Justin Lucas
Justin Lucas

Reputation: 319

Illegal String Offset in Multidimensional Array

I am attempting to fetch a JSON file from a separate website, read that file and then decode it into a multidimensional array. So far at that point it seems to work. However, when I try and break it all down into variables to echo, it goes wrong when its 4 levels deep. You can see the actual JSON file from the link in the PHP code and below is the PHP Code I am using. The specific variables that have problems are $prices in 2 areas and $rulings. Any help someone can provide with this would be appreciated.


$path           = 'https://www.mtgjson.com/json/LEA.json';
$FileContents   = file_get_contents($path);
$cards          = json_decode($FileContents, true);

foreach ($cards['cards'] as $mtgcard){
$Artist                     = $mtgcard['artist'];
$borderColor                = $mtgcard['borderColor'];
$colorIdentity              = $mtgcard['colorIdentity'][0];
$Colors                     = $mtgcard['colors'][0];
$convertedManaCost          = $mtgcard['convertedManaCost'];
$edhrecRank                 = $mtgcard['edhrecRank'];
$flavorText                 = $mtgcard['flavorText'];
$cards_foreignData          = implode($mtgcard['foreignData'],",");
$foreignData                = explode(',', $cards_foreignData);
$frameVersion               = $mtgcard['frameVersion'];
$hasFoil                    = $mtgcard['hasFoil'];
$hasNonFoil                 = $mtgcard['hasNonFoil'];
$isPaper                    = $mtgcard['isPaper'];
$Layout                     = $mtgcard['layout'];
$cards_legalities           = implode($mtgcard['legalities'],",");
$legalities                 = explode(',', $cards_legalities);
$manaCost                   = $mtgcard['manaCost'];
$mcmId                      = $mtgcard['mcmId'];
$mcmMetaId                  = $mtgcard['mcmMetaId'];
$mtgstocksId                = $mtgcard['mtgstocksId'];
$multiverseId               = $mtgcard['multiverseId'];
$name                       = $mtgcard['name'];
$number                     = $mtgcard['number'];
$originalText               = $mtgcard['originalText'];
$originalType               = $mtgcard['originalType'];
$power                      = $mtgcard['power'];
$cards_prices               = implode($mtgcard['prices'],",");
$prices                     = explode(',', $cards_prices);
$cards_prices_2             = implode($cards_prices['paper'],",");
$prices_2                   = explode(',', $cards_prices_2);
$cards_printings            = implode($mtgcard['printings'],",");
$printings                  = explode(',', $cards_printings);
$cards_purchaseUrls         = implode($mtgcard['purchaseUrls'],",");
$purchaseUrls               = explode(',', $cards_purchaseUrls);
$rarity                     = $mtgcard['rarity'];
$cards_rulings              = implode($mtgcard['rulings'],",");
$rulings                    = explode(',', $cards_rulings);
$scryfallId                 = $mtgcard['scryfallId'];
$scryfallIllustrationId     = $mtgcard['scryfallIllustrationId'];
$scryfallOracleId           = $mtgcard['scryfallOracleId'];
$cards_subtypes             = implode($mtgcard['subtypes'],",");
$subtypes                   = explode(',', $cards_subtypes);
$cards_supertypes           = implode($mtgcard['supertypes'],",");
$supertypes                 = explode(',', $cards_supertypes);
$tcgplayerProductId         = $mtgcard['tcgplayerProductId'];
$text                       = $mtgcard['text'];
$toughness                  = $mtgcard['toughness'];
$type                       = $mtgcard['type'];
$types                      = $mtgcard['types'][0];
$uuid                       = $mtgcard['uuid'];

$a       = substr($scryfallId, 0, 1);
$b       = substr($scryfallId, 1, 1);
$convert = "<img src='https://img.scryfall.com/cards/large/front/" .$a. "/" .$b. "/" .$scryfallId. ".jpg' />";

echo $convert;
echo    "Artist Name:  "        .$Artist.               "<br/>";
echo    "Border Color:  "       .$borderColor.          "<br/>";
echo    "colorIdentity:  "      .$colorIdentity.        "<br/>";
echo    "Colors:  "             .$Colors.               "<br/>";
echo    "convertedManaCost:  "  .$convertedManaCost.    "<br/>";
echo    "edhrecRank:  "         .$edhrecRank.           "<br/>";
echo    "flavorText:  "         .$flavorText.           "<br/>";
echo    "foreignData:  "        .$foreignData[0].       "<br/>";
echo    "frameVersion:  "       .$frameVersion.         "<br/>";
echo    "hasFoil:  "            .$hasFoil.              "<br/>";
echo    "hasNonFoil:  "         .$hasNonFoil.           "<br/>";
echo    "isPaper:  "            .$isPaper.              "<br/>";
echo    "Layout:  "             .$Layout.               "<br/>";
echo    "Brawl:  "              .$legalities[0].        "<br/>";
echo    "Commander:  "          .$legalities[1].        "<br/>";
echo    "Duel:  "               .$legalities[2].        "<br/>";
echo    "Future:  "             .$legalities[3].        "<br/>";
echo    "Historic:  "           .$legalities[4].        "<br/>";
echo    "Legacy:  "             .$legalities[5].        "<br/>";
echo    "Modern:  "             .$legalities[6].        "<br/>";
echo    "Oldschool:  "          .$legalities[7].        "<br/>";
echo    "Penny:  "              .$legalities[8].        "<br/>";
echo    "Pioneer:  "            .$legalities[9].        "<br/>";
echo    "Standard:  "           .$legalities[10].       "<br/>";
echo    "Vintage:  "            .$legalities[11].       "<br/>";
echo    "Manacost:  "           .$manaCost.             "<br/>";
echo    "mcmId:  "              .$mcmId.                "<br/>";
echo    "mcmMetaId:  "          .$mcmMetaId.            "<br/>";
echo    "mtgstocksId:  "        .$mtgstocksId.          "<br/>";
echo    "multiverseId:  "       .$multiverseId.         "<br/>";
echo    "name:  "               .$name.                 "<br/>";
echo    "number:  "             .$number.               "<br/>";
echo    "originaltext:  "       .$originalText.         "<br/>";
echo    "originaltype:  "       .$originalType.         "<br/>";
echo    "power:  "              .$power.                "<br/>";
echo    "MTGO prices:  "        .$prices[0].            "<br/>";
echo    "MTGO Foil Prices:  "   .$prices[1].            "<br/>";
echo    "Paper Prices:  "       .prices[2]              "<br/>"; <- 4 levels deep doesnt work
echo    "Paper Foil Prices:  "  .$prices[3].            "<br/>"; <- 4 levels deep doesnt work
echo    "purchaseUrls:  "       .$purchaseUrls[0].      "<br/>";
echo    "purchaseUrls:  "       .$purchaseUrls[1].      "<br/>";
echo    "purchaseUrls:  "       .$purchaseUrls[2].      "<br/>";
echo    "rarity:  "             .$rarity.               "<br/>";
echo    "ruling:  "             .$rulings['date'].$rulings['text'] "<br/>"; <-- 4 levels deep doesnt work
echo    "scryfallId:  "         .$scryfallId.           "<br/>";
echo    "scryfallIllustrationId:  " .$scryfallIllustrationId. "<br/>";
echo    "scryfallOracleId:  "   .$scryfallOracleId.     "<br/>";
echo    "subtypes:  "           .$subtypes[0].          "<br/>";
echo    "supertypes:  "         .$supertypes[0].        "<br/>";    
echo    "tcgplayerProductId:  " .$tcgplayerProductId.   "<br/>";
echo    "text:  "               .$text.                 "<br/>";
echo    "toughness:  "          .$toughness.            "<br/>";
echo    "type:  "               .$type.                 "<br/>";
echo    "types:  "              .$types.                "<br/>";
echo    "uuid:  "               .$uuid.                 "<br/>";

} ?>

Upvotes: 1

Views: 117

Answers (1)

Pavan Kumar
Pavan Kumar

Reputation: 162

You should mention the array name to fetch the content inside array, here is the example code and artist is with small "a" not capital

Edit as per comment request

Get the array of 'legalities' a string with , separated using implode and than explode with , and convert into an array to print those

Note: only the values will be imported using implode not the keys

// error_reporting(0);
// header('Content-type: application/json');
$path           = 'https://www.mtgjson.com/json/LEA.json';
$FileContents   = file_get_contents($path);
$cards          = json_decode($FileContents, true);

foreach($cards['cards'] as $mtgcard) {

    echo '<br>' .$course_data1 = $mtgcard['artist']; 

    $cards_legalities = implode($mtgcard['legalities'],",");
    $myArray = explode(',', $cards_legalities);
    echo $myArray[0];// 1st array

    //Multidimensional Array for your updated question
    $cards_prices_paper = implode($mtgcard['prices']['paper'],",");
    $prices_paper_array = explode(',', $cards_prices_paper);
    echo $prices_paper_array[0];

    $rulings_date =  implode(', ', array_column($mtgcard['rulings'], 'date'));
    $rulings_date_array =  explode(",", $rulings_date);
    echo $rulings_date_array[0];

Upvotes: 1

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