Reputation: 1
I am trying to create an XSLT mapping to get the last(max) day of the previous month.
Eg- If I pass a value of 2019-10-17 to the mapping it should return 2019-09-30. The date format that I am using here is YYYY-MM-DD.
tried to get the month from the current data and subtract it with 1 so that it would return the previous month. But I am not able to get the max date of the last month.
xp20:month-from-dateTime (/ns0:ddSelecCorpoMasterOutputCollection/ns0:ddSelecCorpoMasterOutput/ns0:FROM_DATE_FILTER ) - 1
input- sysdate
o/p- maxdate of previous month
eg- i/p-2019-10-18
o/p- 2019-09-30
Thanks in advance.
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Views: 559
Reputation: 117140
<xsl:template name="end-of-last-month">
<xsl:param name="date"/>
<!-- extract date components -->
<xsl:variable name="year" select="substring($date, 1, 4)"/>
<xsl:variable name="month" select="substring($date, 6, 2)"/>
<!-- go one month back -->
<xsl:variable name="y" select="$year - ($month = 1)"/>
<xsl:variable name="m" select="($month + 10) mod 12 + 1"/>
<!-- get month length -->
<xsl:variable name="cal" select="'312831303130313130313031'"/>
<xsl:variable name="leap" select="not($y mod 4) and $y mod 100 or not($y mod 400)"/>
<xsl:variable name="month-length" select="substring($cal, 2*($m - 1) + 1, 2) + ($m=2 and $leap)" />
<!-- output -->
<xsl:value-of select="$y" />
<xsl:value-of select="format-number($m, '-00')" />
<xsl:value-of select="$month-length" />
XSLT 1.0
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:output method="xml" version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes"/>
<xsl:template match="/input">
<xsl:for-each select="date">
<end-of-last-month date="{.}">
<xsl:call-template name="end-of-last-month">
<xsl:with-param name="date" select="."/>
<xsl:template name="end-of-last-month">
<xsl:param name="date"/>
<!-- extract date components -->
<xsl:variable name="year" select="substring($date, 1, 4)"/>
<xsl:variable name="month" select="substring($date, 6, 2)"/>
<!-- go one month back -->
<xsl:variable name="y" select="$year - ($month = 1)"/>
<xsl:variable name="m" select="($month + 10) mod 12 + 1"/>
<!-- get month length -->
<xsl:variable name="cal" select="'312831303130313130313031'"/>
<xsl:variable name="leap" select="not($y mod 4) and $y mod 100 or not($y mod 400)"/>
<xsl:variable name="month-length" select="substring($cal, 2*($m - 1) + 1, 2) + ($m=2 and $leap)" />
<!-- output -->
<xsl:value-of select="$y" />
<xsl:value-of select="format-number($m, '-00')" />
<xsl:value-of select="$month-length" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<end-of-last-month date="2019-01-15">2018-12-31</end-of-last-month>
<end-of-last-month date="2019-02-15">2019-01-31</end-of-last-month>
<end-of-last-month date="2019-03-15">2019-02-28</end-of-last-month>
<end-of-last-month date="2019-04-15">2019-03-31</end-of-last-month>
<end-of-last-month date="2019-05-15">2019-04-30</end-of-last-month>
<end-of-last-month date="2019-06-15">2019-05-31</end-of-last-month>
<end-of-last-month date="2019-07-15">2019-06-30</end-of-last-month>
<end-of-last-month date="2019-08-15">2019-07-31</end-of-last-month>
<end-of-last-month date="2019-09-15">2019-08-31</end-of-last-month>
<end-of-last-month date="2019-10-15">2019-09-30</end-of-last-month>
<end-of-last-month date="2019-11-15">2019-10-31</end-of-last-month>
<end-of-last-month date="2019-12-15">2019-11-30</end-of-last-month>
<end-of-last-month date="2020-01-15">2019-12-31</end-of-last-month>
<end-of-last-month date="2020-02-15">2020-01-31</end-of-last-month>
<end-of-last-month date="2020-03-15">2020-02-29</end-of-last-month>
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 163595
If you have access to the XPath 2.0 date/time library,
(1) convert to an xs:date
<xsl:variable name="d" select="xs:date($in)"/>
(2) extract the day of the month:
<xsl:variable name="dom" select="day-from-date($d)"/>
(3) subtract this number of days from the date:
<xsl:variable name="result" select="$d - xs:dayTimeDuration('P1D') * $dom"/>
Upvotes: 0