Reputation: 23
I have a python function with a blob input binding. The blob in question contains a parquet file. Ultimately I want to read the bound blob into a pandas dataframe but I am unsure of the correct way to do this.
I have verified that the binding is correctly set up and I've been able to successfully read a plain text file. I am happy that the integrity of the parquet file is fine as I have been able to read it using the example provided here:
The following code shows what I am trying to do:
import logging
import io
import azure.functions as func
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
def main(req: func.HttpRequest, inputblob: func.InputStream) -> func.HttpResponse:'Python HTTP trigger function processed a request.')
# Create a bytestream to hold blob content
byte_stream = io.BytesIO()
df = pq.read_table(source=byte_stream).to_pandas()
I get the following error message:
pyarrow.lib.ArrowIOError: Couldn't deserialize thrift: TProtocolException: Invalid data
The following is my function.json file:
"scriptFile": "",
"bindings": [
"authLevel": "function",
"type": "httpTrigger",
"direction": "in",
"name": "req",
"methods": [
"type": "http",
"direction": "out",
"name": "$return"
"name": "inputblob",
"type": "blob",
"path": "<container>/file.parquet",
"connection": "AzureWebJobsStorage",
"direction": "in"
My host.json file:
"version": "2.0",
"functionTimeout": "00:10:00",
"extensionBundle": {
"id": "Microsoft.Azure.Functions.ExtensionBundle",
"version": "[1.*, 2.0.0)"
Upvotes: 0
Views: 4349
Reputation: 26
I have been working on the same problem, and this solution worked for me. file:
from io import BytesIO
import azure.functions as func
def main(blobTrigger: func.InputStream):
# Read the blob as bytes
blob_bytes =
blob_to_read = BytesIO(blob_bytes)
df = pd.read_parquet(blob_to_read, engine='pyarrow')
print("Length of the parquet file:" + str(len(df.index)))
Upvotes: 1