Reputation: 2499
I am trying to write a constructor for a derived type of an abstract one to solve this other question, but it seems that it's not working, or better, it isn't called at all.
The aim is to have a runtime polymorphism setting the correct number of legs of an animal.
These are the two modules:
module animal_module
implicit none
type, abstract :: animal
integer, public :: nlegs = -1
procedure :: legs
end type animal
function legs(this) result(n)
class(animal), intent(in) :: this
integer :: n
n = this%nlegs
end function legs
module cat_module
use animal_module, only : animal
implicit none
type, extends(animal) :: cat
procedure :: setlegs => setlegs
end type cat
interface cat
module procedure init_cat
end interface cat
type(cat) function init_cat(this)
class(cat), intent(inout) :: this
print *, "Cat!"
this%nlegs = -4
end function init_cat
main program
program oo
use animal_module
use cat_module
implicit none
type(cat) :: c
type(bee) :: b
character(len = 3) :: what = "cat"
class(animal), allocatable :: q
select case(what)
print *, "you will see a cat"
allocate(cat :: q)
q = cat() ! <----- this line does not change anything
case default
print *, "ohnoes, nothing is prepared!"
stop 1
end select
print *, "this animal has ", q%legs(), " legs."
print *, "cat animal has ", c%legs(), " legs."
end program
The constructor isn't called at all, and the number of legs still remains to -1
Upvotes: 5
Views: 515
Reputation: 7395
FWIW, here is some sample code comparing three approaches (method = 1: sourced allocation, 2: polymorphic assignment, 3: mixed approach).
module animal_module
implicit none
type, abstract :: animal_t
integer :: nlegs = -1
procedure :: legs !! defines a binding to some procedure
function legs(this) result(n)
class(animal_t), intent(in) :: this
!! The passed variable needs to be declared as "class"
!! to use this routine as a type-bound procedure (TBP).
integer :: n
n = this % nlegs
module cat_module
use animal_module, only : animal_t
implicit none
type, extends(animal_t) :: cat_t
interface cat_t !! overloads the definition of cat_t() (as a procedure)
module procedure make_cat
end interface
function make_cat() result( ret ) !! a usual function
type(cat_t) :: ret !<-- returns a concrete-type object
ret % nlegs = -4
program main
use cat_module, only: cat_t, animal_t
implicit none
integer :: method
type(cat_t) :: c
class(animal_t), allocatable :: q
print *, "How to create a cat? [method = 1,2,3]"
read *, method
select case ( method )
case ( 1 )
print *, "1: sourced allocation"
allocate( q, source = cat_t() )
!! An object created by a function "cat_t()" is used to
!! allocate "q" with the type and value taken from source=.
!! (Empirically most stable for different compilers/versions.)
case ( 2 )
print *, "2: polymorphic assignment"
q = cat_t()
!! Similar to sourced allocation. "q" is automatically allocated.
!! (Note: Old compilers may have bugs, so tests are recommended...)
case ( 3 )
print *, "3: mixed approach"
allocate( cat_t :: q )
q = cat_t()
!! First allocate "q" with a concrete type "cat_t"
!! and then assign a value obtained from cat_t().
case default ; stop "unknown method"
c = cat_t()
!! "c" is just a concrete-type variable (not "allocatable")
!! and assigned with a value obtained from cat_t().
print *, "c % legs() = ", c % legs()
print *, "q % legs() = ", q % legs()
$ gfortran test.f90 # using version 8 or 9
$ echo 1 | ./a.out
How to create a cat? [method = 1,2,3]
1: sourced allocation
c % legs() = -4
q % legs() = -4
$ echo 2 | ./a.out
How to create a cat? [method = 1,2,3]
2: polymorphic assignment
c % legs() = -4
q % legs() = -4
$ echo 3 | ./a.out
How to create a cat? [method = 1,2,3]
3: mixed approach
c % legs() = -4
q % legs() = -4
Side notes
* It is also OK to directly use make_cat() to generate a value of cat_t:
e.g., allocate( q, source = make_cat() ) or q = make_cat().
In this case, we do not need to overload cat_t() via interface.
* Another approach is to write an "initializer" as a type-bound procedure,
and call it explicitly as q % init() (after allocating it via
allocate( cat_t :: q )). If the type contains pointer components,
this approach may be more straightforward by avoiding copy of
components (which can be problematic for pointer components).
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 32451
The available non-default constructor for the cat
type is given by the module procedure init_cat
. This function you have defined like
type(cat) function init_cat(this)
class(cat), intent(inout) :: this
end function init_cat
It is a function with one argument, of class(cat)
. In your later reference
q = cat()
There is no specific function under the generic cat
which matches that reference: the function init_cat
does not accept a no-argument reference. The default structure constructor is instead used.
You must reference the generic cat
in a way matching your init_cat
interface to have that specific function called.
You want to change your init_cat
function to look like
type(cat) function init_cat()
! print*, "Making a cat"
init_cat%nlegs = -4
end function init_cat
Then you can reference q=cat()
as desired.
Note that in the original, you are attempting to "construct" a cat
instance, but you aren't returning this constructed entity as the function result. Instead, you are modifying an argument (already constructed). Structure constructors are intended to be used returning such useful things.
Note also that you don't need to
allocate (cat :: q)
q = cat()
The intrinsic assignment to q
already handles q
's allocation.
Upvotes: 4