Reputation: 1920
So i am developing a chat application. There is a part in which i am interested on retrieving 3 entities from the Database but in once. There is a serverDto entity and accountDto entity. Every server has many accounts and there is a field in accounts called active, and if active = 1 means that is my account. I have created a POJO named ServerAccount like below
class ServerAccount {
var accountDto: AccountDto? = null
// Server and Account have same column "serverId"
@Relation(parentColumn = "serverId", entityColumn = "serverId")
var rUserDto: RUserDto? = null
So since i have that i want every time i open the chatRoomActivity to have the Contact and the ServerAccount at once, but i want them seperated entities and not a big object with many fields. What i mean is something like below
class ContactServerAccount {
var contact: AccountDto? = null
var account: AccountDto? = null
var server: ServerDto? = null
// OR something like that //
var serverAccount: ServerAccount = null
var contact: AccountDto = null
How can i do that with given a serverId which gives me the serverAccount and the contactId which gives me the contact..?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 126
Reputation: 57033
If I understand correctly you could use three methods, full embedding (all three tables embedded), hierarchial embedding (contact + ServerAccount) or limited Embedding (without @Relates)
I believe that the 3rd meets your minimalist/reduced data so something similar to :-
class ContactServerAccountLimited {
var serverId: Long = 0 /* or Long? = null */
var accountId: Long = 0
var contact: Contact = Contact()
used along with :-
@Query("SELECT serverId,accountId,contact.* FROM server JOIN account ON accountServerId = serverId JOIN contact ON contactServerId = serverId WHERE active = :active")
fun getContactServerAccountLimited(active :Boolean) :List<ContactServerAccountLimited>
The Entities used :-
@Entity(tableName = "server")
class Server {
var serverId: Long? = null;
var servername: String? = null;
constructor(name: String) {
serverId = null
servername = name
tableName = "account",
foreignKeys = [
entity = Server::class,
parentColumns = ["serverId"],
childColumns = ["accountServerId"])
class Account {
var accountId: Long? = null
var accountServerId: Long? = null
var accountName: String? = null
var active: Boolean = false
constructor(accountName: String, accountServerId: Long) {
this.accountName = accountName
this.accountServerId = accountServerId = false
tableName = "contact",
foreignKeys = [
entity = Server::class,
parentColumns = ["serverId"],
childColumns = ["contactServerId"]
class Contact {
var contactId: Long? = null
var contactServerId: Long? = null
var contactName: String? = null
constructor(name: String, serverId: Long) {
contactId = null
contactName = name
contactServerId = serverId
The POJO's :-
class ContactServerAccount {
var serverAccount: ServerAccount? = ServerAccount()
@Relation(entity = Contact::class,parentColumn = "serverId",entityColumn = "contactServerId")
var contact: Contact = Contact()
class ContactServerAccountLimited {
var serverId: Long = 0
var accountId: Long = 0
var contact: Contact = Contact()
The Dao :-
interface AllDao {
fun insertServer(server: Server): Long
fun insertAccount(account: Account): Long
fun insertContact(contact: Contact): Long
@Query("UPDATE account SET active = NOT active WHERE accountId = :accountId")
fun toggleAccountActiveStatus(accountId: Long)
@Query("SELECT * FROM server")
fun getAllServers() :List<Server>
@Query("SELECT * FROM account")
fun getAllAccounts() :List<Account>
@Query("SELECT * FROM contact")
fun getAllContacts() :List<Contact>
@Query("SELECT * FROM server JOIN account ON accountServerId = serverId JOIN contact ON contactServerId = serverId WHERE active = :active")
fun getContactServerAccount(active: Boolean) :List<ContactServerAccount>
@Query("SELECT serverId,accountId,contact.* FROM server JOIN account ON accountServerId = serverId JOIN contact ON contactServerId = serverId WHERE active = :active")
fun getContactServerAccountLimited(active :Boolean) :List<ContactServerAccountLimited>
@Query("DELETE FROM server")
fun deleteAllServers() :Int
@Query("DELETE FROM account")
fun deleteAllAccounts() :Int
@Query("DELETE FROM contact")
fun deleteAllContacts() :Int
and :-
val allDao = database.allDao();
currentServer = allDao.insertServer(Server("Server 1"))
currentServer = allDao.insertServer(Server("Server 2"))
currentServer = allDao.insertServer(Server("Server 3"))
var serverList: List<Server> = allDao.getAllServers()
for (s: Server in serverList) {
Log.d("SERVERINFO","Server ID is " + s.serverId + " Name is " + s.servername)
var accountList = allDao.getAllAccounts()
for (a: Account in accountList) {
Log.d("ACCOUNTINFO","Account ID is " + a.accountId +
" Account Name is " + a.accountName +
" Account Server ID is " + a.accountServerId +
" active is " +
var contactList = allDao.getAllContacts()
for (c: Contact in contactList) {
Log.d("CONTACTINFO","Contact ID is " + c.contactId + " Contact Name is " + c.contactName + " Contact Server ID is " + c.contactServerId)
val csaList = allDao.getContactServerAccount(true)
for (c: ContactServerAccount in csaList) {
"SERVER ID is " + c.serverAccount!!.server!!.serverId +
" ACCOUNT ID is " + c.serverAccount!!.account!!.accountId +
" CONTACT ID is " + +
val csalList = allDao.getContactServerAccountLimited(true)
for (c: ContactServerAccountLimited in csalList) {
"SERVER ID is " + c.serverId +
" ACCOUNT ID is " + c.accountId +
" CONTACT ID is " + +
Then the output would be :-
2019-10-29 20:56:59.942 D/SERVERINFO: Server ID is 1 Name is Server 1
2019-10-29 20:56:59.943 D/SERVERINFO: Server ID is 2 Name is Server 2
2019-10-29 20:56:59.943 D/SERVERINFO: Server ID is 3 Name is Server 3
2019-10-29 20:56:59.945 D/ACCOUNTINFO: Account ID is 1 Account Name is FRED Account Server ID is 1 active is true
2019-10-29 20:56:59.945 D/ACCOUNTINFO: Account ID is 2 Account Name is MARY Account Server ID is 1 active is false
2019-10-29 20:56:59.945 D/ACCOUNTINFO: Account ID is 3 Account Name is JANE Account Server ID is 2 active is false
2019-10-29 20:56:59.945 D/ACCOUNTINFO: Account ID is 4 Account Name is ANNE Account Server ID is 2 active is false
2019-10-29 20:56:59.945 D/ACCOUNTINFO: Account ID is 5 Account Name is VERA Account Server ID is 3 active is false
2019-10-29 20:56:59.945 D/ACCOUNTINFO: Account ID is 6 Account Name is JOHN Account Server ID is 3 active is false
2019-10-29 20:56:59.947 D/CONTACTINFO: Contact ID is 1 Contact Name is C1 Contact Server ID is 1
2019-10-29 20:56:59.947 D/CONTACTINFO: Contact ID is 2 Contact Name is C2 Contact Server ID is 2
2019-10-29 20:56:59.947 D/CONTACTINFO: Contact ID is 3 Contact Name is C3 Contact Server ID is 3
2019-10-29 20:56:59.947 D/CONTACTINFO: Contact ID is 4 Contact Name is C4 Contact Server ID is 3
2019-10-29 20:56:59.953 D/CSAINFO: SERVER ID is 1 ACCOUNT ID is 2 CONTACT ID is 1 CONTACT NAME is C1
2019-10-29 20:56:59.954 D/CSALINFO: SERVER ID is 1 ACCOUNT ID is 1 CONTACT ID is 1 CONTACT NAME is C1
You may notice that to use the ContactServerAccount POJO used 6ms whilst the ContactServerAccountLimited used 1ms, this could be partly due to the @Relates running queries to build the related objects, whilst with the latter the contact object is built from the core query.
Additionally the ContractServerAccount has returned account id 2 not 1, this is because account is should really be a list of accounts, which would require a more complex query or subsequent processing to get the active account.
Upvotes: 2