
Reputation: 47

SQL - MS Access - if statement

I have the following table:

Color  Room type
Black  Large
White  Large
White  Small
Black  Medium
Black  Small

I want to run a query that:

Notice that my query is more complicated than that and it has other columns and many tables, but I just want to add the column that specifies if large rooms are mostly white or black.

Upvotes: 3

Views: 16095

Answers (6)


Reputation: 11

You can try the following implementation:

SELECT Table1.[Room Type], 
        Count(IIf(Table1.Color="White",1,Null)) AS CountWhite, 
        Count(IIf(Table1.Color="Black",1,Null)) AS CountBlack, 
        IIf(CountWhite>CountBlack,"White",(IIf(CountBlack>CountWhite,"Black","Tie"))) AS Expr1
 FROM Table1
 GROUP BY Table1.[Room Type];

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 11

I think something like the following would accomplish what you described:

SELECT RoomType, 
IIF(BlackCount>WhiteCount, "Black", IIF(BlackCount<WhiteCount, "White", "Unidentified")) AS PrevailingColor

(SELECT RoomType, SUM(IIF(Color="Black",1,0)) AS BlackCount, SUM(IIF(Color="White",1,0)) AS WhiteCount 
FROM Table1
GROUP BY RoomType)

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 115520

For all types of rooms:

     , Count( IIF(Color="White",1,NULL) ) AS CountWhite
     , Count( IIF(Color="Black",1,NULL) ) AS CountBlack
     , IIF(   Count( IIF(Color="White",1,NULL) )
            > Count( IIF(Color="Black",1,NULL) ) 
                , "White"
       , IIF(   Count( IIF(Color="White",1,NULL) )
              = Count( IIF(Color="Black",1,NULL) ) 
                , NULL
                , "Black"
       AS Result
FROM Rooms

For "Large" rooms only:

SELECT IIF(   Count( IIF(Color="White",1,NULL) )
            > Count( IIF(Color="Black",1,NULL) ) 
                , "White"
       , IIF(   Count( IIF(Color="White",1,NULL) )
              = Count( IIF(Color="Black",1,NULL) ) 
                , NULL
                , "Black"
       AS Result
FROM Rooms
WHERE RoomType = "Large"

Upvotes: 4


Reputation: 603

Start with the following query in MS Access. In my example, I've saved it with the name qryRoomColorCounts:

tblRooms.RoomType, tblRooms.Color, Count(*) AS ColorCount 
FROM tblRooms 
GROUP BY tblRooms.RoomType, tblRooms.Color

You can then use this SQL to get your result:

(SELECT TOP 1 qryRoomColorCounts.Color FROM qryRoomColorCounts WHERE
 ORDER BY qryRoomColorCounts.ColorCount DESC) AS MostUsedColor 
FROM tblRooms 
GROUP BY tblRooms.RoomType

I can't get your suggestion to work, can you debug please: no references are required (uses late binding), just paste into any VBA standard code module (e.g. use Excel) and run:

Sub NotSoBlackAndWhite()

  On Error Resume Next
  Kill Environ$("temp") & "\DropMe2.mdb"
  On Error GoTo 0

  Dim cat
  Set cat = CreateObject("ADOX.Catalog")
  With cat
    .Create _
        "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
        "Data Source=" & _
        Environ$("temp") & "\DropMe2.mdb"
    With .ActiveConnection

      Dim Sql As String

      Sql = _
          "CREATE TABLE tblRooms" & vbCr & "(" & vbCr & " Color VARCHAR(100)" & _
          " NOT NULL, " & vbCr & " RoomType NVARCHAR(100) NOT" & _
          " NULL, " & vbCr & " UNIQUE (Color, RoomType)" & vbCr & ");"
      .Execute Sql
      Sql = _
          "CREATE VIEW qryRoomColorCounts AS " & vbCr & "SELECT" & _
          " " & vbCr & "tblRooms.RoomType, tblRooms.Color, Count(*)" & _
          " AS ColorCount " & vbCr & "FROM tblRooms " & vbCr & "GROUP BY" & _
          " tblRooms.RoomType, tblRooms.Color"
      .Execute Sql
      Sql = _
          "INSERT INTO tblRooms (Color, RoomType) VALUES" & _
          " ('Black', 'Large');"
          .Execute Sql
      Sql = _
          "INSERT INTO tblRooms (Color, RoomType) VALUES" & _
          " ('White', 'Large');"
          .Execute Sql
      Sql = _
          "INSERT INTO tblRooms (Color, RoomType) VALUES" & _
          " ('White', 'Small');"
          .Execute Sql
      Sql = _
          "INSERT INTO tblRooms (Color, RoomType) VALUES" & _
          " ('White', 'Med');"
          .Execute Sql
      Sql = _
          "INSERT INTO tblRooms (Color, RoomType) VALUES" & _
          " ('Black', 'Small');"
          .Execute Sql

      Sql = _
          "SELECT " & vbCr & "tblRooms.RoomType, " & vbCr & "(SELECT TOP" & _
          " 1 qryRoomColorCounts.Color FROM qryRoomColorCounts" & _
          " WHERE" & vbCr & " qryRoomColorCounts.RoomType=tblRooms.RoomType" & _
          " " & vbCr & " ORDER BY qryRoomColorCounts.ColorCount" & _
          " DESC) AS MostUsedColor " & vbCr & "FROM tblRooms " & vbCr & "GROUP" & _
          " BY tblRooms.RoomType"

      Dim rs
      Set rs = .Execute(Sql)  ' <--- ERROR HERE '
      MsgBox rs.GetString

    End With
    Set .ActiveConnection = Nothing
  End With
End Sub

Upvotes: -1


Reputation: 57023

As this is Access (ACE, Jet, whatever), we probably need to use intermediary result sets via VIEWs (saved query objects, querydefs, whatever):

CREATE VIEW Table1ColorTallies
 Color, tally
SELECT Color, COUNT(*) AS tally
  FROM Table1
    BY Color;

CREATE VIEW Table1ColorsWithMaxTallies
  FROM Table1ColorTallies AS T1
 WHERE T1.tally = (
                   SELECT MAX(T2.tally)
                     FROM Table1ColorTallies AS T2

Using the VIEWs to get the desired result:

  FROM Table1ColorsWithMaxTallies
 WHERE 1 = (
            SELECT COUNT(*)
              FROM Table1ColorsWithMaxTallies AS T2

Note the above CREATE VIEW SQL DDL must be executed individually in ANSI-92 Query Mode. Alternatively, create them as saved query objects (querydefs, whatever) using the Access UI (DAO, whatever) in the usual way.

Here's some VBA to create a new db called DropMe.mdb in your temp folder, create Table1 with sample data, then create my suggested VIEWs and show the result of my suggested query in a message box. Uses ADO but no references are required (uses late binding). Just paste in any VBA standard code module (e.g. use Excel) and run. I think it will scale well to more than 1 color ;)

Sub BlackAndWhite()

  On Error Resume Next
  Kill Environ$("temp") & "\DropMe.mdb"
  On Error GoTo 0

  Dim cat
  Set cat = CreateObject("ADOX.Catalog")
  With cat
    .Create _
        "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
        "Data Source=" & _
        Environ$("temp") & "\DropMe.mdb"
    With .ActiveConnection

      Dim Sql As String

      Sql = _
          "CREATE TABLE Table1" & vbCr & "(" & vbCr & " Color VARCHAR(100)" & _
          " NOT NULL, " & vbCr & " Room_type NVARCHAR(100) NOT" & _
          " NULL, " & vbCr & " UNIQUE (Color, Room_type)" & vbCr & ");"
      .Execute Sql
      Sql = _
          "CREATE VIEW Table1ColorTallies" & vbCr & "(" & vbCr & " Color," & _
          " tally" & vbCr & ")" & vbCr & "AS " & vbCr & "SELECT Color, COUNT(*) AS tally" & vbCr & "" & _
          "  FROM Table1" & vbCr & " GROUP " & vbCr & "    BY Color;"
      .Execute Sql
      Sql = _
          "CREATE VIEW Table1ColorsWithMaxTallies" & vbCr & "(" & vbCr & "" & _
          " Color" & vbCr & ")" & vbCr & "AS " & vbCr & "SELECT T1.Color" & vbCr & "  FROM Table1ColorTallies" & _
          " AS T1" & vbCr & " WHERE T1.tally = (" & vbCr & "            " & _
          "       SELECT MAX(T2.tally)" & vbCr & "           " & _
          "          FROM Table1ColorTallies AS T2" & vbCr & "" & _
          "                  );"
      .Execute Sql
      Sql = _
          "INSERT INTO Table1 (Color, Room_type) VALUES" & _
          " ('Black', 'Large');"
          .Execute Sql
      Sql = _
          "INSERT INTO Table1 (Color, Room_type) VALUES" & _
          " ('White', 'Large');"
          .Execute Sql
      Sql = _
          "INSERT INTO Table1 (Color, Room_type) VALUES" & _
          " ('White', 'Small');"
          .Execute Sql
      Sql = _
          "INSERT INTO Table1 (Color, Room_type) VALUES" & _
          " ('White', 'Med');"
          .Execute Sql
      Sql = _
          "INSERT INTO Table1 (Color, Room_type) VALUES" & _
          " ('Black', 'Small');"
          .Execute Sql

      Sql = _
          "SELECT Color" & vbCr & "  FROM Table1ColorsWithMaxTallies" & vbCr & "" & _
          " WHERE 1 = (" & vbCr & "            SELECT COUNT(*)" & vbCr & "" & _
          "              FROM Table1ColorsWithMaxTallies" & _
          " AS T2" & vbCr & "           );"

      Dim rs
      Set rs = .Execute(Sql)
      MsgBox rs.GetString

    End With
    Set .ActiveConnection = Nothing
  End With
End Sub

Upvotes: 1

Jonathan Leffler
Jonathan Leffler

Reputation: 753585

Since your question is not yet clear, we have to make some fairly sweeping guesses about what you are after. If your table is really more like:

RoomID Color  Room type
  1    Black  Large
  2    White  Large
  3    White  Small
  4    Black  Medium
  5    Black  Small
  6    Black  Large
  7    White  Large
  8    White  Small
  9    White  Large
 10    White  Large

And if you want to know whether there are more black or white rooms of each of the three sizes, and you specify something for 'there are an equal number of black and white rooms' (grey?), and if MS Access can use this syntax, then maybe:

Number of rooms of each colour at each size:

SELECT [Room type] AS RoomType, Color, COUNT(*) AS RoomCount
  FROM Rooms
 GROUP BY RoomType, Color

Self-join this result to get black and white counts into single table:

SELECT NVL(Black.RoomType, White.RoomType) AS RoomType,
       NVL(WhiteCount, 0) AS WhiteCount,
       NVL(BlackCount, 0) AS BlackCount
  FROM (SELECT [Room type] AS RoomType, COUNT(*) AS WhiteCount
          FROM Rooms
         WHERE Color = 'White'
         GROUP BY RoomType
       ) AS White
       (SELECT [Room type] AS RoomType, COUNT(*) AS BlackCount
          FROM Rooms
         WHERE Color = 'Black'
         GROUP BY RoomType
       ) AS Black
       ON Black.RoomType = White.RoomType

(I don't know if MS Access supports FULL OUTER JOIN. If not, you have to work harder. Similarly, I've not checked whether it supports NVL - maybe it supports COALESCE instead.)

This will give you a series of rows, one for each room type, with a WhiteCount and a BlackCount.

Now you just need to post-process that to give you the information you are after - if my guesswork is justified.

Edit: Must use NVL() or equivalent on RoomType and include table aliases; now tested and producing the correct answer on MacOS X 10.6.7 with IBM Informix Dynamic Server 11.70.FC1:

Roomtype   Whitecount   Blackcount
Large      4            2
Small      2            1
Medium     0            1

If MS Access does not support FULL OUTER JOIN, then the query is very much messier. Does it support LEFT and RIGHT (OUTER) JOIN? Let's hope so because then you can use this (which has been changed to assume that the column name is Rooms.RoomType (no space in the name):

SELECT NVL(White.RoomType, Black.RoomType) AS RoomType,
       NVL(WhiteCount, 0) AS WhiteCount,
       NVL(BlackCount, 0) AS BlackCount
  FROM (SELECT RoomType AS RoomType, COUNT(*) AS WhiteCount
          FROM Rooms
         WHERE Color = 'White'
         GROUP BY RoomType
       ) AS White
       (SELECT RoomType AS RoomType, COUNT(*) AS BlackCount
          FROM Rooms
         WHERE Color = 'Black'
         GROUP BY RoomType
       ) AS Black
       ON Black.RoomType = White.RoomType
SELECT NVL(White.RoomType, Black.RoomType) AS RoomType,
       NVL(WhiteCount, 0) AS WhiteCount,
       NVL(BlackCount, 0) AS BlackCount
  FROM (SELECT RoomType AS RoomType, COUNT(*) AS WhiteCount
          FROM Rooms
         WHERE Color = 'White'
         GROUP BY RoomType
       ) AS White
       (SELECT RoomType AS RoomType, COUNT(*) AS BlackCount
          FROM Rooms
         WHERE Color = 'Black'
         GROUP BY RoomType
       ) AS Black
       ON Black.RoomType = White.RoomType;

This formulation relies on UNION removing duplicate rows. Given the test data, it produces the same result. You could compact it a little by using White.RoomType in the main select-list of the first half of the UNION (instead of the NVL expression) and Black.RoomType in the second half.

If MS Access doesn't support any outer joins, then (a) it's time to upgrade to a real DBMS and (b) let me know and we'll work out the long-handed 3-way UNION way of doing the same job.

Upvotes: 0

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