Reputation: 3351
I have a xarray dataset with irregular spaced latitude and longitudes coordinates. My goal is to find the value of a variable at the point nearest a certain lat/lon.
Since the x
and y
dimensions are not the lat/lon values, it doesn't seem that the ds.sel()
method can be used by itself in this case. Is there a xarray-centric method to locate the point nearest a desired lat/lon by referencing the multi-dimensional lat/lon dimensions? For example, I want to pluck out the SPEED value nearest lat=21.2
and lon=-122.68
Below is an example dataset...
lats = np.array([[21.138 , 21.14499, 21.15197, 21.15894, 21.16591],
[21.16287, 21.16986, 21.17684, 21.18382, 21.19079],
[21.18775, 21.19474, 21.20172, 21.2087 , 21.21568],
[21.21262, 21.21962, 21.22661, 21.23359, 21.24056],
[21.2375 , 21.2445 , 21.25149, 21.25848, 21.26545]])
lons = np.array([[-122.72 , -122.69333, -122.66666, -122.63999, -122.61331],
[-122.7275 , -122.70082, -122.67415, -122.64746, -122.62078],
[-122.735 , -122.70832, -122.68163, -122.65494, -122.62825],
[-122.7425 , -122.71582, -122.68912, -122.66243, -122.63573],
[-122.75001, -122.72332, -122.69662, -122.66992, -122.64321]])
speed = np.array([[10.934007, 10.941321, 10.991583, 11.063932, 11.159435],
[10.98778 , 10.975482, 10.990983, 11.042522, 11.131154],
[11.013505, 11.001573, 10.997754, 11.03566 , 11.123781],
[11.011163, 11.000227, 11.010223, 11.049 , 11.1449 ],
[11.015698, 11.026604, 11.030653, 11.076904, 11.201464]])
ds = xarray.Dataset({'SPEED':(('x', 'y'),speed)},
coords = {'latitude': (('x', 'y'), lats),
'longitude': (('x', 'y'), lons)},
attrs={'variable':'Wind Speed'})
The value of ds
Dimensions: (x: 5, y: 5)
latitude (x, y) float64 21.14 21.14 21.15 21.16 ... 21.25 21.26 21.27
longitude (x, y) float64 -122.7 -122.7 -122.7 ... -122.7 -122.7 -122.6
Dimensions without coordinates: x, y
Data variables:
SPEED (x, y) float64 10.93 10.94 10.99 11.06 ... 11.03 11.03 11.08 11.2
variable: Wind Speed
Again, ds.sel(latitude=21.2, longitude=-122.68)
doesn't work because latitude and longitude are not the dataset dimensions.
Upvotes: 28
Views: 33360
Reputation: 3351
I came up with a method that doesn't purely use xarray. I first find the index of the nearest neighbor manually, and then use that index to access the xarray dimensions.
# A 2D plot of the SPEED variable, assigning the coordinate values,
# and plot the verticies of each point
ds.SPEED.plot(x='longitude', y='latitude')
plt.scatter(ds.longitude, ds.latitude)
# I want to find the speed at a certain lat/lon point.
lat = 21.22
lon = -122.68
# First, find the index of the grid point nearest a specific lat/lon.
abslat = np.abs(ds.latitude-lat)
abslon = np.abs(ds.longitude-lon)
c = np.maximum(abslon, abslat)
([xloc], [yloc]) = np.where(c == np.min(c))
# Now I can use that index location to get the values at the x/y diminsion
point_ds = ds.sel(x=xloc, y=yloc)
# Plot requested lat/lon point blue
plt.scatter(lon, lat, color='b')
plt.text(lon, lat, 'requested')
# Plot nearest point in the array red
plt.scatter(point_ds.longitude, point_ds.latitude, color='r')
plt.text(point_ds.longitude, point_ds.latitude, 'nearest')
plt.title('speed at nearest point: %s' %
Another potential solution (again, not xarray) is to use scipy's KDTree, or even better, scikit-learn's BallTree ( or use
Upvotes: 17
Reputation: 21947
Just a comment and some runtimes:
For 5000 × 5000 data points,
each single query takes time and space proportional to 25 million.
The following, which I think is equivalent to your code,
takes ~ 1 sec per query on my old 2.7 GHz iMac:
import sys
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
n = 5000
nask = 1
dim = 2
# to change these params, run a=1 b=None 'c = expr' ... in sh or ipython --
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
exec( arg )
rng = np.random.default_rng( seed=0 )
X = rng.uniform( -100, 100, size=(n*n, dim) ) # data, n^2 × 2
ask = rng.uniform( -100, 100, size=(nask, dim) ) # query points
dist = cdist( X, ask, "chebyshev" ) # -> n^2 × nask
# 1d index -> 2d index, e.g. 60003 -> row 12, col 3
jminflat = dist[:,0].argmin()
jmin = np.unravel_index( jminflat, (n,n) )
print( "cdist N %g dim %d ask %s: dist %.2g to X[%s] = %s " % (
n*n, dim, ask[0], dist[jminflat], jmin, X[jminflat] ))
# cdist N 25000000 dim 2 ask [-4.6 94]: dist 0.0079 to X[(4070, 2530)] = [-4.6 94]
For comparison, scipy KDTree takes ~ 30 sec to build a tree for 25M 2d points, then each query takes milliseconds. Advantages: the input points can be scattered any which way, and finding 5 or 10 nearest neighbors to interpolate takes not much longer than 1.
See also:
scipy cdist
on gis.stack
Nearest neighbor search ...
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1855
To do the lookup based on projection on this data format as mentioned in another answer, you unfortunately have to add the projection information back into the data.
import as ccrs
# Projection may vary
projection = ccrs.LambertConformal(central_longitude=-97.5,
transform = np.vectorize(lambda x, y: projection.transform_point(x, y, ccrs.PlateCarree()))
# The grid should be aligned such that the projection x and y are the same
# at every y and x index respectively
grid_y = ds.isel(x=0)
grid_x = ds.isel(y=0)
_, proj_y = transform(grid_y.longitude, grid_y.latitude)
proj_x, _ = transform(grid_x.longitude, grid_x.latitude)
# ds.sel only works on the dimensions, so we can't just add
# proj_x and proj_y as additional coordinate variables
ds["x"] = proj_x
ds["y"] = proj_y
desired_x, desired_y = transform(-122.68, 21.2)
nearest_point = ds.sel(x=desired_x, y=desired_y, method="nearest")
<xarray.DataArray 'SPEED' ()>
latitude float64 21.14
longitude float64 -122.7
x float64 -2.701e+06
y float64 -1.581e+06
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 506
A bit late to the party here, but I've come back to this question multiple times. If your x and y coordinates are in a geospatial coordinate system, you can transform the lat/lon point to that coordinate system using cartopy. Constructing the cartopy projection is usually straightforward if you look at the metadata from the netcdf.
import as ccrs
# Example - your x and y coordinates are in a Lambert Conformal projection
data_crs = ccrs.LambertConformal(central_longitude=-100)
# Transform the point - src_crs is always Plate Carree for lat/lon grid
x, y = data_crs.transform_point(-122.68, 21.2, src_crs=ccrs.PlateCarree())
# Now you can select data
ds.sel(x=x, y=y)
Upvotes: 21
Reputation: 3465
I like the answer given by @blaylockbk, but I cannot get my head around the way the shortest distance is calculated to a datapoint. Below I provide an alternative that just makes use of Pythagoras plus a way to grid the dataset ds
. In order not to confuse the (x, y) in the dataset with x, y geodetic co-ordinates I have renamed them to (i, j).
import numpy as np
import xarray
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
lats = np.array([[21.138, 21.14499, 21.15197, 21.15894, 21.16591],
[21.16287, 21.16986, 21.17684, 21.18382, 21.19079],
[21.18775, 21.19474, 21.20172, 21.2087, 21.21568],
[21.21262, 21.21962, 21.22661, 21.23359, 21.24056],
[21.2375, 21.2445, 21.25149, 21.25848, 21.26545]])
lons = np.array([[-122.72, -122.69333, -122.66666, -122.63999, -122.61331],
[-122.7275, -122.70082, -122.67415, -122.64746, -122.62078],
[-122.735, -122.70832, -122.68163, -122.65494, -122.62825],
[-122.7425, -122.71582, -122.68912, -122.66243, -122.63573],
[-122.75001, -122.72332, -122.69662, -122.66992, -122.64321]])
speed = np.array([[10.934007, 10.941321, 10.991583, 11.063932, 11.159435],
[10.98778, 10.975482, 10.990983, 11.042522, 11.131154],
[11.013505, 11.001573, 10.997754, 11.03566, 11.123781],
[11.011163, 11.000227, 11.010223, 11.049, 11.1449],
[11.015698, 11.026604, 11.030653, 11.076904, 11.201464]])
ds = xarray.Dataset({'SPEED': (('i', 'j'), speed)},
coords={'latitude': (('i', 'j'), lats),
'longitude': (('i', 'j'), lons)},
attrs={'variable': 'Wind Speed'})
lat_min = float(np.min(ds.latitude))
lat_max = float(np.max(ds.latitude))
lon_min = float(np.min(ds.longitude))
lon_max = float(np.max(ds.longitude))
margin = 0.02
fig, ((ax1, ax2)) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(12, 5))
ax1.set_xlim(lat_min - margin, lat_max + margin)
ax1.set_ylim(lon_min - margin, lon_max + margin)
ds.SPEED.plot(ax=ax1, x='latitude', y='longitude',
ax1.scatter(ds.latitude, ds.longitude, color='black')
# find nearest_point for a requested lat/ lon
lat_requested = 21.22
lon_requested = -122.68
d_lat = ds.latitude - lat_requested
d_lon = ds.longitude - lon_requested
r2_requested = d_lat**2 + d_lon**2
i_j_loc = np.where(r2_requested == np.min(r2_requested))
nearest_point = ds.sel(i=i_j_loc[0], j=i_j_loc[1])
# Plot nearest point in the array red# Plot nearest point in the array red
ax1.scatter(lat_requested, lon_requested, color='green')
ax1.text(lat_requested, lon_requested, 'requested')
ax1.scatter(nearest_point.latitude, nearest_point.longitude, color='red')
ax1.text(nearest_point.latitude, nearest_point.longitude, 'nearest')
ax1.set_title(f'speed at nearest point: {float(}')
# define grid from the dataset
num_points = 100
lats_i = np.linspace(lat_min, lat_max, num_points)
lons_i = np.linspace(lon_min, lon_max, num_points)
# grid and contour the data.
speed_i = griddata((ds.latitude.values.flatten(), ds.longitude.values.flatten()),
(lats_i[None, :], lons_i[:, None]), method='cubic')
ax2.set_xlim(lat_min - margin, lat_max + margin)
ax2.set_ylim(lon_min - margin, lon_max + margin)
ax2.set_title(f'griddata test {num_points} points')
ax2.contour(lats_i, lons_i, speed_i, 15, linewidths=0.5, colors='k')
contour = ax2.contourf(lats_i, lons_i, speed_i, 15,
plt.colorbar(contour, ax=ax2)
# plot data points and labels
ax2.scatter(ds.latitude, ds.longitude, marker='o', c='b', s=5)
for i, (lat, lon) in enumerate(zip(ds.latitude.values.flatten(),
text_label = f'{ds.SPEED.values.flatten()[i]:0.2f}'
ax2.text(lat, lon, text_label)
# Plot nearest point in the array red
ax2.scatter(lat_requested, lon_requested, color='green')
ax2.text(lat_requested, lon_requested, 'requested')
ax2.scatter(nearest_point.latitude, nearest_point.longitude, color='red')
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 3465
I think you need to create your dataset in a different way to make sure latitude
and longitude
have interpretable dimensions (see article Basic data structure of xarray).
For example:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
lats = np.array([21.138, 21.14499, 21.15197, 21.15894, 21.16591,
21.16287, 21.16986, 21.17684, 21.18382, 21.19079,
21.18775, 21.19474, 21.20172, 21.2087, 21.21568,
21.21262, 21.21962, 21.22661, 21.23359, 21.24056,
21.2375, 21.2445, 21.25149, 21.25848, 21.26545])
lons = np.array([-122.72, -122.69333, -122.66666, -122.63999, -122.61331,
-122.7275, -122.70082, -122.67415, -122.64746, -122.62078,
-122.735, -122.70832, -122.68163, -122.65494, -122.62825,
-122.7425, -122.71582, -122.68912, -122.66243, -122.63573,
-122.75001, -122.72332, -122.69662, -122.66992, -122.64321])
speed = np.array([10.934007, 10.941321, 10.991583, 11.063932, 11.159435,
10.98778, 10.975482, 10.990983, 11.042522, 11.131154,
11.013505, 11.001573, 10.997754, 11.03566, 11.123781,
11.011163, 11.000227, 11.010223, 11.049, 11.1449,
11.015698, 11.026604, 11.030653, 11.076904, 11.201464])
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(12, 5))
idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(arrays=[lons, lats], names=["lon", "lat"])
s = pd.Series(data=speed, index=idx)
da = xarray.DataArray.from_series(s)
print(da.sel(lat=21.2, lon=-122.68, method='nearest'))
# define grid.
num_points = 100
lats_i = np.linspace(np.min(lats), np.max(lats), num_points)
lons_i = np.linspace(np.min(lons), np.max(lons), num_points)
# grid the data.
speed_i = griddata((lats, lons), speed,
(lats_i[None, :], lons_i[:, None]), method='cubic')
# contour the gridded data
ax2.contour(lats_i, lons_i, speed_i, 15, linewidths=0.5, colors='k')
contour = ax2.contourf(lats_i, lons_i, speed_i, 15,
plt.colorbar(contour, ax=ax2)
# plot data points.
for i, (lat, lon) in enumerate(zip(lats, lons)):
label = f'{speed[i]:0.2f}'
ax2.annotate(label, (lat, lon))
ax2.scatter(lats, lons, marker='o', c='b', s=5)
ax2.set_title(f'griddata test {num_points} points')
<xarray.DataArray (lat: 25, lon: 25)>
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* lat (lat) float64 21.14 21.14 21.15 21.16 ... 21.24 21.25 21.26 21.27
* lon (lon) float64 -122.8 -122.7 -122.7 -122.7 ... -122.6 -122.6 -122.6
<xarray.DataArray ()>
lat float64 21.2
lon float64 -122.7
and a plot including gridding just for the fun of it
Upvotes: 7