Reputation: 28212
Consider I might have some generated functions I want to test as below. Following recommendation of the manual I made them optionally generated.
# This code is taken directly from Base.
# So importing some of the helpers
using Base: merge_names, merge_types, sym_in
function my_merge_fail1(a::NamedTuple{an}, b::NamedTuple{bn}) where {an, bn}
if @generated
names = merge_names(an, bn)
types = merge_types(names, a, b)
vals = Any[ :(getfield($(sym_in(n, bn) ? :b : :a), $(QuoteNode(n)))) for n in names ]
:(error("typo1"); NamedTuple{$names,$types}(($(vals...),)) )
names = merge_names(an, bn)
types = merge_types(names, typeof(a), typeof(b))
NamedTuple{names,types}(map(n->getfield(sym_in(n, bn) ? b : a, n), names))
function my_merge_fail2(a::NamedTuple{an}, b::NamedTuple{bn}) where {an, bn}
if @generated
names = merge_names(an, bn)
types = merge_types(names, a, b)
vals = Any[ :(getfield($(sym_in(n, bn) ? :b : :a), $(QuoteNode(n)))) for n in names ]
:(NamedTuple{$names,$types}(($(vals...),)) )
names = merge_names(an, bn)
types = merge_types(names, typeof(a), typeof(b))
NamedTuple{names,types}(map(n->getfield(sym_in(n, bn) ? b : a, n), names))
Now, it turns out I made a "typo", in each.
I mistakenly included error(...)
in both of them.
In my_merge_fail1
I made the mistike in the @generated
and in my_merge_fail2
in the nongenerated branch.
My tests seem to only catch it in one branch:
julia> using Test
julia> @test my_merge_fail1((a=1,), (b=2,)) == (a=1, b=2)
Error During Test at REPL[12]:1
Test threw exception
Expression: my_merge_fail1((a = 1,), (b = 2,)) == (a = 1, b = 2)
[1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
[2] macro expansion at ./REPL[6]:2 [inlined]
[3] my_merge_fail1(::NamedTuple{(:a,),Tuple{Int64}}, ::NamedTuple{(:b,),Tuple{Int64}}) at ./REPL[6]:2
[4] top-level scope at REPL[12]:1
[5] eval(::Module, ::Any) at ./boot.jl:331
[6] eval_user_input(::Any, ::REPL.REPLBackend) at /usr/local/src/julia/julia-master/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.4/REPL/src/REPL.jl:86
[7] macro expansion at /usr/local/src/julia/julia-master/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.4/REPL/src/REPL.jl:118 [inlined]
[8] (::REPL.var"#26#27"{REPL.REPLBackend})() at ./task.jl:333
ERROR: There was an error during testing
julia> @test my_merge_fail2((a=1,), (b=2,)) == (a=1, b=2)
Test Passed
How can I improve my tests?
Upvotes: 4
Views: 158
Reputation: 775
It is possible to achieve this by extracting the lowered code from the method, where you can specify whether you get the one for the generated or non-generated version of this method. This approach uses eval
and Base.invokelatest
, so it will have some overhead, but it should be fine for testing.
function _invoke(f, x...; generated)
sig = Core.Typeof(x)
ci = code_lowered(f, sig; generated)[1]
ci.code, [], Tuple{typeof(f),sig.parameters...}, Any[sig.parameters...],
0, 0, :propagate,
g = @eval @generated function $(gensym(:g))($([gensym() for _ in x]...))
return $(QuoteNode(ci))
Base.invokelatest(g, x...)
You can then choose to invoke either the generated or the non-generated version of the method like this:
julia> f(x, y) = @generated() ? :x : y
f (generic function with 1 method)
julia> _invoke(f, 1, 2; generated=true)
julia> _invoke(f, 1, 2; generated=false)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 3041
One solution would be make the two branches their own independent functions which you can test directly i.e.
using Base: merge_names, merge_types, sym_in
function my_merge_fail(a::NamedTuple{an}, b::NamedTuple{bn}) where {an, bn}
if @generated
:(my_merge_fail_inner_gen(a, b))
my_merge_fail_inner(a, b)
@generated function my_merge_fail_inner_gen(a::NamedTuple{an}, b::NamedTuple{bn}) where {an, bn}
names = merge_names(an, bn)
types = merge_types(names, a, b)
vals = Any[ :(getfield($(sym_in(n, bn) ? :b : :a), $(QuoteNode(n)))) for n in names ]
:(NamedTuple{$names,$types}(($(vals...),)) )
function my_merge_fail_inner(a::NamedTuple{an}, b::NamedTuple{bn}) where {an, bn}
names = merge_names(an, bn)
types = merge_types(names, typeof(a), typeof(b))
NamedTuple{names,types}(map(n->getfield(sym_in(n, bn) ? b : a, n), names))
then we run the tests like so:
julia> using Test
julia> @testset "my_merge_fail" begin
@test my_merge_fail( (a=1,), (b=2,)) == (a=1, b=2)
@test my_merge_fail_inner_gen((a=1,), (b=2,)) == (a=1, b=2)
@test my_merge_fail_inner( (a=1,), (b=2,)) == (a=1, b=2)
my_merge_fail: Error During Test at REPL[18]:4
Test threw exception
Expression: my_merge_fail_inner((a = 1,), (b = 2,)) == (a = 1, b = 2)
[1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
[2] my_merge_fail_inner(::NamedTuple{(:a,),Tuple{Int64}}, ::NamedTuple{(:b,),Tuple{Int64}}) at ./REPL[8]:2
[3] top-level scope at REPL[18]:4
[4] top-level scope at /Users/mason/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Test/src/Test.jl:1107
[5] top-level scope at REPL[18]:2
Test Summary: | Pass Error Total
my_merge_fail | 2 1 3
ERROR: Some tests did not pass: 2 passed, 0 failed, 1 errored, 0 broken.
One thing I'm uncertain about though is if this refactoring has any effect on the heuristics julia uses to decide whether it uses the @generated
branch or not. If anyone knows the answer to that, a comment or suggested edit would be appreciated.
Upvotes: 1