Reputation: 35
Hi guys so I am trying to create an extension that takes a json file and displays images, so far so good but I would like to paginate through the 500+ images, this is where it goes bad.
I am trying to use the widget.paginate in fluid, the images are displayed but when I click on the 'next' link I get a url that does not work http://localhost/work/index.php?id=7&tx_llgcinfinitescroll_message%5B%40widget_0%5D%5BcurrentPage%5D=2
I get a typo3 error - #1518472189 TYPO3\CMS\Core\Error\Http\PageNotFoundException
<f:widget.paginate objects="{imageData}" as="paginatedImages"
configuration="{itemsPerPage: 24, insertAbove: 1, insertBelow: 0}">
<f:for each="{paginatedImages}" as="image" key="i">
<!-- Assigning Variables -->
<f:variable name="thumbnail" value="{image.imageData.thumbnail}"/>
<f:variable name="fullSizeImage" value="{image.imageData.fullSizeImage}"/>
<f:variable name="imageHeight" value="{image.imageData.imageHeight}"/>
<f:variable name="label" value="{image.imageData.label}"/>
<f:variable name="welshLabel" value="{image.imageData.welshLabel}"/>
<f:variable name="description" value="{image.imageData.description}"/>
<f:variable name="welshDescription" value="{image.imageData.welshDescription}"/>
<!-- Displaying Images -->
<div class="grid__item">
<div class="hovereffect">
<a href="{fullSizeImage}">
<img src="{thumbnail}" itemprop="thumbnail" alt="{label}">
If someone has any idea what I'm doing wrong please let me know, thanks in advance
Upvotes: 0
Views: 262
Reputation: 2557
Have you simplified the 'next' link in your post? If not, it's missing a cHash. Combined with [FE][pageNotFoundOnCHashError] =true (default), this will end in a 404.
Upvotes: 1