the back button would appear on the detail page - I gladly listen.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1029
If there is no page in Stack then
will not show. If you want to show then You need to be added a specific page in "defaultHref" Attribute.
<ion-back-button defaultHref="logout"></ion-back-button>
you need to be learned from here
Upvotes: 46
Reputation: 795
Is it root page? if so ion-back-button will not show up.
Try adding the attribute defaultHref
. For example: <ion-back-button defaultHref="home"></ion-back-button>
. it should show up regardless of having no navigation stack.
Upvotes: 3