Reputation: 47
I have a large sparse matrix which I need to correlate which haven't been possible for me because:
and bigmemory
, my R froze over (using a windows 10, 8GB laptop)Matrix
packageN.B: I am trying to correlate a sparse matrix in the format 'M'X + X'M - M'M'
which isn't possible which is why I am trying to split the sparse matrix into two or three, turn to dense matrix using as.matrix()
then correlate using the cor()
then combine the correlated results into one using cbind()
I want to ask if it's possible to split a sparse matrix into two or three parts, convert to dense matrices then correlate each dense matrix then cbind the two or three dense matrices into one then export to a text file.
What function can I use to split a sparse matrix into two or three bearing in mind that both the i
and p
parts of the sparse matrix are equal sizes with the same dim
Formal class 'dgCMatrix' [package "Matrix"] with 7 slots
..@ i : int [1:73075722] ...
..@ p : int [1:73075722] 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 ...
..@ Dim : int [1:2] 500232 500232
..@ Dimnames:List of 2
.. ..$ : NULL
.. ..$ : NULL
..@ x : num [1:73075722] ...
..@ uplo : chr "L"
..@ factors : list()
The correlation output will be in this format:
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 1.00000000 -0.8343860 0.3612926 0.09678096
[2,] -0.83438600 1.0000000 -0.8154071 0.24611830
[3,] 0.36129256 -0.8154071 1.0000000 -0.51801346
[4,] 0.09678096 0.2461183 -0.5180135 1.00000000
[5,] 0.67411584 -0.3560782 -0.1056124 0.60987601
[6,] 0.23071712 -0.4457467 0.5117711 0.21848068
[7,] 0.49200080 -0.4246502 0.2016633 0.46971736
[,5] [,6] [,7]
[1,] 0.6741158 0.2307171 0.4920008
[2,] -0.3560782 -0.4457467 -0.4246502
[3,] -0.1056124 0.5117711 0.2016633
[4,] 0.6098760 0.2184807 0.4697174
[5,] 1.0000000 0.2007979 0.7198228
[6,] 0.2007979 1.0000000 0.6965899
[7,] 0.7198228 0.6965899 1.0000000
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Views: 631
Reputation: 11
I implement dicing of a sparse_matrix by row indexing:
as.DF_spM <- function(data.use,chun_size="20000000",dg_class="dgCMatrix") {
lapply( split(seq(nrow(data.use)), (seq(nrow(data.use))-1) %/% as.numeric(chun_size) ) , function(nx) {
dgTMatrix = {as(as.matrix(data.use[nx,]),"dgTMatrix")},
dgCMatrix = {as(as.matrix(data.use[nx,]),"dgCMatrix")},
dgRMatrix = {as(as.matrix(data.use[nx,]),"dgRMatrix")}
}) %>% Matrix.utils::rBind.fill()
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 11255
The cor()
function is a way to efficiently calculate the pearson
correlation between all of the columns. cor
is very efficient but if we do not mind a hit in efficiency, we can calculate the pearson
correlation manually:
n_row <- nrow(res)
cor_mat <- Matrix(0L,n_row, ncol(res))
cMeans <- Matrix::colMeans(res)
for (i in seq_len(nrow(res)-1)){
x_delta = res[, i] - cMeans[i]
sum_x_delta_sq = sum(x_delta^2)
for (j in (i+1):nrow(res)){
y_delta = res[, j] - cMeans[j]
tmp <- sum(x_delta * y_delta) / sqrt((sum_x_delta_sq * sum(y_delta^2)))
if (abs(tmp) > 0.05) cor_mat[i, j] <- tmp
As sparsity of a matrix increases, we can make the above more complicated but more performant by separating operations involving non-sparse elements and operations involving sparse elements:
n_row <- nrow(res)
cor_mat <- Matrix(0L,n_row, ncol(res))
cMeans <- Matrix::colMeans(res)
for (i in 1){
sp_i <- res[, i, drop = F]
i_s <- sp_i@i + 1
i_zero_delta = 0 - cMeans[i]
i_non_zero_delta = sp_i@x - cMeans[i]
sum_x_delta_sq = sum(c((n_row - length(i_s)) * i_zero_delta^2, i_non_zero_delta^2))
for (j in (i+1):nrow(res)){
sp_j <- res[, j, drop = F]
j_s <- sp_j@i + 1
j_zero_delta = 0L - cMeans[j]
j_non_zero_delta = sp_j@x - cMeans[j]
sum_y_delta_sq = sum(c((n_row - length(j_s)) * j_zero_delta^2, j_non_zero_delta^2))
common <- intersect(i_s, j_s)
only_i <- setdiff(i_s, j_s)
only_j <- setdiff(j_s, i_s)
none <- n_row - length(c(common, only_i, only_j))
numerator = 0
if (length(common) > 0) numerator = numerator + sum(i_non_zero_delta[match(common, i_s)] * j_non_zero_delta[match(common, j_s)])
if (length(only_i) > 0) numerator = numerator + j_zero_delta * sum(i_non_zero_delta[match(only_i, i_s)])
if (length(only_j) > 0) numerator = numerator + i_zero_delta * sum(j_non_zero_delta[match(only_j, j_s)])
if (length(none) > 0) numerator = numerator + i_zero_delta * j_zero_delta * none
tmp <- numerator / sqrt(sum_x_delta_sq * sum_y_delta_sq)
if (abs(tmp) > 0.05) cor_mat[i, j] <- tmp
Upvotes: 1