Reputation: 1154
I am trying to write a function that uses indices that takes key-value pairs and stacks them.
Here is my data:
mydata<-structure(list(groupA = c("Rugby for Chipmunks", "Rugby for Chipmunks", "Rugby for Chipmunks", "Chafing Explained"), First = c(5, 3.57142857142857, 5, 4.5), groupB = c("Pylons for Priests", "Eating Creosote", "Eating Creosote", "Eating Creosote"), Second = c(4, 4, 3.16666666666667, 2.1666667), groupC = c("Wow for YOU!", "Advanced Cats for Bears", "Blue Paint Only", "Mockingbirds"), Third = c(5, 3, NaN, 4), groupD = c("How to Sell Pigeons", "How to Sell Pigeons", "How to Sell Pigoens", "Larger Boulders"), Fourth = c(4.3, 3, 4.1, 3.4), groupE = c("Making Money with Pears", "Making Money with Pears", "Why Walnuts?", "Responding to Idiots Part II"), Fifth = c(5, 3, 5, 4.16666666666667)), row.names = c(NA, -4L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
I want to use indices because my future tasks will have dataframes with different column names and widths. My approach uses a function to determine if a column is odd/even, and then extract pairs of columns until I reach the last odd numbered column. Note that the function must account for required order of odd-even indices for each extraction (group name and corresponding score):
odd <- function(x) x%%2 != 0
for (i in 1:dim(df)[2]) # define number of loops
if ( i==dim(df)[2]-1 ) {break} # stop at least odd-numbered column
if ( odd(i)==FALSE) {next} # skip when i is not an odd numbered index
outfile[[i+1]]<-df[ ,c(i,i+1)]
You can see the result is only the last key-value pair. Why? How can I adjust the function to extract all key-value pairs into one dataframe?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 174
Reputation: 270248
1) reshape reshape
can do that assuming that what you want is to reshape the data frame into long form. No packages are used.
nc <- ncol(mydata)
ig <- seq(1, nc, 2) # indexes of key columns
reshape(, dir = "long",
varying = list(ig, -ig), v.names = c("key", "value"))
time key value id
1.1 1 Rugby for Chipmunks 5.000000 1
2.1 1 Rugby for Chipmunks 3.571429 2
3.1 1 Rugby for Chipmunks 5.000000 3
4.1 1 Chafing Explained 4.500000 4
1.2 2 Pylons for Priests 4.000000 1
2.2 2 Eating Creosote 4.000000 2
3.2 2 Eating Creosote 3.166667 3
4.2 2 Eating Creosote 2.166667 4
1.3 3 Wow for YOU! 5.000000 1
2.3 3 Advanced Cats for Bears 3.000000 2
3.3 3 Blue Paint Only NaN 3
4.3 3 Mockingbirds 4.000000 4
1.4 4 How to Sell Pigeons 4.300000 1
2.4 4 How to Sell Pigeons 3.000000 2
3.4 4 How to Sell Pigoens 4.100000 3
4.4 4 Larger Boulders 3.400000 4
1.5 5 Making Money with Pears 5.000000 1
2.5 5 Making Money with Pears 3.000000 2
3.5 5 Why Walnuts? 5.000000 3
4.5 5 Responding to Idiots Part II 4.166667 4
2) pivot_longer This can alternately be done with pivot_longer
v.names <- c("key", "value")
mydata %>%
setNames(outer(v.names, 1:(ncol(.)/2), paste)) %>%
mutate(id = 1:n()) %>%
pivot_longer(cols = -id, names_to = c(".value", "no"), names_sep = " ") %>%
arrange(no, id)
Note that this is similar to the use of pivot_longer
here: Pivot by group for unequal data size
Here is your code revised.
moveit <- function(df) {
outfile <- list()
for(i in seq_along(df)) if (odd(i)) outfile[[(i+1)/2]] <- df[c(i, i+1)]
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 887881
We can create a numeric index with gl
and split
the dataset into list
of data.frame
, rename
the list
elements with map
and join it rowwise
split.default(mydata, as.integer(gl(ncol(mydata), 2, ncol(mydata)))) %>%
map_dfr(~ .x %>%
rename_all(~ c('group', 'value')))
The above can also be made into a No package zone
lst1 <- split.default(mydata, as.integer(gl(ncol(mydata), 2, ncol(mydata)))), lapply(lst1, setNames, c("group", "value")))
In the OP's code, the 'outfile' list
is initialized with length 0. Instead it can be
odd <- function(x) x%%2 != 0
outfile <- vector('list', ncol(mydata))
for (i in seq_along(df)) {
outfile[[i]]<-df[ ,c(i,i+1)]
Filter(Negate(is.null), outfile)
result <- moveit(mydata)
Also, the main issue is that the 'outfile' is not returned at the end
odd <- function(x) x%%2 != 0
for (i in 1:dim(df)[2]) { # define number of loops
if ( i==dim(df)[2]-1 ) {break} # stop at least odd-numbered column
if ( odd(i)==FALSE) {next} # skip when i is not an odd numbered index
outfile[[i+1]]<-df[ ,c(i,i+1)]
NOTE: No packages are used here as well
Upvotes: 1